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Monthly Archive for May, 2011

New Hampshire Homes & Home Improvement – May 2011

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Download New Hampshire Homes & Home Improvement - May 2011 (pdf)Get inspired with colorful decorating

The change of seasons always provides fresh inspiration and motivation for home updates. Colors and textures are discovered anew in blooming gardens, strolls to local farmers’ markets and leisurely bicycle rides. A refreshed decor doesn’t mean having to invest in a big-ticket item like new furniture…

Tips to spruce up your home’s exterior

There’s no better time to spruce up your home. But while most families are reorganizing closets and making trips to Goodwill, they are neglecting the part of their home guests see first – its exterior. After this year’s harsh, long winter, the outside of your home probably needs more than a little TLC…

Fresh ideas for summer entertaining

Design insiders say you can make summer sizzle by throwing a great dinner party without breaking the bank. Simply start with two sources – your china cabinet and Mother Nature…

Tell your own story through home decor

With more and more people staying put in their homes, homeowners have realized the importance of creating a space that is meaningful to them and their families. Here are a few ideas for infusing your identity into your home’s decort…

Download New Hampshire Homes & Home Improvement – May 2011 (pdf)


The Messenger – May 27, 2011

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - May 27, 2011 (pdf)Four survive New London crash

Four people escaped serious injury when their car was hit by a tractor-trailer and flipped over on Interstate 89 Monday afternoon…

Pataki – I am not a candidate – yet

Insisting he is not a Republican candidate for President, former New York Gov. George Pataki spoke at New England College in his capacity as founder and chairman of “No American Debt”, an organization focused on raising awareness of the country’s $14.3 trillion debt…

NEC professor sent to jail

A former New England College professor will spend a year in jail for endangering the welfare of a 12-year-old Concord girl after using her picture to solicit men in internet chat rooms. Waco Worley, 39, of Concord also pleaded guilty to three counts of child pornography and received suspended prison sentences on those felony charges…

Antrim Planning Board vows to fight on

Refusing to accept the selectmen’s decision to deny the use of town funds to pay for an attorney to advocate the board’s position at the New Hampshire Site Evaluation hearings, the Antrim Planning Board has decided to use private funds to oppose the SEC’s jurisdiction over the proposed Eolian Renewable Energy wind project…

Download The Messenger – May 27, 2011 (pdf)

In New Hampshire – June 2011

In This Issue

Download In New Hampshire - June 2011Seacoast Irish Festival

This popular celebration of Irish heritage draws thousands of attendees. The Greater Dover Chamber of Commerce has teamed up with Dover Main Street to produce the event. A full day of Irish music and dance, as well as authentic Irish food and drink…

Drive in the 50’s coming to Berlin

Gorgeous classic cars will line the streets and music will be heard throughout downtown Thursday, June 2nd, 5 to 8pm, Rain or Shine. Everyone is invited to join the downtown festivities which will include great local food, incredible music, and of course, awe inspiring classic cars from all over New England…

Wingzilla Chicken Wing Cook-Off Competition

Northern Forest Heritage Park, located at 942 Main Street in Berlin NH, wants you to mark your calendars for June 18, 2011 for the 4th Annual WINGZILLA Chicken Wing BBQ Cook-Off. It’s a Block Party. It’s a blast…

Covered Bridge Dance

Dance the night away on June 25 at 7 p.m. under the Historic Jackson Covered Bridge… the moon the stars and you. Live Band plays and it is FREE…

Download In New Hampshire – June 2011

The Messenger – May 20, 2011

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - May 20, 2011 (pdf)Woman shot and killed in Hillsborough

New Hampshire Attorney General Michael A. Delaney, New Hampshire State Police Colonel Robert Quinn and Hillsborough Police Chief David Roarick, announce that an investigation is ongoing into an officer involved shooting incident which took place at 106 Sleeper Road in Hillsborough at approximately 1:15 a.m. Thursday…

Henniker Chamber host Spring Clean-Up Day

The Henniker Chamber of Commerce’s Henniker Community Spring Clean Up Day on Saturday, May 7th nearly 70 volunteers including 25 volunteers from the Henniker Community, Henniker Chamber Members and the Henniker Rotarians…

Antrim Time Capsule contents damaged

Antrim officials were able to open the time capsule discovered by the Highway crew. Although the metal box had been soldered closed, water managed to get in and destroyed many of the box’s contents. The items recovered, currently on display at the Tuttle Library, include a note from the time its was placed, glass negative plates, a ball rifle bullet and a 1970 copy of a newspaper from when the capsule was last dug up…

Download The Messenger – May 20, 2011 (pdf)

The Messenger – May 13, 2011

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - May 13, 2011 (pdf)Newport voters keep pocketbooks closed

Faced with a depressed national and local economy and the prospects of reduced state aid, the 504 Newport voters who attended Tuesday’s Town Meeting were in no mood to spend money…

Hillsboro-Deering DECA #1 in world

Hillsboro-Deering High School DECA ended their competitive year with three recognitions on the international stage at the International Career Development Conference held in Orlando, Florida from April 29–May 3, 2011…

Colby-Sawyer grads told to act like zombies

Cloudy skies and a cool breeze couldn’t dampen the spirits of those who attended Colby-Sawyer’s 2011 graduation ceremonies last Saturday…

Download The Messenger – May 13, 2011 (pdf)

The Messenger – May 6, 2011

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - May 6, 2011 (pdf)2,000 customers lose power in area towns

More than 2,000 customers in Weare, Goffstown, Henniker and Dunbarton lost power on Friday as a result of a tree cutting accident…

Henniker fire claims Gulf Road residence

The Henniker Fire Department was unable to save a single-family home at 594 Gulf Road shortly after 1pm Saturday. When crews arrived on the scene they found the house fully involved…

Henniker Selectmen have second thoughts on signs

Reacting to complaints from several town residents, the Henniker selectmen are attempting to modify their approval of a $160,000 state grant providing new highway signs throughout town…

Download The Messenger – May 6, 2011 (pdf)

Senior Lifestyles – May 2011

In This Issue

Download Senior Lifestyles - May 2011 (pdf)Art & Antique Appraisal Day in Exeter

The prestigious global independent art appraisal and advisory firm, Winston Art Group is coming to Exeter on Saturday, May 14 to participate in the American Independence Museum’s “What’s in YOUR Attic?”…

Birds of prey gather in Warner

One of the best kept secrets in New England was revealed last Monday, April 25, 2011 at the Warner Town Hall. Co-sponsored by the Warner Men’s Club, Warner Woman’s Club and the Pillsbury Free Library, over 165 adults and children witnessed a fantastic and visually informative program conducted by Tom Ricardi of the Massachusetts Birds of Prey Rehabilitation Center located in Conway, Massachusetts…

Smart traveler’s strategy for saving money

Before you know it, kids will be out of school and the warm summer months will provide long days full of possibilities. The tradition of summer travel is still alive and well, and smart travelers know how to plan so they get the most for their dollar…

Download Senior Lifestyles – May 2011 (pdf)

In New Hampshire – May 2011

In This Issue

Download In New Hampshire - May 2011 (pdf)Wildquack Duck River Festival and Duck Race

A recognized quintessential New England Village and a highly visited resort destination plays host to the 22nd running of the…

New Hampshire Golf Association looks forward to 2011

The New Hampshire Golf Association has published its 2011 tournament schedule. As in the past, a number of golf clubs have agreed to host State Amateur pre-qualifiers in May and June. Players will vie for spots at each pre-qualifier, leading up to the NHGA State Amateur Championship, to be held at the outstanding Nashua Country Club July11th to 16th…

The Music Hall presents Momix: Botanica

Portsmouth, New Hampshire…The Music Hall presents Momix: Botanica on stage at its historic theater in downtown Portsmouth, New Hampshire on Saturday, May 14, 2011 8pm and Sunday May 15, 2011 2pm. They are returning to The Music Hall with their visually thrilling “herbal remedy…for our current universal blues” as founder Moses Pendleton puts it…

Download In New Hampshire – May 2011 (pdf)