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Monthly Archive for April, 2014

In New Hampshire – May 2014

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In This Issue

Download In New Hampshire - May 2014 (pdf)Spring into Warner, jump into the arts

The WARNER group of the Kearsarge Area Chamber of Commerce welcomes spring with a family-oriented arts festival in Warner from 9am to 3pm on Saturday May 17. The town will be filled with art, music, crafts and more for all to enjoy. Local artists will demonstrate and musicians will perform at…

Teens rock Rochester Opera House Sunday, May 18

Load up your family and friends for a family-friendly day of rock at the Rochester Opera House on Sunday, May 18 from 3:00 to 6:00 PM. Rocking Horse Studio and StopTime Productions presents five fantastic local bands with talented young musicians from ages eleven to seventeen. Each band gets a fifteen minute shot to rock their stuff on stage with a…

Along the River: Exploring Community Connections

New Hampshire’s people settled along its rivers and built communities for over 10,000 years.  They found shelter, food, water power, paths for travel and communication, and places to work and play that connected their lives.  Eight local organizations explore the fluid relationships between natural and human communities along the…

“A T. Rex Named Sue” is coming to the Montshire Museum of Science, May 17

The most iconic dinosaur that ever lived is on its way to the Montshire Museum of Science in Norwich, Vermont. The exhibit, “A T. rex Named Sue,” scheduled to open May 17, features a cast of the most complete Tyrannosaurus rex ever discovered. At 42-feet long, 3,500 pounds, and 12 feet tall at the hips, this fully articulated cast skeleton is the keystone piece of…

Welcome to the NH Renaissance Faire starting May 10

The 10th Annual NH Renaissance Faire is going to be two weekends in May. May 10-11th and May 17-18th. 10am to 5pm. There will also be a Beltain celebration on Sat. May 10th after faire hours. (Beltain celebrants need to buy a faire ticket. NHRF is celebrating 10 years as the best Medieval Faire in New Hampshire. It was chosen as “Best in New Hampshire” by New Hampshire Magazine in 2012. It is a family oriented charity event with…

The Messenger – April 25, 2014

Download The Messenger – April 25, 2014 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - April 25, 2014 (pdf)Sen. Bob Odell says he will not seek re-election

Sen. Bob Odell, R-New London, announced that he will not seek re-election this fall. After 12 years in the State Senate, Odell issued the following statement: “I believe it is time to leave the Senate. I have served six terms and look forward to…

Suit claims Weare officers ‘brutalized and assaulted’ suspect 

Shane St. Onge, of Manchester, who served a year in prison after pleading guilty to breaking into a Weare used automobile business in March 2012 has now filed a suit against the town and the two officers who arrested him. The suit, filed in Hillsborough Superior Court, claims that officers…

Attorney General clears Weare officers in deadly shooting

The New Hampshire attorney general said Wednesday he cannot determine whether a Weare officer was justified in shooting to death a drug suspect in August. Although two officers fired at 35-year-old Alex Cora DeJesus, of Manchester, Attorney General Joseph Foster said…

Bradford officer honored for saving child

Bradford Det. Sgt. Edward Shaughnessy received a Citation from the Governor Maggie Hassen and a Life Saving Pin from the American Heart Association during a ceremony to be held at the New Hampshire Police, Fire, & EMS Foundation Banquet held on Wednesday, April 23. On March 25th Shaughnessy responded to a child not breathing call and found the baby making…

Newport Library Arts Center hosts 3rd Annual Peeps Diorama Contest

More than 250 people attended the “Peeps Party” on Friday for the third annual Peeps Diorama Contest at the Library Arts Center. More than 70 dioramas featuring the sugar-coated marshmallow candies were displayed. The competition has grown a little since last year, when just over…

Sunapee man indicted on two counts of murder

Robert J. Dellinger, the Sunapee man charged with two counts of murder in last December’s highway deaths of a young Upper Valley couple during what prosecutors say was Dellinger’s failed suicide attempt, apologized profusely Wednesday to the victims’ families. Dellinger’s apology was…

Newport’s Annual Peeps Diorama Contest

Anticipating strong interest again this year in the Peeps Diorama Contest, Newport’s Library Arts Center is planning to display the contest entries for a full week after the Peeps Party and award ceremony. The Library Arts Center plans to hold its third annual Peeps Diorama Contest with the…


Hollis-Brookline 21 Kearsarge 6 Keeper Will Aufreanc was bombarded with 39 shots on goal and managed to turn away 18…


Bow 1st Franklin’s Kaley Shepard took a trio offsets but Bow took the top honors over Newport, Franklin, Sunapee and Mount Royal…

The Messenger – April 18, 2014

Download The Messenger – April 18, 2014 pages 1-12 (pdf)

Download The Messenger – April 18, 2014 pages 13-24 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - April 18, 2014 (pdf)MV Kearsarge & MV Sunapee to remain at harbor

Peter Fenton met with the Sunapee Selectmen to say that the Fenton family really appreciated the amazing support they received from the town and residents after the MV Kearsarge sank last year. As this is the final year on the three year MV Kearsarge lease and the annual MV Sunapee lease, the Fentons would like to maintain the current…

Several area towns join in celebrating life ‘Along The River’ 

New Hampshire’s people settled along its rivers and built communities for over 10,000 years.  They found shelter, food, water power, paths for travel and communication, and places to work and play that connected their lives.  Eight local organizations explore the fluid relationships between natural and human communities along the…

Quick response saves Newport home

A mobile home at 787 Rt. 10 South in Newport caught on fire on Friday just after 11:30 am. Lt. Conroy of the Newport Fire Department told WNTK that the home owner was trying to start his lawn mower when a spark hit the grass and started to burn. The burning debris was picked up by the wind and…

Henniker Rotary Club hosts its 25th Annual Rabies Clinic

April 12, a beautiful spring Saturday, brought out the 26-member Henniker Rotary Club aided by a number of community volunteers to successfully conduct the 25th annual Rabies Clinic, vaccinating a record 189 dogs and cats from 18 southwestern New Hampshire towns and as far away as…

Sunapee police warn of telephone scams

Police are investigating a rash of calls from scam artists posing as representatives of Public Service of New Hampshire claiming a person’s power is going to be shut off, police said in a release. The callers claim that shutting off power is imminent and demand payment over the phone, the release said. Police said customers should refuse to provide any…

Stark students discover Duct Tape uses

Can you build a swing made entirely of Duct Tape?  This was one of the Duct Tape-related questions that the Mythbusters class at John Stark Regional High School tested over the past few weeks. They also tested whether a suspension bridge and…

Newport’s Annual Peeps Diorama Contest

Anticipating strong interest again this year in the Peeps Diorama Contest, Newport’s Library Arts Center is planning to display the contest entries for a full week after the Peeps Party and award ceremony. The Library Arts Center plans to hold its third annual Peeps Diorama Contest with the…

Senior Lifestyles – April, 2014

Download Senior Lifestyles – April, 2014 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download Senior Lifestyles - April, 2014 (pdf)Baby boomers: Three crucial times to review your Medicare options for retirement

Baby boomers facing the big decision of when to take Social Security retirement shouldn’t overlook the importance of signing up for Medicare at age 65. Although Social Security offers an age range, generally 62 to 70, for starting retirement benefits – you don’t have this type of flexibility with Medicare health insurance…

Eye-opening facts about aging eyes, vision problems

Most Americans know that vision problems begin to increase as they age. What they may not realize is that reduced vision is also linked to a higher frequency of falls, injuries and depression. Eye disorders such as cataracts, glaucoma and age-related macular degeneration can rob seniors of their independence. Here are some facts and tips for maintaining eye health and…

Operation Hat Trick & Easter Seals support veterans

Two organizations with a mission and history of helping veterans, service members and their families joined forces in 2013 to expand their efforts in serving members of the military who bravely serve our country. To kick off the partnership, Operation Hat Trick recently awarded Easter Seals NH’s Veterans Count with $20,000. Operation Hat Trick, a nationwide organization comprised of more than 220 colleges and…

How to diversify your retirement portfolio

Many investors are taking more control of their financial future by investing in alternatives to the stock market including real estate, land, promissory notes, oil and gas. Sue Jensen of New York grew frustrated after watching her life savings take a hit year after year in the stock market. A couple of years ago, after another year of less-than-desirable returns, she…

9 tips to make air travel (almost) comfortable

Travel inspiration website DreamPlanGo suggests following these 10 travel tips to make your plane ride as comfortable as possible. You’ll arrive at your destination in the mindset that your vacation has already begun: Ditch the salty food. Are you prone to bloat? Skip the salty food before your flight and you’ll be glad you did. Excess sodium can cause…

The Messenger – April 11, 2014

Download The Messenger – April 11, 2014 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - April 11, 2014 (pdf)Dream of New London Community Center dashed

The dream of a Community Center in New London has apparently come to an end. After nearly two years of dedicated work, New London’s 1941 Building Committee has withdrawn its Warrant Article asking for $75,000 for the care and maintenance of the…

Group wants Red Hawk Football to be a joint H-D/Hopkinton JV team 

Hillsboro-Deering High School Principal James O’Rourke presented the School Board with a proposal to adopt a two-year JV Football program at no cost to the District. O’Rourke outlined a joint venture with…

OSRAM Stark/Hopkinton Robotics Team captures the prized Imagery Award

The John Stark Regional High School/Hopkinton High School Robotics Team, Team #1922 OZ-RAM, made it to the Quarter Finals and received the Imagery Award at the FIRST Robotics competition held March 28-29 at Northeastern University in Boston. The Imagery Award is given each year in honor of…

Man arrested for DWI twice in a week

On April 2nd, Deering Police Chief Pushee was called out to investigate a car crash involving a vehicle that area departments had been searching for for over an hour, relating to a suspected drunk driver who crashed into mailboxes in Henniker. Chief Pushee, assisted by Hillsboro PD Officers, found the vehicle perched atop a…

Newport budget, warrant articles sail through Deliberative Session

The Town of Newport’s Deliberative Session started and ended with standing ovations Tuesday evening. The first for Town Clerk Karlene Stoddard, who is retiring after 23 years of service, and the last for Virginia Irwin who is stepping down, having served as a…

Bob Flanders named to Judicial Conduct Committee

Robert B. Flanders has been appointed to the Alternate Panel of the New Hampshire Judicial Conduct Committee by Governor Maggie Hassan replacing Timothy Russell whose appointment expires in July of 2015. Mr. Flanders, a resident of Antrim, had been elected to the…

Great Brook supports Wounded Warriors

A big thank you is due to all the students and staff of the Great Brook Middle School, Antrim NH for their participation in the Circle of Strength Military Support Groups spring campaign to send care packages to our wounded warriors who are in hospitals at Landstuhl Regional Medical and Ramstein Air Force Base in Germany. Students at…

The Messenger – April 4, 2014

Download The Messenger – April 4, 2014

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - April 4, 2014 (pdf)Special Olympic athletes to compete in USA Games

Governor Maggie Hassan greeted members of Special Olympics Team New Hampshire which will compete in the 2014 Special Olympics USA Games in Princeton, New Jersey June 14-21. Special Olympics New Hampshire is now proud to announce the athletes that will represent…

Henniker Fire & Rescue conduct a hazardous material drill at NEC 

On Wednesday, March 27, the New England College Emergency Response Committee, in conjunction with the Henniker Fire & Rescue Department held a fire with hazardous material drill on the campus to test, practice, and evaluate emergency response procedures. “This was a great opportunity for…

Bow voters overwhelmingly say “NO”

It’s back to square one for the Bow Selectmen if they are to convince voters to repair the existing fire and police station or build a new safety complex next year. At Town Meeting, voters rejected two proposals — a $4.6 million plan to renovate the existing fire station and community center and $1.7 million proposal to renovate…

John Stark High School hosts French students – will travel to France

John Stark Regional High School recently hosted 24 students and four teachers from Toulouse, France, for 10 days. This is the very first time French students have traveled to John Stark for a visit with the high school. John Stark students will travel to France in April to complete this…

Firefighter hurt battling Dunbarton fire

A Dunbarton home was destroyed by a fire overnight, and the homeowner said a cigarette was to blame. The man said he was staining his kitchen floor and dropped a cigarette. Officials said the house and a small shed were destroyed. One firefighter was taken to the hospital after he…

A one woman crime spree ends in Antrim

Arriving in a blue Ford pickup, stolen in Lempster, Roxanne Nason, 41, of Brewer, Maine left it at a home on Stacey Hill Road in Antrim while driving away in the homeowner’s red Volvo. After receiving a call from Hillsborough dispatch, Antrim Det. Jason Lepine spotted the stolen Volvo behind a…

Warner to study economic development projects

Warner Town Administrator Jim Bingham exported that the Southern NH Planning Commission and Central NH Regional Planning Commission are coming together to compile and submit a comprehensive economic development strategy that would be…