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Monthly Archive for December, 2010

The Messenger – December 17, 2010

In This Issue…

Hospital employees facing salary & benefit cuts

Faced with declining revenues in a poor economy, Monadnock Community Hospital has announced a second round of salary cuts.

Chamber honors Shattuck & Livingstons

The Hillsborough Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce that the 2010 Citizen of the Year is Gilman Shattuck.  Livingston’s Auto Repair and Arctic Cat is the 2010 Business of the Year.

Hillsborough couple escapes Sunday fire

Last Sunday, Hillsborough firefighters rescued an elderly man who couldn’t get up from the kitchen floor as smoke filled his home. The fire started in the breeze-way that connects Fred Hill’s garage to the kitchen of his 25 Center Road home.

Pair arrested for Hillsboro home invasion

Two local men have been arrested in relation to a violent home invasion on December 13th. Brian Boucher, 26, of Hillsboro and Brent Smith, 26, of Deering have been charged with armed robbery in relation to a home invasion at a house on Second NH Turnpike.

Newport applying for state grant

Public Works Director Larry Wiggins and Finance Director Paul Brown met with the Newport selectmen to discuss STP Rural Development Grant & Project Status.

Henniker Chamber helps food pantry

The Henniker Chamber of Commerce recently hosted a Holiday Business After Hours at Daniel’s Restaurant. Fifty-five members and guests attended this holiday event.

Peterborough man charged with felony

A Peterborough man was arrested Monday on felony charges for allegedly growing marijuana in his apartment. Jeffrey Orban, 24, of Union Street, turned himself in on a warrant charging him with manufacture of a controlled drug.

National Commander candidate visits NH Legions

Fang Wong, the lead candidate for next year’s National American Legion Commander, paid a visit to New Hampshire over the weekend of November 19-21, 2010. Retired from the Army as a Warrant Officer, his Post is in Chinatown, Manhattan, NY.

Read more here… The Messenger – December 17, 2010 – downlad PDF

Senior Lifestyles – December 2010

In This Issue

Laconia Savings donates 10K to food bank

Laconia Savings Bank donated $10,000 to the New Hampshire Food Bank as part of their Feeding NH Food Drive. “We are extremely grateful to Laconia Savings Bank for their generous donation that will give us a boost during our busy holiday season” stated Melanie Gosselin, Executive Director at the New Hampshire Food Bank. “The continued support that we receive proves that Laconia Savings Bank is dedicated to helping the communities in which they serve and beyond.”

Setting the perfect table this season

Entertaining at its best happens during the holidays and families and friends create many nostalgic memories around the dinner table. At this busy time of year you may be tempted to put your table setting on autopilot by using the same plates, stemware and napkins from years before. This season, strive to update your look by dedicating your decorating time to the area where guests gather to eat. A well-appointed tabletop can elevate an everyday meal to an elegant and sophisticated soiree.

Get moving to treat and prevent arthritis

More than just aches and pains, arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disease that damages joints and can even lead to loss of function or disability. For many years, it was believed that people with arthritis should not exercise, because movement could cause further damage to joints. Now, physical activity is recognized as playing an integral role in the prevention and treatment of arthritis.

Support groups help patients cope

For many patients, receiving a medical diagnosis can cause a mix of emotions – from relief that their symptoms are no longer a mystery, to fear about how to cope with the disease. To manage the range of emotions and live well after a diagnosis, it is important to establish a strong support network. In fact, Dr. John Klippel, CEO of the Arthritis Foundation, believes patients who do so are

Senior Lifestyles – December 2010 – download PDF