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The Messenger – February 18, 2011

Download The Messenger - February 18, 2011 (xMB PDF)In This Issue

Levine resigns as New London Administrator

New London administrator Jessie Levine has resigned effective April 15 to become the assistant town manager in Hanover. Levine has served in New London for the past 10 years. In her letter of resignation, she wrote “New London has meant the world to me and I owe a debt of gratitude to everyone I worked with over the years.

Newport mustaches set Guinness world record

They needed 251 mustached men to break the world record, but organizers had no reason to fear as 462 wiskered wonders turned out for Newport’s “Great Mustache Contest” as part of the town’s 95th Winter Carnival last Saturday. To be listed in the Guinness Book of World Records, each man had to stand in line for up to two hours while they signed in before two official observers, were photographed, and filmed before a panel of mustache judges.

No charges filed in Newport fatality

Sullivan County Attorney Marc Hathaway’s decision not to prosecute Melinda Leno for the death of Vicki Goss is disappointing to both the victim’s father and the Newport Police Chief. Hathaway reviewed the Newport police investigation, including statements from 27 witnesses, an accident scene reconstruction, a laboratory blood analysis and a detailed post-collision inspection of the vehicle.

Download The Messenger – February 18, 2011 (4.2MB PDF)

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