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Monthly Archive for April, 2011

The Messenger – April 29, 2011

In This Issue

Warner mourns and celebrates Rosa Valpey

Hillary Clinton has said “it takes a village to raise a child.” That may or may not be true, but last Thursday it took a village to mourn a child’s death and celebrate her all too short life….

NH GOP leaders join local Republicans

Approximately 60 Republicans attended the April meeting in Deering of the Contoocook Valley Republican Committee….

Help support a NH Coast Guard Memorial

The New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery in Boscawen will get a new monument for the Memorial Walk Way this summer if a group of Coast Guardsmen are successful in their fund raising efforts….

Download The Messenger – April 29, 2011 (pdf)

The Messenger – April 22, 2011

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - April 22, 2011 (pdf)Tragedy in Warner – 8 year old girl dies

An 8 year-old Warner girl was tragically killed Thursday night while riding her bicycle near her grandparents house on Route 103….

Area crews rescue stranded Antrim logger

Rescue crews from Antrim, Bennington and Hillsborough responded to a report of a local man stranded for hours in the woods after injuring himself while cutting firewood….

Proctor Square signs banned in Henniker?

Town Administrator Peter Flynn presented the selectmen with a proposed amendment to the town’s sign ordinance which would allow A-Frame signs advertising events at the intersection in Proctor Square….

Download The Messenger – April 22, 2011 (pdf)

The Messenger – April 15, 2011

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - April 15, 2011 (pdf)New London throws a party for Jesse Levine

Town officials colleagues and coworkers gathered in the Whipple Memorial Town Hall to say thank you and goodbye to New London Town Administrator Jessie Levine who leaves April 15th to become the assistant Town Manager in Hanover. Levine has served in New London for the past 10 years….

Senator Jeanne Shaheen is NEC Commencement speaker

Michele D. Perkins, President of New England College, announces that Jeanne Shaheen, United States Senator from New Hampshire, will speak at the College’s 64th Commencement ceremony on Saturday, May 14…

Fire destroys Newport mobile home

A Newport family of five escaped injury but their mobile home was completely destroyed in a fire last Saturday. With only moments to spare, 87-year-old Mary Rousseau was led to safety before flames engulfed the home….

Download The Messenger – April 15, 2011 (pdf)

The Messenger – April 8, 2011

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - April 8, 2011 (pdf)New London Hospital receives $10,000 gift

The New London Hospital has received a $10,000 gift from an anonymous donor. The gift was to the William P. Clough Extended Care Center in support of the fundraising effort to purchase a new handicap accessible van…

New London man arrested at Airport

A New London man was arrested at Logan International Airport on Wednesday when he tried to bring antique firearms on a plane. Brent Cameron, 44, was arrested by Massachusetts State Police after he attempted to pass through a security checkpoint with two antique firearms…

Monadnock Paper and Local 4-472 agree

It took more than half a year, but the Monadnock Paper Mills and Local 4-472 of the United Steel Workers have finally agreed on a new contract…

Download The Messenger – April 8, 2011 (pdf)

In New Hampshire – April 2011

In This Issue

Download In New Hampshire - April 2011 (pdf)Fourth Season for New England Lighthouse Tours

This spring, Jeremy D’Entremont will be launching his fourth season of “New England Lighthouse Tours,” with a variety of unique personalized van tours based in Portsmouth, NH. Past tourgoers have called the tours “educational and breathtaking” and the “perfect New England day trip”…

Charlotte Bronte’s classic “Jane Eyre” at Leddy Center

Charlotte Bronte’s magnificent Gothic love story is brought to stirring life as Leddy Center in Epping presents “JANE EYRE”, directed by Elaine Gatchell, April 1-10.

Russian National Ballet Theatre to perform

Celebrate the power of dance with The Music Hall’s annual Spring ballet – this year, Tchaikovsky’s masterpiece, Swan Lake, will be performed by the Russian National Ballet Theatre on Sunday, April 3, 2011 at 4pm at the landmark Victorian theater in downtown Portsmouth.

Folsom Family Gardening Day set for April 16

The American Independence Museum invites families to celebrate Spring and Patriots’ Day with its new “Folsom Family Gardening Day” to be held on Saturday, April 16 at historic Folsom Tavern.

Download In New Hampshire – April 2011 (pdf)

The Messenger – April 1, 2011

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - APril 1, 2011Hillsborough plans for economic development

The Hillsborough Economic Development Committee met recently with Steve Heavener of the Capital Region Development Committee. It was announced that Evelyn Kemp died last week at the age of 103. Doug Hatfield suggested that she should somehow be recognized at Kemp Park…

Local students shine at Keene State

Keene State College’s 11th Annual Academic Excellence Conference will take place on April 2, 2011. This student professional conference is designed to showcase the academic work of Keene State students and the collaborative work between students and faculty…

Sunapee trio busted for drugs in Newport

Three Sunapee men were arrested last Saturday in Newport and charged with possession of marijuana. Two of them were also charged with alcohol-related violations…

Download The Messenger – April 1, 2011 (pdf)

Senior Lifestyles – April 2011

In This Issue

Download Senior Lifestyles - April 2011 (pdf)Five simple screenings to get on the path to a healthy life

One in two Americans is living with a chronic disease. Chronic diseases are persistent and recurring, and are typically either hereditary or the result of factors such as poor diet, obesity or lack of exercise. Here are five simple screenings as a first step in determining whether or not you are at risk for a variety of treatable – and preventable – chronic diseases…

Maintaining an active lifestyle throughout the years

When it comes to enjoying life, it’s all about your attitude, rather than your age. There are no rules that say you need to abandon the activities that you once enjoyed in your youth. The key is to find a creative balance that fits the realities of what you like to do, and how you currently feel…

How a bike ride can help stop diabetes

Biking is great exercise that benefits your health in multiple ways. Whether you have a regular riding group or simply bike casually on the weekends, enjoying the outdoors on a bike is time well spent, and now a bike ride can make a difference in the lives of others living with diabetes…

Download Senior Lifestyles – April 2011 (pdf)

NH Homes & Home Improvement – April 2011

In This Issue

Download NH Homes & Home Improvement - April 2011 (pdf)Five weekend projects this spring

After a long winter across most of the country, people are looking forward to the rites of spring. And one of those cherished activities is the great remodeling project. Here are a few DIY projects to add to your to-do list that will help improve the beauty of your home.

Attaining the perfect patio in 48 hours

Spring is a time of renewal with flowers and trees blooming, grass greening and warmer temperatures bringing us back to the outdoors. But before you can begin to truly enjoy the fresh air – there are many updates needed to help your patio areas recover from the harsh effects of old man winter.

Fail-proof gardening tips from the pros

With so many plant choices, picking the perfect plants that will thrive in your garden can seem overwhelming – even for experienced gardeners. Rather than randomly buying plants that are attractive in the displays and hoping they’ll live once you get them home, there’s a smarter way to shop.

Download NH Homes & Home Improvement – April 2011 (pdf)