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Monthly Archive for March, 2013

In New Hampshire – April 2013

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In This Issue

Download In New Hampshire - April 2013 (pdf)Restaurant Week Portsmouth & The Seacoast

49 restaurants are participating in Restaurant Week Portsmouth & The Seacoast’s Spring promotion, April 4-13th, 2013.  As a result of a growing food sensitivity awareness, many of the participating restaurants will be showcasing gluten free menus and additiona…

Bruce Hornsby at the Capitol Center for the Arts

Three-time Grammy Award-winning singer, songwriter and pianist Bruce Hornsby will bring a rare, intimate, solo piano performance to Concord’s Capitol Center for the Arts on Friday, April 19 at 8pm. Hornsby’s work continues to display the same creative iconoclasm that’s been a constant in the artist’s…

NH Sheep & Wool Festival

Join us May 11th and 12th at the Deerfield Fairgrounds in Deerfield, NH for the 37th annual NH Sheep & Wool Festival. Over 120 vendors of yarn and other wool and fiber products, as well as farming supplies for sheep, alpacas, llamas, goats and rabbits. Festival attendees may…

Mt. Kearsarge Indian Museum opening & new exhibit

Mt. Kearsarge Indian Museum opens May 1 with a new exhibit about “Containers”. Bark, marsh-plant fiber, ash splint, gourd, cattails – these are some of the materials that have been skillfully and artfully twined, woven, carved, folded, or sewn into the containers in the 2013 season’s first exhibit…

How the brewing industry shaped the city

Recognized as a “foodie” destination, with more restaurant seats than residents, Portsmouth has loved its “public houses” from the start. Strawbery Banke Museum’s featured 2013 exhibit, “Tapping Portsmouth: How the Brewing Industry Shaped the City” explores 300 years of that brewing history, literally from the ground up, thanks to the hops grown…

The Messenger – March 29, 2013

Download The Messenger – March 29, 2013 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - March 29, 2013 (pdf)Newport shooting range faces three appeals

Although the Newport Planning Board has approved the Sturm, Ruger & Company/Mountain View Gun Club gun range on John Stark Highway, the issue is far from settled. Three appeals have been filed against the project. Two by the Newport Safety Coalition, one with the…

Six teacher layoffs included in $1 million H-D budget reduction

Speaking before a pack-house of teachers, administrators and staff, SAU #34 Superintendent Robert Hassett presented the H-D School Board with his preliminary recommendations trimming the proposed budget by the $1 million dictated by voters. Upset by the…

Second Federal suit filed against Weare Police Department

The Town of Weare and its Police Department are back in Federal Court defending how police officers treated a group that was filming a 2010 traffic stop. In his suit, Plaintiff William Rodriguez states that he was illegally detained, his camera confiscated and he was subjected to…

Fourth Annual Taste of Hillsboro was successful

On Saturday, March 23, the Hillsboro NH Scholars hosted the 4th annual “Taste of Hillsboro” at the Hillsboro Deering Middle School. Ten restaurants had various foods on hand from their menus and people had the opportunity to try sample size portions…

Hopkinton residents oppose expanding transfer station

Following an emotional discussion over a potential cell tower, (See story on page 1) the Hopkinton Selectmen heard testimony from residents opposed to amending the Hopkinton-Webster waste-facility permit to allow opening the transfer station to residents of other towns. Assistant Superintendent Steve Clough briefed the Board on the reasons opening the facility would generate…

Long overdue “Welcome Home” for Vietnam Vets

This Saturday, March 30 at 2 p.m., the State of NH officially recognizes the service of Vietnam veterans with a Welcome Home Ceremony at the NHNG Army Aviation Flight Facility on Regional Drive in Concord. Now in their 60s and 70s, they swore that the next generation…

Senior Lifestyles – March 2013

Download Senior Lifestyles – March 2013 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download Senior Lifestyles - March 2013 (pdf)Insurance fraud: A $40 billion battle

The last thing anyone wants is for his or her insurance rates to increase. Most policyholders would be surprised to know it’s the last thing their insurance company wants to happen, too. That’s why…

How to protect yourself from identity theft

Identity theft occurs more frequently in the United States than people want to believe. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, identity theft and identity fraud are referred to as “all types of crime in which someone wrongfully obtains and uses…

Trash vs. treasure: Expert tips when hunting for authentic garage sale finds

How do you know the difference between what’s really treasure and what’s simply trash? Larry Singleton, decor manager at Cracker Barrel Old Country Store, Inc., is an expert when it comes to collecting historic relics.- Singleton and his family have been collecting for more than 40 years,…

Dogged by pricey pet care? Cost-cutting tips for pet owners

These days, everyone is searching for ways to save money and stretch budgets. Consumer experts advise people to sniff out deeper discounts, saving opportunities and additional ways to cut costs. For pet owners, it can feel challenging to cut …

Diet rich in nutrients promotes a lifetime of healthy vision

From dry eye to age-related eye diseases, research shows that nutrition plays a critical role in maintaining the health of our eyes…

The Messenger – March 22, 2013

Download The Messenger – March 22, 2013 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - March 22, 2013 (pdf)Hillsboro-Deering issues 25 pre-lay off notices

Reacting to actions of Hillsboro-Deering School District voters in denying a requested $1 million increase in the school budget, Superintendent Robert Hassett has sent out 25 notices, 12 to teachers and 13 to support staff, indicating they may be laid off as part of a…

Weare woman to spend 13 months in federal prison

Heidi Lacerte, 48, of Weare, has been sentenced to 13 months in federal prison for stealing $52,000 of Social Security and Veterans Affairs benefits from incapacitated adults with developmental disabilities, mental illness, dementia and…

Henniker Chamber urges all to “Think Local, Buy Local – Support Henniker”

The Henniker Chamber of Commerce has kicked off a “Think Local, Buy Local – Support Henniker” campaign to get Henniker residents and visitors to consider the impact of supporting local businesses and making more purchases in town. Bumper stickers, window decals,…

Deering voters fund senior services over selectmen’s objection

In approving every article on the warrant, Deering voters overruled their selectmen and appropriated $2,000 to support Deering Seniors through the Greater Hillsborough Senior Services Committee. In addition to the $1.57 operating budget, voters approved…

Hopkinton voters reverse position – OK highway garage

With a lawsuit pending over an insurance claim with the Local Government Center, and bare estimates of replacement costs, Hopkinton voters, in November, refused to approve a bond to rebuild the town’s…

Weare police arrest two for aggravated sexual assault

On March 15th, members of the Weare Police Department received information that a 20 year old female had fallen victim to an Aggravated Felonious Sexual Assault involving two men. The suspects were identified as Tyler Janvrin, 22, of Weare and James Cheney, 23, of…

In New Hampshire – March 2013

Download In New Hampshire – March 2013 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download In New Hampshire - March 2013 (pdf)Celtic Heritage Month Concert slated

Celebrate Celtic Heritage Month at the Nashua Public Library with a Sunday concert on March 24 at 2 p.m. The afternoon begins with Shanacchie, the Irish singing duo of Pat Heffernan and Patrick Keane. Favorites in Southern New Hampshire, the duo performs songs old and new for young and old, with their special brand of stories and shenanigans thrown into…

The New Hampshire Maple Experience

Maple tours are back on tap at The Rocks Estate this spring. Discovering the history of maple sugaring, participating in the process of tapping trees and making syrup, horse-drawn wagon rides through the scenic Rocks property, and tasty treats have made these tours a favorite springtime tradition. “Last year nearly 800 visitors participated in the Maple Experience at The Rocks in just…

SnoDeo – Swift Diamond Riders

Thousands of snowmobile enthusiasts will converge on Coleman State Park in Stewartstown to enjoy two days of fun and food at the Swift Diamond Riders SnoDeo, sponsored by the Swift Diamond Riders. Those attending will be able to check out next year’s line of snowmobiles by taking demo…

Zero Dark Thirty

For a decade, an elite team of intelligence and military operatives, working in secret across the globe, devoted themselves to a single goal: to find and eliminate Osama bin Laden. “Zero Dark Thirty” is a military term for 30 minutes after midnight and also referred to the secrecy surrounding the mission. This new…

The Ancient Art of Gyotaku

The Ancient Art of Gyotaku Gyotaku, or fish printing, orginated in the early 1800s. Fish prints have been used to keep records of catch and to learn about fish biology in Japan for over 100 years. The technique became an art that has spread across…

The Messenger – March 15, 2013

Download The Messenger – March 15, 2013 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - March 15, 2013 (pdf)Food Bank Campaign sells “nothing for something”

The New Hampshire Food Bank and the Citizens Bank Foundation have announced an innovative campaign that aims to challenge the struggle of hunger in NH, and it’s all about “Nothing.”Cans of Nothing are empty and represent the…

Two men arrested during Henniker drug bust

On March 7, 2013 at 7:26 a.m. the Henniker Police Department, Merrimack County Sheriff’s Office and the New Hampshire Attorney General’s Drug Task Force served a search warrant on an apartment located at 4 Bridge Street in Henniker. The search warrant was the result of a several month investigation into…

Hillsborough approves reduced town & school budgets

Hillsborough voters needed just over two hours to pass all 24 Warrant Articles, including the $6.5 million operating budget, most without discussion or debate. The selectman’s budget was nearly…

HCS student in NH Geography Bee finals

Henniker Community School eight grader Sam Hammond, son of Matthew and Andrea Hammond is one of the semi-finalists eligible to compete in the 2013 New Hampshire National Geographic Bee. To qualify for this honor, Sam was among the top…

Warner area sugar houses offering tours

Twelve Warner area sugar houses are banding together to make this year’s Maple Weekend a memorable event. The annual open house weekend will be March 23 & 24, and these sugar houses will be open from 10-4 each day. Visitors can start off with a pancake breakfast at one of two local restaurants, then begin their maple tour. At each sugar house, they will see…

#2 John Stark-Hopkinton 3 #1 Berlin 2 Division III Hockey Championship

It took overtime, but the John Stark-Hopkinton Hockey Team avenged it’s only loss earlier in the season, defeated the top seeded Mountaineers and came away with their first…

The Messenger – March 8, 2013

Download The Messenger – March 8, 2013 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - March 8, 2013 (pdf)Hillsboro-Deering High School removed from “Watch List”

The Executive Director of the New England Association of Schools and Colleges has announced that The Committee on Public Secondary Schools, after reviewing the Special Progress Report of Hillsboro-Deering High School, has agreed to continue the school’s accreditation and voted unanimously to remove the high school from…

New security measures at Henniker School

Principal Katherine McBride has announced new security measures for the Henniker Community School following February vacation. Beginning Monday, March 4, all doors at the school will be locked immediately after morning drop off.  Previously, all doors at the school were locked with the exception of…

Chinese artists visit Henniker Community School

Visiting Chinese artists Cai Xi and Mao Mao will be at the Henniker Community School for the Artist in Residency Program on March 18-22. Cai Xi is the Artistic Director and co-founder of the Asian Cultural Center of Vermont (ACCVT, accvt.org). Painter, t’ai chi master, caterer, art and…

Newport Selectmen restore Recreation Department cuts

The Newport Selectmen are working on a $6,937,239 operating budget which will generate a tax rate of $10.99/$1000 valuation, down from the 2012 rate of $11.26. However, if three warrant articles asking for $250,000 for…

Deering man in National Hockey League

Johnny Rheault, son of Terese Rheault, played in his first NHL game with the Florida Panthers. It’s nice to see a local boy from Deering play in the major leagues of hockey. Submitted by Paul Plater…