Senior Lifestyles – February 2011

In This Issue

How to stay healthy, and avoid making a difficult decision

Health officials emphasize that Americans should stay home from work when they are sick, but for many, the decision is hard to make. The best way to avoid staying home – and protect your health – is to take precautions to help you stay healthy. Here are a few tips to help you stay well and working this flu season and beyond…

Aging in place allows you to keep your heart at home

Home really is where the heart is. Upon retirement, 90 percent of Americans age 60 and older choose to stay right where they are, according to 20 years of data from the U.S. Census Bureau. And because so many Americans are aging in place, they’re looking for ways to make their homes safe and comfortable for the long term. Here are some modification ideas to help you keep your heart right at home:

Secrets of budget travelers that everyone should know

Budget travelers are a unique breed – they have a tireless dedication to finding the best deals, a keen sense for sniffing out hidden surprises and, usually, a mental database of ways to save money when they’re doing what they love most: traveling. In light of the economy, almost every American traveler has become a budget traveler. Prices in many destinations are going up and airfares are hitting new highs, but it’s still important to many people to get in a family vacation or a friends’ getaway. For those who are new to the budget travel game, a few tips can come in handy

Get help for the most common, most ignored type of pain

If our teeth ache, most of us will quickly head to the dentist for treatment. But if your feet hurt, do you just chalk up the pain as a discomfort of modern life? Sadly, most of us do. Most Americans say they have foot pain at least some of the time, and more of us have pain in our feet than in any other part of our bodies we consider vital to health, such as skin, teeth or even the heart, according to a recent survey by the American Podiatric Medical Association. Yet feet rank lowest on the list of body parts and functions that Americans consider important to their health, the APMA study shows.

How to get in shape while doing your household chores

Tackling items on your household to-do list is a great way to spruce up your home, while also toning your body. However, the repetition of some household chores can lead to injury, so it’s important to take the proper precautions to keep you healthy while you get in shape. Here are a few ideas for getting active around the house and how to avoid injury while tackling these projects…

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