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Monthly Archive for October, 2013

The Messenger – Nov. 1, 2013

Download The Messenger – Nov. 1, 2013 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - Nov. 1, 2013 (pdf)ConVal teen expelled for bringing gun to school

ConVal High School Principal Brian Pickering has confirmed that a 14-year-old high school student who brought a loaded gun to the school last week has been expelled for a year. His parents can request a hearing before the School Board, but no…

John Velleca sworn in as Weare’s new police chief

A crowd of about 75 people including officers from several NH and CT police departments were on hand to witness the swearing in of Weare’s new Police Chief John Velleca. Velleca has twenty years of experience in law enforcement and public safety, divided equally between…

Peterborough man arrested for child porn

Matthew A. Cummings, 35, of Peterborough has been arrested and charged with possession of child pornography. After a four-month investigation, Peterborough Police arrested and charged him with 13 counts of child pornography, a Class A felony, and two counts of prohibited use of…

Antrim Boy & Cub Scouts collecting food for Food Pantry

A food drive to benefit the Antrim-Bennington Food Pantry begins Saturday, sponsored by the Antrim and Bennington Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts. Paper “door hangers” will be distributed Saturday to make residents aware of the drive. Pick up of donations will take place on Nov. 9. The Antrim and Bennington scouts organize two of these events each…

Middle School supports “Red Ribbon Week”

Hillsboro-Deering Middle School showed its support and involvement in Red Ribbon Week, which ran from 10/25-10/30/13. Throughout the week our students have been focusing on drug and alcohol prevention throughout the curriculum, including…

New section of Northern Rail Trail opened

On October 14, 2013, the Friends of the Northern Rail Trail in Merrimack County, New Hampshire (FNRT-MC) finished building four miles of new trail in Boscawen, from the old Gerrish Railroad Depot near the N.H. State Forest Nursery on Route 3 to Depot Street in the center of Boscawen. The construction of this new section of…

Girls’ Cross Country

Hopkinton 1st Division III Finals Sarah Nadeau and Maddie Clark finished 1st and 2nd to lead the Hawks to their 7th consecutive Division III Title…

The Messenger – Oct. 25, 2013

Download The Messenger – Oct. 25, 2013 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - Oct. 25, 2013 (pdf)Newport names Beverly Rodeschin’s replacement

The remaining Newport Selectmen acted quickly to fill the seat vacated by the resignation of veteran member Beverly Rodeschin. At Monday’s meeting William Wilmot Jr. was sworn in to fill the remainder of…

Boy Scout Troop #71’s Kurt Thomas soars with the eagles

A large crowd filled the First Baptist Church in New London, sponsoring organization for Boy Scout Troop #71, on Sunday for an Eagle Court of Honor for Kurt Thomas. After joining Scouts in November of 2006, Thomas rose quickly through the ranks, earning the last of his…

PETA presents Newport Firefighters with Compassionate Action Award

Firefighters who saved four family pets in a Newport home fire last week are to receive the Compassionate Action Award from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, PETA announced Friday. Hero, one of the pets saved from Skip and Rhonda Rollins’ home, was found as a puppy by…

H-D Committee proposes eliminating Holiday Celebrations

The Hillsboro-Deering School District Policy Committee, headed by member Steve Hahn has recommended abolishing the policy entitled “Holiday Celebration In The Classroom.” As currently written, the policy states, “Holidays are an integral part of our cultural heritage. Consequently, it is the policy of the Hillsboro-Deering School District that the…

8th grade cookbooks will fund DC trip

Henniker Community School 8th graders produced a cookbook chock full of more than 300 recipes collected from their families and community members. One recipe was even submitted by the Country Spirit. This fabulous hardcover cookbook full of tried and true recipes is available for only $15.00. All proceeds go toward their trip to…

Should NH schools adopt Common Core

The battle lines are being drawn over the state Board of Education decision to implement the controversial Common Core standards statewide. Conservative groups opposing the standards and the testing that goes with them have held the spotlight in recent weeks. A forum recently hosted by Common Core opponents at St. Anselm College drew a standing-room-only crowd, and a large turnout before the…

H-D FBLA’s Dodgeball Tournament

Hillsboro-Deering FBLA is proud to announce its 1st Annual Dodgeball Tournament. The tournament will be held on Saturday, December 14 in the high school gym starting at 4pm. The basketball court will be divided in half and there will be two simultaneous games being played at all times. There will be two divisions that teams can enter to…

Senior Lifestyles – Oct. 2013

Download Senior Lifestyles – Nov. 2013 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download Senior Lifestyles - Nov. 2013 (pdf)Grandparent scam continues to trick people out of money

Imagine being woken by a phone call in the middle of the night. It’s your crying grandchild, who is asking for money because of an accident. Of course you want to help your loved one, so you do whatever you can in this emergency situation. You open your wallet without hesitation. Unfortunately you’ve just become a victim of a scam that is happening across the…

What’s the fittest city in America for people over 50?

The American Physical Therapy Association and Huff/Post50 released a new report on the 10 healthiest U.S. cities for baby boomers, based on combined data about each city’s life expectancy, the percentage of boomers with health insurance, and access to medical care. They also measured access to mass transit and fitness centers and surveyed residents about their general mental and emotional…

Seniors and driving: The importance of having frequent talks

The U.S. population aged 65 and older is estimated to increase from 47 million in 2015 to 72 million in 2030, according to U.S. Census data, meaning more senior drivers will be on the roads. This also means that more adult children may need to have difficult conversations with their aging parents about driving. However, a new survey…

River cruising: An easy way to explore and experience Europe

Europe is a popular destination for international travelers looking to visit the world’s great capitals such as Paris, Amsterdam and Prague; to experience European culture; and to explore charming small towns. But planning a European trip can be daunting because it involves a lot of research to decide where to go, how to get there, and what to see. River cruising offers an excellent solution to…

Renovation for baby boomers: Preparing for next stage in life

Consider remodeling projects to help enjoy your home longer, more safely and efficiently as you age. Home improvement for the long-term Most homeowners realize the importance of upkeep and maintenance. A leaky window or drafty door wastes energy and…

The Messenger – Oct. 18, 2013

Download The Messenger – Oct. 18, 2013 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - Oct. 18, 2013 (pdf)Dartmouth College donates computers to Newport

At last week’s meeting, Viki Bridge, the district’s director of technology informed the Newport School Board that Dartmouth College is replacing several working computers with new models and the old computers are being donated to the district. The donation includes 21 desktop computers, 9…

John Stark students to visit the New Hampshire Supreme Court

In preparation for their attendance later this month at the NH Supreme Court’s annual On the Road session, students in John Stark Regional High School’s We The People, Civics, Criminal Justice, and American Studies classes were paid a visit by Senior Assistant Attorney Jeffery A. Strelzin from the NH Attorney General’s Office. Strelzin talked about the…

A pair of recent accidents in Washington

Police Chief Marshall investigated a collision on Presidential Dr. He found Brian Colley, 34, of Washington had gone over the edge of an embankment while avoiding a deer in the road. He struck a tree causing moderate damage to his 2003 Jetta. He was wearing his safety belt and was not injured. Emergency services responded to a single vehicle crash into a…

Two alarm fire damages family home of Newport hero

A Tuesday night fire extensively damaged a Newport home. A neighbor noticed flames coming out of the basement area and called the fire department. When firefighters arrived at the Willow Street home, there was heavy smoke inside and fire on the side of the building. A second alarm was sounded and units from…

Buddy System again at Henniker School

Seventh and eighth graders in Tim Beale’s Teacher Advisory Group (TAG) at the Henniker Community School have teamed up again this year with Robin Gagnon’s Pre-Kindergartners providing instant buddies for those at the very beginning of their HCS careers and those that are coming to an end. This is the third year…

Weare extends trash hauling contract

Road Agent Tim Redmond informed the Weare Selectmen that he had a discussion with Sizemore Trucking regarding extending their hauling contract for 2014. Sizemore Trucking submitted their 2014 prices, which represent a $5.00 increase over the 2013 contract that is currently in effect. Sizemore will take a one year extension on…

State police have arrested two suspects in major Wilmot jewelry theft

State police have arrested a pair of suspects for their involvement in a Wilmot theft. Authorities received a report of cash and high value jewelry stolen from a residence in Wilmot. During the investigation, it was learned that some of the stolen items were brought to a jeweler for sale. The jeweler became suspicious when…


Milford 42 John Stark 7 The game was within reach until the Spartans’ run of 22 second half points. Carson Dunn scored the Generals’ only touchdown. Monadnock 42 ConVal 12 The Huskies are undefeated for a good reason, they are husky and good…

The Messenger – Oct. 11, 2013

Download The Messenger – Oct. 11, 2013 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - Oct. 11, 2013 (pdf)Rymes Oil is being sued for price fixing

Johnny Prescott & Son Oil Co. of Concord has filed suit in U.S. District Court alleging that Rymes Heating Oil is price fixing. According to the suit, Rymes’ price reduction in the Concord area is an effort to eliminate rival oil and propane dealers in the…

Plans for Community Center unveiled

The New London Community Center Group hosted New London residents to a forum on Saturday, Oct. 5 to provide an update on the project to convert the 1941 Building into a Community Center. Dave Kidder, a member of the Group, Phase 1 of the project, which includes a multipurpose…

John Stark High School leads the state in Anti-Bullying programs

A couple of years ago, teachers and students alike decided they wanted to take charge of the school climate at John Stark Regional High School and combat hate speech and bullying. Today, that goal has come more and more into focus as a result of the school’s participation in A World Of Difference® Institute’s Peer Training Program, a program designed to facilitate…

Peterborough pair arrested for identity theft

Peterborough Police have arrested Anthony Heppe, 21 and Erin Bishop, 22, of Peterborough on charges that they both used stolen credit cards to purchase items in Peterborough and through Amazon.com. Police Chief Scott Guinard reports that his department investigated numerous incidents of identity fraud and…

Warner family wins Fresh Air contest

Warner residents, the Ricciardellis, celebrated the simple things with The Fresh Air Fund and were among the winners of The Fresh Air Fund’s 2013 Photo Contest. All winners were selected from the hundreds of pictures sent in by volunteer host families across 13 states from Virginia to Maine and Canada, reflecting the memorable experiences they shared with …

Bennington woman assaults police chief

Things went from bad to worse for a Bennington woman when Police Chief Steven Campbell attempted to remove her from a friend’s house. Campbell received a call from a Route 202 homeowner last Tuesday, asking for help in removing Deborah Lefrancois, 54, of Benngington from his property. Fueled by alcohol, the two were…

Athletic Director/Soccer Coach resigns

ConVal School District Superintendent of Schools Brendan Minnihan has confirmed that Athletic Director Jon Hall and his assistant Mel Keeler have both recently resigned and Hall has stepped down as coach of the Boys’ Varsity soccer team. Minnihan said he could not comment on whether the resignations are related to…

In New Hampshire – Oct. 2013

Download In New Hampshire – Oct. 2013 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download In New Hampshire - Oct. 2013 (pdf)Mount Washington Cog Railway Fall Specials

The Mount Washington Cog Railway, the first mountain-climbing cog railway in the world, is offering late summer and fall discounts to passengers for trips to the summit of Mount Washington, the highest peak in the…

New Hampshire Fall Festival

A traditional New England harvest fair with live animals, crafts demonstrations and booths, heirloom plants and seeds, garden tours, costumed role-players and family autumn activities. In conjunction with Prescott Park Chili Cook-off…

Experience local legends, lore and mystery tour

New Hampshire’s only ghost tour, now in our 11th year. Featured in the New York Times, History Channel and Travel Channel. Join haunted history expert and author of 8 books of New England history and folklore, Roxie J. Zwicker for a memorable exploration of the ghost stories and mysteries of…

Great Bay Special Collections Exhibit opening

The Great Bay Special Collections Exhibit will be open to the public on Saturday, October 5th and 19th from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. This free exhibit is housed in the lower level of the Hugh Gregg Coastal Conservation Center on the…

Shrek The Musical

Take an unforgettable family adventure with everyone’s favorite ogre, when Rochester Opera House Productions presents Shrek, the musical comedy based on the Oscar-winning DreamWorks film. The show runs from October 10 to 27 with evening performances at…

Return of the Pumpkin People

A recognized quintessential New England Village and a highly visited resort destination prepares for their 26th Anniversary celebration of the Return of the Pumpkin People – Oct 1st through Oct 20th, 2013. It is becoming known as the “Return of the Pumpkin People”. It is a long awaited arrival for many fall foliage seekers. This self-guided tour brings thousands of visitors each year to the Jackson area…

The Messenger – Oct. 4, 2013

Download The Messenger – Oct. 4, 2013 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - Oct. 4, 2013 (pdf)Violette’s Supermarket closing in Newport

Newport residents reacted with surprise and sadness to the news that Violette’s Supermarket would be closing its doors only a little over a year since its grand opening. When Violette’s held its …

Man jumps out of moving vehicle to avoid arrest

Rather than be stopped by Antrim police, an as yet unidentified man jumped out of the passenger door of his moving car and fled through the woods on Clinton Road. Officer Brian Lord was on Main Street on October 25th when he spotted a tan, 2000 Dodge Neon Sedan without…

Former Bennington man killed in Afghanistan

Staff Sgt. Liam J. Nevins, 32, of Denver, Colo., was killed by enemy insurgents during a military training exercise in Afghanistan on september 21st. Nevins was assigned to the…

Warner man’s body is found on Mt. Sunapee

A missing man’s body was found earlier this week at Mount Sunapee, Newbury police said. According to officials, the body belongs to a man who had been missing from…

Newbury man pleads guilty

Keith A. Harburda, 31, 74 Cheney Road, Newbury, pleaded guilty to driving while intoxicated Feb. 15 in Sunapee, was fined $750 and his license revoked for two years. He pleaded guilty to speeding 50 miles per hour in a 35 mph zone and was fined…

Weare man suspected of multiple crimes

Alexander Mellor, 20, of Weare was recently arrested in connection with a car break-in in Keene on Sunday morning, and police believe he could be connected to more than 20…

Twenty join Women On Target Program

On Saturday, September 21, twenty women from about 16 years of age to “I’ll Never Tell” completed a course called “Women On Target” at the Deering Fish and Game Club in West Deering. The course consists of safety training and demonstrations, how to handle, aim and fire a handgun, proper sight…