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Monthly Archive for June, 2014

The Messenger – June 27, 2014

Download The Messenger – June 27, 2014 (pdf) pages 1-16

Download The Messenger – June 27, 2014 (pdf) pages 17-32

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - June 27, 2014 (pdf)Student suing Seastrand and Town of New London

As has been expected for over a year, a civil lawsuit has ben filed against former Police Chief David Seastrand and the Town of New London. David Seastrand resigned as New London’s police chief in April 2013 after a then 19-year-old freshman at Colby-Sawyer College charged Seastrand with…

Hillsboro Lions Club awards highest honor to a Henniker Rotarian

The Hillsboro Lions Club celebrated another successful year with Changing of the Guard Banquet and awards ceremony at the American Legion Hall. Sally Jones was installed as the Club’s…

Newbury couple arrested on felony Arson charges

A Newbury couple was arrested for arson on Wednesday afternoon for a June 9 fire on Stoney Brook Road in Newbury. The State Fire Marshal’s Office charged Douglas McCahon, 58, with one count of Felony Arson, and one misdemeanor charge of Burning Without A Permit and Rosemarie Digilio, 47, was charged with one count of Felony Conspiracy to…

Hopkinton man escaped to see birth of his child

A Hopkinton man faces six charges after he was accused of slipping out of handcuffs and leading Franklin Police on a chase for hours. Derek Wright appeared in court Wednesday morning and was arraigned on two felonies and four misdemeanors. Police said Wright was picked up on a probation violation…

Greenfield Marine dies by Afghanistan roadside bomb

A Marine from New Hampshire died while serving in Afghanistan, according to releases from state and federal officials. Lance Cpl. Brandon Garabrant died Friday. “Our hearts are broken by the loss of Lance Corporal Brandon Garabrant, a true American hero who made the ultimate sacrifice for the country that he loved,” U.S. Sen. Kelly Ayotte said in…

Peterborough’s $6 million “Library of the Future”

A $6 million capital campaign to fund the “Library of the Future” was unveiled at the 1833 Society annual meeting this week. “The goal is to raise $6 million and that money would cover the entire project,” said library director…

ConVal Tennis competes in state tourney

ConVal’s #1 player, Carl Svensson, played in the NHIAA individual singles tournament. Carl, on the right, defeated the #1 player from Nashua North, 8-5, in the first round. In the second round Carl played the #1 from Portsmouth who he had…


In New Hampshire – July, 2014

Download In New Hampshire – July, 2014 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download In New Hampshire - July, 2014 (pdf)Children’s Museum of NH announces Summer 2014 special event days

The museum’s team of educators has planned a number of special event days during July and August, designed to challenge imaginations and bring families together. “Summer is a great time plan a visit to the Children’s Museum of New Hampshire,” explained Jane Bard, president and education director at the museum. “Our exhibits and programs have been developed to foster…

Loon’s 4th Annual Monster Mud Run on July 12

Loon Mountain Resort is excited to announce it will host the 4th Annual Monster Mud Run on July 12, giving adventure-seekers a race that will be more challenging – and muddier – than ever…

40th Annual Market Days Festival in Concord

Intown Concord’s 40th Annual Market Days Festival returns to historic downtown Concord, New Hampshire, this summer – Thursday, July 17 through Saturday, July 19, 10:00am to 10:00pm daily. During Market Days, a half-mile of Main Street and side streets are closed to vehicle traffic, turning downtown Concord into a pedestrian boulevard lined with some 150 vendors offering…

The 70th annual North Haverhill Fair starting July 24th

The 70th annual North Haverhill Fair is only about a month away. And the final touches on the schedule of events are being ironed out. One of those new events will be The ZX Games. This thrilling entertainment and competitive event will feature ATV’s, motorcross motorcycles, BMX bicycles and, in order to put a little hop into the mix, super pogo sticks. The show will get kick started…

Two exciting antiques shows during Antiques Week in New Hampshire

The MidWeek Twilight Tuesday Antiques Show is geared toward beginning collectors as well as advanced and offers guests free parking, a gourmet café, on site shipper and air-conditioned comfort to explore the more than 60 top dealers in Americana, folk art, textiles, early pottery and fine ceramics, metal wares, portraits and landscape paintings, early toys, photography, trade signs, nautical ship models and artifacts, prints and maps, Native American weavings, period furniture, tramp art, Shaker, early lighting, pewter, silver and…

World Quilt Show New England XII

The highlight for quilt enthusiasts attending this show is the annual premier of the World Quilt Competition. Now in its eighteenth year, this international quilt contest draws entries from across the globe. Enjoy viewing the diverse talent and technique as it is captured through quilt making. For those who can’t seem to get enoughCruise liners are no longer just giant ships heading to enviable destinations. They are small, floating cities, destinations unto themselves, packed with unexpected entertainment from on-board planetariums to skydiving experiences. “As cruise ships add more exciting features to their…

Senioir Lifestyles – June 2014

Download Senior Lifestyles – June 2014 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download Senior Lifestyles - June 2014 (pdf)5 facts about baby boomers & one that could save your life

Were you born from 1945 through 1965? If so, you’re part of the unique generation known as the baby boomers. Here are interesting facts about baby boomers in America. One of them could save your life…

Bank of New Hampshire supports seniors

Monadnock at Home (MaH) held their fourth Annual Celebration June 4th at the Peterborough Players. The generous sponsorship from Bank of New Hampshire enabled MaH Board and staff to turn its Annual Meeting into a celebration. Cindy Bowen, Executive Director of MaH, recognized and honored the many…

World Quilt Show New England XII coming to Manchester

The highlight for quilt enthusiasts attending this show is the annual premier of the World Quilt Competition. Now in its eighteenth year, this international quilt contest draws entries from across the globe. Enjoy viewing the diverse talent and technique as it is captured through quilt making. For those who can’t seem to get enough at…

Historical Society features painters of White Mountains

From June 21st to September 12th an exhibit at the Historical Society of Cheshire County in Keene will showcase important works by nineteenth and early twentieth century painters of New Hampshire’s White Mountains and Mount Monadnock. “Canvassing the White Mountains: Icons of Place” will tell how the work of the artists impacted the growth and development of the…

Senior Center launches $60,000 fundraising campaign

Members of the Claremont Senior Center on Acer Heights Road is hoping to raise $60,000 to cover the cost of numerous building projects for the building. “They started the original building here about 12 years ago with a campaign like this,” said Claire Lessard, executive director of the Claremont Senior Center. “We need a new roof and now the bids that are coming in are…

Five crazy cruise features you just have to try

Cruise liners are no longer just giant ships heading to enviable destinations. They are small, floating cities, destinations unto themselves, packed with unexpected entertainment from on-board planetariums to skydiving experiences. “As cruise ships add more exciting features to their…

The Messenger – June 20, 2014

Download The Messenger – June 20, 2014 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - June 20, 2014 (pdf)The Class of 2026

Following a long-standing tradition, the Kearsarge Regional High School Class of 2014 shared the stage with their counterparts in the Class of 2026. These future graduates from the district’s various kindergartens open the…

HDHS Class of 2014 urged to ‘Do all you can, with what you have’

Braving the threat of rain, which never came Hillsboro-Deering’s Class of 2014 graduation was held outside under a huge white tent. In her welcoming address, Class President Briana Welch paused to take a “classy” selfie, saying, “life is full of moments and snapshots in time. Once that moment has passed there is no turning back. I will always remember this moment.”…

John Stark’s 160 graduates excelled at community service

In keeping with a 24-year-old tradition, the 160 members of John Stark Regional High School’s Class of 2014 ended their commencement ceremony with the blast of Bob Hatfield’s cannon and the John Stark fight song. Principal Christopher Corkery was…

Speakers urge Newport’s Class of 2014 to overcome their fears

The threat of rain forced the Newport High School graduation exercises into the Newport Opera House, but did nothing to dampen the spirits of the 84 graduates, their families and friends Thursday night. Although Valedictorian Allison Doucette admitted that…

203 members of ConVal’s Class of 2014 urged to value time

The threat of rain forced the ConVal graduation ceremony into the gym, but did little to dampen the enthusiasm of those attending. Valedictorian Cassandra Daisy urged her classmates to remember the importance of time and to cherish it in the future…

Speakers stress the closeness of Sunapee’s Class of 2014

The togetherness of Sunapee’s Class of 2014 was the shared theme of the graduation exercises Friday night in the Sherburne Gymnasium. Valedictorian Madison Fowler reminded her classmates that each of the graduates had changed the person sitting next to them, behind them, or anywhere on…

Sunapee’s 3rd Championship in four years

Sunapee 6 Gorham 5 It took the Lakers a while to get going, trailing by three runs with innings slipping by. Nick Skarin got things going with a single and stolen base in the sixth…

Grizzlies claw Bobcats in Division II Finals

#1 Goffstown 8 #3 Plymouth 1 Top-seeded Goffstown got a three-run triple from junior shortstop Tanner Putnam and a complete-game pitching performance from senior Tyler Perron and defeated third-seeded Plymouth Regional 8-1 in Saturday night’s Division II Championship Game…

The Messenger – June 13, 2014

Download The Messenger – June 13, 2014 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - June 13, 2014 (pdf)25% of New England College faculty on early retirement

New England College has offered an early retirement option as one of several economic measures the college is taking. In a statement, NEC spokesperson Dia Kalakonas said, ”As a proactive response to changes in the market-place, we are in the process of enhancing our…

Hopkinton High School Class of 2014 begins ‘A new journey’

The town of Weare will pay $57,500 to settle a federal civil rights lawsuit brought by a woman who said police were wrong to charge her for videotaping a traffic stop. In the settlement, the town and its police force don’t admit…

Weare settles another suit against the Police Department

A Claremont man was arrested on three felony warrants for drug sales Thursday afternoon. Nicholas G. Santana, 23, of 15 Walnut St. was arrested by Claremont police around 1:15 p.m. at his home on warrants stemming from an investigation conducted by the…

Court of Honor held for Joey Messner as an Eagle Scout

On Saturday, May 31, 2014 Weare Boy Scout Troop 24, chartered with American Legion Post 65 – Philbrick-Clement Post, held a ceremonial Eagle Court of Honor for a young man, Joseph (Joey) Messner, who recently earned the rank of Eagle Scout. Eagle Scout Nick Metcalf and former…

Is there a State Liquor Store in Warner’s future?

The Warner Selectmen met with Andrew Davis, Administrator of Real Estate & Leasing for the New Hampshire Liquor Commission regarding placing a NH State Liquor Store in Warner. Davis said that since 2009 Warner has been identified as an ideal site for the…

Newbury man surrenders after eluding police

A Newbury business man was arrested Tuesday for Receiving Stolen Property after a month long investigation. Police say they executed search warrants for the residence of Scott Hill 51, and  the workshop of Hill and Sons Trucking, seizing numerous documents. NH State Police Troop G were notified by…

BOYS’ LACROSSE Division II Tournament

#3 Goffstown 14 #2 St. Thomas 7 Jack Carney had six goals to lead third seed Goffstown over No. 2 St. Thomas Aquinas, and secure a second straight trip to the NHIAA Division II boys’ lacrosse finals. Stephen Dubois had four goals and an…

GIRLS’ SOFTBALL Division II Tournament

#12 Franklin 7 #5 Berlin 6 Mariah Gauthier went 4 for 4 to lead Franklin’s 10 hit attack. Kelsey Bird struckout 9 with 0 walks. #4 Pelham 7 #12 Franklin 6 (8in) Leading 6-5 with one out in the eighth, Franklin surrendered two runs, the lead and a spot in the Division II Finals…

The Messenger – June 6, 2014

Download The Messenger – June 6, 2014 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - June 6, 2014 (pdf)Sunapee wants New London to pay 75% for sewer

The New London Selectmen spent much of Monday’s meeting discussing a $275,000 change order for a Chemical Building at the Sunapee Wastewater Treatment Plant. With $320,000 available in the Contingency Fund, the Board approved the…

Hillsboro-Deering taxpayers to receive $700,000 refund

At Monday’s Hillsboro-Deering School Board meeting, Superintendent Robert Hassett shared an e-mail received from attorney Ed Kaplan who said the Board could not use this year’s large surplus to install a backup boiler in the Middle School. Armed with a $391,000 wish list of suggested repairs and…

Claremont man arrested for drug sales

A Claremont man was arrested on three felony warrants for drug sales Thursday afternoon. Nicholas G. Santana, 23, of 15 Walnut St. was arrested by Claremont police around 1:15 p.m. at his home on warrants stemming from an investigation conducted by the…

Fired Weare police sergeant files suit against department

A week after the Weare police learned that a Federal Court was allowing a suit against them to proceed, a new lawsuit was filed by a former sergeant, claiming he was fired after showing signs of post-traumatic stress disorder following an officer-involved shooting. Although Sgt. Joe Kelley was…

Fire Marshal investigating Newport fires

State, county and local authorities have opened a criminal investigation after firefighters from six communities responded to four suspicious fires in Newport early Saturday morning. All four fires were less than a mile from each other and started over a three-hour time span. The first was a…

5th Annual Hillsborough Bike Race next Saturday

The Office of Youth Services is sponsoring the 5th Annual Youth Bike Race at Grimes Field in Hillsboro on Saturday June 14th. Registration begins at 3:00pm and the race starts at 4:00pm. Ages  6 – 14 will bike various distances around Grimes Field and awards will be given out to boys and girls for ages 6-8, 9-10, 11-12 & 13-14. Two bikes donated by the Hillsboro Police Association and the Hillsboro Lions Club will be…


Monadnock 7 Hillsboro-Deering 0 Max Parenteau threw 6+ innings giving up only 4 hits and Danny Egner had two hits. Newport 4 Conant 0 Andrew Houde tossed a one-hit complete game shutout to end the season. Ricky Hammond and Zach Brown had two hits each…

GIRLS’ LACROSSE Division III preliminary

#6 Bishop Brady 10 # 11 Hopkinton 7 Sonja Leavitt stopped 16 shots but Brady was relentless…