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Monthly Archive for December, 2013

The Messenger – Jan. 3, 2014

Download The Messenger – Jan. 3, 2013 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - Jan. 3, 2013 (pdf)Charges against Sunapee man upgraded to murder

Robert Dellinger, 53, of Sunapee, has now been arraigned on two counts of second-degree murder in his suicide-attempt car crash that killed a Vermont couple and their unborn baby. Dellinger was originally arraigned Dec. 11 on two counts of manslaughter after the…

Roberts family takes 2nd Business of the Year Award

Hillsboro Ford, Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Ram is the Chamber’s 2013 Business of the year. Hillsboro Ford has long been a staple anchoring the west end of town. The Roberts family has expanded their business and generated great success with their new showroom at 75 Antrim Road on Route 202 for their Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, and Ram products. Creating good jobs and…

3 alarm fire leaves several NEC students homeless

A fire ripped through a home on Depot Hill Road in Henniker, which housed several New England College students on Monday. Investigators are trying to figure out what sparked the fire, which required crews from 12 towns towns to get under control. The three-alarm fire started in…

Windsor NH man airlifted to D-HMC

On December 11th at approximately 6:30 a.m. Bennington Police responded to a motor vehicle accident on State Route 202. The accident involved William Kimball Jr., 41, of Bennington and Christopher Davies, 32, of Windsor. Kimball was driving his vehicle, a 1998 West Star logging truck and Davies was driving his 2003 Ford F250 Truck. Kimball was driving northbound and Davies was driving southbound. It is believed that…

Newport Marine’s Christmas arrival surprises mom

A Newport mother received her favorite Christmas present on Christmas Eve, and it wasn’t under the tree. PFC Roger Freckleton found out a couple weeks ago that he would be able to leave Camp Pendleton in California and return home for the holidays, so he decided to surprise his…

In New Hampshire – Jan. 2014

Download In New Hampshire – Jan. 2014 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download In New Hampshire - Jan. 2014 (pdfMachu Picchu Program at the Nashua Public Library

On Thursday, January 16, at 7 p.m., take a virtual tour with Bryan and Linda Higgs to the ancient world of the Incas high in the Peruvian Andes. Tour Peru’s beautiful Sacred Valley with its fascinating history, and view local craft-making such as pottery and weaving. Visit Machu Picchu, the…

Jackson Invitational Snow Sculpting competition

The Village of Jackson, New Hampshire and the snow covered Black Mountain Resort are preparing for one of it’s favorite events of the year: The 13th New Hampshire sanctioned and Jackson Invitational Snow Sculpting competition. Beginning at noon on Friday, January 24, teams from all over the Northeastern part of the United States will converge on this quintessential…

Toys: The Inside Story at the Montshire Museum of Science

Ever wonder just how that Hokey Pokey Elmo actually wiggles and dances? Visit Toys: The Inside Story at the Montshire Museum of Science December 7, 2013 through January 14, 2014, and peek inside some well-known toys to discover the gadgets and gizmos that make them work…

New Hampshire ski resorts offer wide variety of lift ticket discounts

New Hampshire’s ski resorts are well-known for offering a variety of ways to get more for your skiing dollar. Below is a partial list of deals that have been announced for the 2013-14 ski season. Guests should continue to check the Daily Ticket Deals page at SkiNH.com throughout the season for a complete list of current offers that are…

Trout stocked for winter anglers by NH Fish & Game

Winter anglers in New Hampshire had some trout stocked especially for them this fall. The New Hampshire Fish and Game Department stocks trout every year during the fall months, mostly to bolster the winter ice fishery. This should translate into some…

The Messenger – Dec. 27, 2013

Download The Messenger – Dec. 27, 2013 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - Dec. 27, 2013 (pdf)Pats Peak announces the opening of Cascade Basin

Pats Peak has announced the opening of a new triple chair lift called the Cascade Basin Triple Chair. It brings the number of chairlifts to six, giving Pats Peak the largest uphill capacity in the region. This new lift serves its own network of trails in…

Hopkinton approves teachers’ contract

The School Board and the Hopkinton Education Association have both ratified a new four-year teachers contract that would offer night and weekend classes for students, a higher starting salary for teachers and savings in health care costs for the district. The contract allows teachers to offer night and weekend classes in their regular…

White Birch makes Interim Director permanent

The Board of Directors of White Birch Community Center is pleased to announce Marc McMurphy of Henniker as the Center’s new Executive Director. Marc and his wife, Michele, have made Henniker their home for the past 19 years where they…

Henniker students learn of Nelson Mandela

Henniker Community School Fourth Grade Teacher Caroline Morono was listening to NPR on the way to work last week when she heard all of the reports about Nelson Mandela’s death. “I couldn’t shake the importance of the loss of such an unforgettable leader. I knew I had to create a time that I could touch on the subject of Mandela with my class and I did at the end of the…

The Grapevine presents Guiding Good Choices

According to the Youth Risk Behavior Survey, the percentage of New Hampshire teens who drink alcohol more than doubles from 19% freshmen year to 49% by senior year. And yet by senior year 51% of teens are still choosing…



Senior Lifestyles – Dec. 2013

Senior Lifestyles – Dec. 2013

In This Issue

Download Senior Lifestyles - Dec. 2013 (pdf)Center Woods School students honor Veterans

On Friday, November 22, Center Woods Elementary School held their tribute to Veterans, a program to honor those who have served. Hosted by fourth graders Abby Guillemette, Emma Edwards, Kaylee Montgomery, and Cam Lagasse, this school-wide assembly, now in its third year, was crafted by staff and students from various grades participating in…

Hillsboro area seniors want “A Bus For Us”

For the past year the seniors in our area have been taking trips to various locations, through GHSS, around the state using the Town of Hillsborough “Student Services” Van. While this was an important and gracious offer from the town of Hillsborough, and much appreciated by GHSS, this van has its drawbacks. The van carries only 11 passengers and is built with small…

Aynsley Place ‘deficiency-free’ 5 consecutive years

Aynsley Place, one of four Courville Communities in southern New Hampshire, is proud to announce they have received a deficiency-free survey from the State of New Hampshire Department of Health & Human Services for the fifth year in a row. The 40-bed assisted living center received the…

U.S. Representative Carol Shea-Porte addresses senior group

U.S. Rep. Carol Shea-Porter, D-NH, admonished a group of senior citizens to stay active in the political process to stave off cuts to entitlement programs, such as Social Security and Medicaid. Speaking at the New Hampshire Alliance for Retired Americans’ conference, Shea-Porter said that protecting entitlement programs is critical to the…

The Leftovers of American Abundance

Christmas may display America’s wealth and consumer culture. New Year’s Eve celebrates excess indulgence. But no holiday epitomizes the abundance of modern America like Thanksgiving, the day we make a feast so big that we spend the rest of the weekend eating the leftovers. As we contemplate yet another turkey sandwich and polish off the last of the pumpkin pie, it seems like a good time to focus on making sure our neighbors don’t go…

The Messengetr – Dec. 20, 2013

Download The Messenger – Dec. 20, 2013 pages 1-12

Download The Messenger – Dec. 20, 2013 pages 13-24

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - Dec. 20, 2013 (pdf)Sunapee man’s charges may be upgraded to murder

Charges against Robert Dellinger, 53, of Sunapee, who survived his suicide attempt may be upgraded to murder. He was charged with reckless manslaughter in the deaths of Jason Timmons, 29, and Amanda Murphy, 24, who suffered injuries a medical examiner said were consistent with a plane crash. Their unborn child…

Hillsboro Lions Club delivers 107 Christmas Baskets

For the last 19 years, the Hillsboro Lions Club, with the help of Messenger readers have purchased, packed and distributed Christmas Food Baskets to needy families in the area. This year, this neighbor to neighbor project totaled…

Pair arrested for Peterborough robbery

Police in New Hampshire and Massachusetts helped arrest two people in connection with the November armed robbery of a Peterborough credit union. The robbers made off with a little more than…

ConVal students design Peterborough’s 275th Anniversary Logo

The Town of Peterborough will be celebrating the 275th anniversary of its officially recognized settlement date of 1739, with a parade and week long events, beginning October 10, 2014. Thanks to the graphic design students at ConVal High School, the celebration will be forever memorialized in a logo they’ve created specially…

Henniker students get “Hour of Code”

In conjunction with the Hour of Code (promoted as part of Computer Science Week last week) Henniker Community School’s middle school students in the 6 and 7th grade worked with the Scratch programming language. The Hour of Code sponsored by Code.org, a non-profit dedicated to expanding participation in computer science in education, was created to…

‘We The People’ team advances to State Finals

John Stark Students from the “We the People” class at John Stark Regional High School competed in this year’s district competition at the Legislative Office Building in Concord, NH, on Friday, December 6. The John Stark team competed against Nashua High School, Milford High and Merrimack Valley and advanced to…

The Messenger – Dec. 13, 2013

Download The Messenger – Dec. 13, 2013 pages 1-14 (pdf)

Download The Messenger – Dec. 13, 2013 pages 15-24 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - Dec. 13, 2013 (pdf)Henniker receives Safe Routes To School Grant

The Town of Henniker has been awarded $214,431 for sidewalk improvements as part of the Safe Routes to School Program. This grant, administered by the Bureau of Planning and Community Assistance at the New Hampshire Department of Transportation will allow significant improvements to sections of the sidewalks on Western Avenue between Route 114 and…

Attorney General closes Seastrand case with no criminal charges

David Seastrand, the former New London police chief, who quit after a local college student said he asked to photograph her nude in exchange for dropping a charge, will not face criminal charges or any further discipline stemming from complaints filed by three other women. Attorney General Joseph A. Foster said that the investigation of David Seastrand’s activities determined…

Sunapee man charged with manslaughter

Robert Dellinger, 53, of Sunapee has been charged in connection with the deaths of a couple killed in a crash on Interstate 89 over the weekend. Dellinger was charged with two counts of manslaughter. He is accused of recklessly causing the deaths of…

Capital improvements needed at Hillsboro-Deering Schools

There was good news and bad news for taxpayers at Monday’s meeting of the Hillsboro-Deering School Board. The good news is that the proposed operating budget of $20,466,826 reflects only a 1.5% increase over the current budget. The bad news is that…

Mother and child injured in fall from Crotched Mountain chairlift

A woman and child suffered serious injuries after falling 40 feet from a chairlift at Crotched Mountain ski area. One victim was flown to Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, while the other was taken by ambulance to Monadnock Hospital. They fell about halfway up the..

ConVal teacher is NH Scholars Champ

ConVal School to Work Coordinator Mary Lou O’Neil was honored as a New Hampshire Scholars Champion for her work in business/education partnerships. Mary Lou was recognized for her work with placing students in internships and job shadowing opportunities; for her ability to make connections with local business partners; for her role as student mentor for…

The Messenger – Dec. 6, 2013

Download The Messenger – Dec. 6, 2013 pages 1-12 (pdf)

Download The Messenger – Dec. 6, 2013 pages 13-24 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - Dec. 6, 2013 (pdf)Police Officer fired

Joseph Kelley, one of three sergeants in the Weare Police Department, was fired by selectmen last week. The Town’s new Police Chief John Velleca confirmed that Kelley was fired on his recommendation, for violation of internal policies and procedures. The board voted to…

New London approves designating “Low Sand” Roads

The New London Selectmen held a public hearing on Monday to discuss designating Forest Acres Road, Beaver Point Road, Fieldstone Lane, White Pine Lane, Little Cove Road and Stoney Brook Road from 103A to the Newbury Town Line end as low sand zones for the purpose of…

Washington woman killed – daughter injured

A Washington woman was killed and her 16-year-old daughter injured in a single-car accident in Hillsborough last Wednesday morning, on Route 31 near the intersection of Cooledge Road. Investigators said Tha Beckworth’s car was traveling south when it…

Henniker Community School Play Dec. 12

Fifth through eighth graders at the Henniker Community School will present the play, The Twelve Daughters of Hercules on Thursday, December 12 at 7 p.m. Under the direction of HCS teacher Beth Spaulding, the large cast has been hard at work on this production since early…

Grantham man admits killing wife over affair with student

A Grantham man admitted gunning down his wife in front of their 3-year-old son in a spasm of anger after learning she was having an affair with a former student. James Perriello pleaded…

John Stark students conducting annual Toy Drive

The Grinch will not be showing up at John Stark this holiday season, because the true spirit of giving is alive and well with the 4th Annual Toy Drive. Items collected in this drive will be distributed to children in need in both…