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Monthly Archive for November, 2013

In New Hampshire Dec. 2013

Download In New Hampshire – Dec. 2013 pages 1-12

Download In New Hampshire – Dec. 2013 pages 13-24

In This Issue

Download In New Hampshire - Dec. 2013 (pdf)Strawbery Banke’s Vintage Christmas in Portsmouth

Now in its ninth year, Vintage Christmas in Portsmouth will once again offer the irresistible Candlelight Stroll that Strawbery Banke Museum has offered for 34 years, and the live holiday shows, opera broadcasts and films in The Music Hall’s landmark Historic Theater and the intimate Music Hall Loft, in this elegant and delightful…

Make a radio-controlled model sailboat this winter

Back Bay Skippers were established in 2008, with the assistance of the New Hampshire Boat Museum and the Laconia Model Yacht Club, to promote radio-controlled sailing in the Wolfeboro area. Their mission is to build and sail a fleet of sailboats, also known as 1 M Solings, while providing participants and spectators an avenue to enjoy this fun and engrossing hobby…

The Fine Art of Craft, Evergreen Fair 2013

In the midst of a hectic holiday season, Evergreen Fair is an oasis of calm. The University of NH provides the perfect backdrop, and all are welcome to shop in peaceful surroundings ….even on Saturday! The MUB’s Granite State Room is open and airy, with two walls of windows providing natural light. If you are new to Evergreen Fair, you will love the spacious…

First Ice Castle on East Coast to Debut at Loon Mountain Resort

This winter, the East Coast’s first Ice Castle, a frozen fortress with walls of ice reaching 25 feet high, will debut at Loon Mountain Resort in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. The brainchild of Utah-based artist Brent Christensen, Ice Castles are created from nothing more than a vast…

The Rocks Estate radiates holiday magic

The Rocks opens for the Christmas tree season Nov. 23 and will be open daily through Dec. 24. Visitors may choose and cut a tree from the fields or select a freshly cut tree from the retail lot at the farm. In addition to Christmas trees, The Rocks also offers an array of classic and whimsically decorated handmade wreaths, garland, ornaments, and…

The Messenger – Nov. 29, 2013

Download The Messenger – Nov. 29, 2013 pages 1-12

Download The Messenger – Nov. 29, 2013 pages 13-24

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - Nov. 29, 2013 (pdf)NEC students arrested for assault with a brick

Four students at NEC have been arrested on felony charges of second-degree assault relating to a fight in which they struck another man with a brick. Henniker Police say the students arrested were involved in a September fight at their residence at a party at the house, a guest hit a female guest and knocked…

First Lego Robotics Club begun at Weare Middle School

Weare Middle School Technology Education Teacher Angela Miller has teamed up with SAU 24 Technology Director Dr. Gregory Reinert to form Weare Middle School’s first Lego Robotics Club. The club, which is designed to expose students to technology as it relates to real world experiences and careers in robotics and programming, currently has…

Newport Monument dedicated to the memory of Sarah Josepha Hale

A crowd of more than 200 people turned out for the dedication of a park and memorial to honor Sarah Josepha Hale at Newport’s Richards Free Library on Saturday. Next week marks the 150th anniversary of Thanksgiving being made a national holiday, and it was Hale who engaged in an unrelenting letter writing campaign, lobbying…

John Stark High School to compete at “We The People”  

Students from the “We the People” class at John Stark Regional High School will compete in this year’s district competition at the Legislative Office Building in Concord, NH, on Friday, December 6. The John Stark team will compete against…

Henniker PTA selling calendar raffle tickets

The Henniker PTA has an exciting new fundraiser. The Henniker PTA is selling calendar raffle tickets now through December 18. You can win prizes valued at more than two thousand dollars in gift cards, pool passes, ski tickets, movie tickets and more! For your chance to join the fun, see any Henniker Community School student or PTA member OR contact…

The Messenger – Nov. 22, 2013

Download The Messenger – Nov. 22, 2013 pages 1-12

Download The Messenger – Nov. 22, 2013 pages 13-24

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - Nov. 22, 2013 (pdf)New London holds the line on real estate taxes

The New London Selectmen had high praise for Town Administrator Kim Hallquist, Finance Manager Wendy Johnson and the Department heads for working diligently to bring in a budget with only a modest increase over 2012. The town’s portion of the tax rate is up only…

Help the Lions Club feed our needy neighbors this Christmas

Messenger Publisher, Leigh Bosse is pleased to announce that for the 19th consecutive year, The Messenger, in conjunction with the Hillsboro Lions Club, will be conducting its annual appeal to readers to fund the distribution of Christmas Food Baskets to needy families in the area…

Bennington burglar captured and released

Responding to a report of a suspicious man knocking on a Bennington resident’s door, Police Chief Steve Campbell questioned Adam Belleville, 24, of Manchester. Suspicious of his excuses for knocking, Campbell brought the man to the police station in handcuffs for questioning. At the station, Belleville admitted to committing…

Henniker to propose contracted rescue services with Bradford

Henniker Rescue Squad Chief Tom French met with the Selectmen to brief them on two situations which are effecting the Squads ability to perform. A lack of manpower leaves him without the ability to cover all shifts. Currently weekdays, during business hours, the station is manned by…

NHIAA Athletic Hall of Fame Induction

The New Hampshire Interscholastic Athletic Association inducted seven new members into its Hall of Fame during an impressive ceremony on Sunday. Included in the list were two local men, Joe Clement of Henniker and Dave Barry of Sunapee…

The Messenger – Nov. 15, 2013

Download The Messenger – Nov. 15, 2013 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - Nov. 15, 2013 (pdf)Henniker man arrested and charged with arson

State Fire Marshal William Degnan, Henniker Police Chief Ryan Murdough and Henniker Fire Chief Keith Gilbert announced that an arrest has been made in connection with the fire that occurred on October 25, 2013 at a residence on Colby Hill Road in Henniker. As a result of the joint investigation,…

Hillsborough’s Operation Christmas 

It’s that time of year again! Hillsborough’s Operation Christmas committee has begun meeting to prepare for Christmas 2013. Each year parents fill out applications for their children age 16 and under to receive one toy and one article of clothing for each child. Each gift must be under $50. These requests are written on “mittens” which are put out in several…

Distracted Driving Program at John Stark High School

We’ve all seen news items about how many accidents are caused by drivers who are distracted. In an effort to educate students and adults about the dangers of distracted driving, John Stark Regional High School is hosting an interactive presentation about those dangers on..

Henniker man raises beer fed turkeys

Joe Morette of Henniker, is raising about 50 Thanksgiving turkeys this year. He’s been feeding his birds beer since 1993, when a turkey knocked over a can left near its fence and started…

Peterborough DAR presents ConVal Good Citizen Award

Senior Zachary Letourneau has been selected by the faculty of ConVal High School as the Daughters of the American Revolution Good Citizen for 2013-14.

Weare Police assisting with Middle School science project

Two Weare Middle School students in Mr. Derek Davis’ eighth grade Science Class are about to get a major assist with their science fair project from new Weare Chief of Police John Velleca, 5th Grade DARE officer Hebert and WPD 7th Grade DARE Officer Montplaisir and a radar gun. The two eighth grade boys,…

Division IV Girls’ Soccer Championship

#3 Sunapee 3 #1 Woodsville 1 (OT-PK) Laker Keeper Erika Waterman defected three of Woodsville’s four penalty kicks while Abby Armstrong, Taylor Usko, and Sydney Clark each nailed theirs as Sunapee won the Division IV Girls’ Soccer Championship…

Senior Lifestyles – Nov. 2013

Download Senior Lifestyles – Nov. 2013

In This Issue

Download Senior Lifestyles - Nov. 2013 (pdf)Evergreen Fair at UNH to open the Holiday Season

In the midst of a hectic holiday season, Evergreen Fair is an oasis of calm. The University of NH provides the perfect backdrop, and all are welcome to shop in peaceful surroundings …. even on Saturday. The MUB’s Granite State Room is open and…

Daring pairings: making a match of food and wine

Whether you’re a trained chef or simply enjoy cooking at home, there’s always a certain amount of trepidation at the thought of having guests for dinner. Do you go out on a culinary limb and serve something impressively daring, or do you play it safe with a tried and true menu? If you decide to take a chance, how…

A hero: Henniker man given France’s highest honor

Friends, family and neighbors gathered in the Executive Council Chambers of the State House on Thursday to witness Donald McCloskey, 88, of Henniker receive an honor that was long overdue. NH Governor Maggie Hassan was joined by Fabien Fieschi, Consul General of France who presented…

Hidden Treasures abound in New Hampshire’s North Country

Grand North visitors can find unexpected treasures hidden in plain sight, from breathtaking Victorian B&Bs and home-style diners to melt-in-your-mouth maple candy and homemade soup:…

Tips for healthier air travel

Ask people who fly frequently, and they will tell you that it takes a mental and physical toll on them. Psychologically, air travel can make you feel like a nameless face in a herd of sameness. The combination of spending hours in airport lines, dragging around luggage to avoid bag fees and being wedged into…

The Messenger – Nov. 8, 2013

Download The Messenger – Nov. 8, 2013 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - Nov. 8, 2013 (pdf)Barn Playhouse abutters complain to selectmen

A group of abutters of “the Green House” which houses cast and crew members of the New London Barn Playhouse each summer met with the Selectmen Monday morning asking for relief from the late night, early morning noises that disturbs their peace and keeps them awake each season. After issuing a complaint to…

Henniker PTO Treasurer arrested for embezzlement

Henniker Police have arrested former School Board member and PTO Treasurer for stealing from the PTO’s bank account. Shannon Lovejoy, 37, was charged with embezzlement. The PTA reported the possibility of stolen money to…

Largest crowds at Fall Foliage Festival

The Warner Fall Foliage Festival saw one of the largest crowds in the past five years. President Sean Bohman said, “The festival was unbelievable. Attendance was really good and people seemed to have a great time. We had a few hiccups, but we’ll fix those by next year.” Although much of the festival remained on…

Sunapee and Hillsboro Police growing beards to raise cancer awareness

The Red Sox have begun shaving their beards but members of the Hillsboro and Sunapee Police have just begun growing theirs in the battle against cancer. Hillsboro will be participating in the Second Annual “Novembeard Challenge” to help raise awareness for…

Two accidents close Interstate 89 lanes

New Hampshire transportation officials say two rollover accidents only 20 minutes apart on I-89 caused lane closures. Department of Transportation spokesman Bill Boynton says the first crash around noon last Friday involved a car headed north near Exit 12A in Sunapee. He doesn’t believe anyone was…

Antrim’s Annual Festival of Trees signals start of holiday season

Put a little sparkle in your holidays by visiting Antrim’s 4th Annual Festival Of Trees. On Main St. in Antrim, the James A. Tuttle Library will be nearly stuffed-to-the-gills with creative displays featuring an array of traditions, talents and artistry. Visitors can expect to see patriotic trees, comical trees, vivid trees, glamorous and…

John Stark v. Kearsarge JV Title Game

On Sunday November 10 at 11:00 am the John Stark Generals will host the Kearsarge Wildcats for the Championship game at Bolton Memorial Field in Weare.  The Junior Varsity of the Granite State Football League consists of…