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Monthly Archive for December, 2012

The Messenger – Dec. 28, 2012

Download The Messenger – Dec. 28, 2012 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - Dec. 28, 2012 (pdf)Hillsborough couple wins Megabucks $2.1 million

The clerk at Circle K in Hillsborough made a mistake, but Scott and Cathy Bennett aren’t complaining. Scott wanted to buy tickets to two games on Wednesday. He said he’d like a Lucky For Life ticket and a Tri State Megabucks Plus ticket, but the clerk sold him…

Henniker Community School promotes ‘Ambassadors of Kindness’

The Ambassadors of Kindness (AOK) theme at the Henniker Community School began eight years ago following a 7th grade class discussion about role models. HCS Teacher Elizabeth Paul used an example of an unkind incident…

Christmas Tree Bonfire supports the Food Pantry

Again this year, the Hillsboro Fire Department, Hillsboro Parks and Recreation Department and The Office of Youth Services are sponsoring a Christmas Tree Bonfire at Grimes Field, on Saturday, January 5th from 5:00pm – 6:30pm. Trees may be dropped off at Grimes Field the day of…

H-D students join Life Skills Bread Baking Program

On December 13th, Hillsboro-Deering Elementary School students participated in a Life Skills Bread Baking Program that has reached more than 190,000 students nation-wide since it began in 1992, providing kids with a fun, real-world application of skills they’re already…

Fire Fund set up for Newport woman

The Diane Callum Fire Fund account has been set up at Lake Sunapee Bank in Newport to assist Callum whose home was heavily damaged by an early morning fire Sunday. Callum has been a 4-H volunteer for the past 35 years and the Sullivan County Extension office in Newport was contacted by several people wishing to aid Callum. Donations may be sent directly to…

The Messenger – Dec. 14, 2012

Download The Messenger – Dec. 14, 2012 pages 1-16 (pdf)

Download The Messenger – Dec. 14, 2012 pages 17-24 (pdf)

Download The Messenger – Dec. 14, 2012 pages 25-32 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - Dec. 14, 2012 (pdf)Dollar General suspends plans for a Bennington store

Representatives from Dollar General have informed the Bennington Planning Board of the company’s intent to suspend its application to build a store on Route 202. Dollar General was scheduled for…

Hillsboro-Deering’s Heidi Welch honored as “NH Teacher of the Year”

With her family, Superintendent Robert Hassett, Principal Jim O’Roarke, Assistant Principal Jen Crawford and School Board Chair Rich Pelletier in attendance, H-D Music Director Heidi Welch graciously accepted the NH Board of Education’s “Teacher of the Year” award at a banquet in Plymouth Tuesday evening. Welch has been teaching music at…

Newport schools sponsor 3rd Annual Festival of Trees

The Christmas holiday season will spring to life from 5-8 p.m. on Dec 14 with the 3rd annual “Festival of Trees” Village Celebration hosted by Sugar River Valley Regional Technical Center. “Come with your family to enjoy the sights, sounds and smells of the…

John Stark wins HealthierUS Award

John Stark Regional High School (JSRHS) was awarded the HealthierUS School Challenge Bronze Award from the USDA Wednesday evening. Stark is the very first high school in NH and only one of five schools (the others are elementary or middle) in the state to achieve…

Bradford Police Dept. has armored car

Resident Perry Teele questioned why the Bradford Police Department has an armored personnel carrier that he had seen several times in the past month. Police Chief Jim Valiquet replied that it is owned by…

The Messenger – Dec. 7, 2012

Download The Messenger – Dec. 7, 2012 pages 1-16 (pdf)

Download The Messenger – Dec. 7, 2012 pages 17-32 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - Dec. 7, 2012 (pdf)High speed internet service proposed for New London

Carole Monroe of NH Fast Roads recently met with the New London Selectmen seeking permission to install the company’s equipment in a town hall closet. Installed at no cost to the town, the connection would provide…

Two unsafe Francestown bridges closed

The Town of Francestown was notified that the state recommends the closure of the bridges on Second New Hampshire Turnpike South over South Branch Piscataquog River and Woodward Hill Road over Brennan Brook due to serious…

Hillsborough Pride’s Olde Fashioned Christmas – a full day of fun

A dusting of snow added to the festive spirit as Hillsborough celebrated Olde Fashioned Christmas on Saturday, coordinated by Hillsborough Pride. Revelers started the day well fed at The Mason’s All You Can Eat Breakfast, with the proceeds going to fund…

Teacher sacrifices his mustache for Make-A-Wish

The H-D chapter of DECA raised over $500 for the Make-A-Wish foundation by collecting donations for veteran English teacher Brian Walsh to shave off his 34-year-old mustache. Dakota Sousa led this campaign by…

Colby-Sawyer installs solar photovoltaic arrays on four campus buildings

Colby-Sawyer College has partnered with Exeter, N.H.-based ReVision Energy to build one of the largest solar photovoltaic arrays in New Hampshire. A solar photovoltaic array is composed of a series of panels that use the sun’s abundant energy to create…