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Monthly Archive for December, 2014

The Messenger – Jan. 2, 2015

Download The Messenger – Jan. 2, 2015 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - Jan. 2, 2015 (pdf)Two towns replacing long-time Department Heads

Antrim Fire Chief Mike Beauchamp, a member of the department since 1969 and chief since 1989, officially retired as of December 31st. Veteran firefighter Marshall Gale became Chief on January 1, 2015. Gale has been Deputy Chief for four years, having previously served as 2nd Lieutenant and…

Three men arrested for series of Washington burglaries

In October of 2014 the Washington Police Department started receiving reports of burglaries and thefts in the Bailey Road area. Most incidents were reported by owners, or discovered by police on patrol on Woodpecker Road. Others occurred on Bailey Road, at the Town Transfer Station and East Shore Road in a land locked section of Stoddard covered by Washington Emergency Services. In total 10 reports were investigated. Washington Police Chief Steven Marshall is announcing that after a two month investigation arrest warrants have been issued for…

Annual “Operation Christmas” aids 60+ Hopkinton families

For over a decade Hopkinton’s Human Services Director, Marilyn Ceriello Bresaw in coordination with the Hopkinton Food Pantry coordinator Tamara Saltmarsh, have been organizing ‘Operation Christmas’ for the local community. Operation Christmas is a program with a mission to collect and distribute gift and food donations during the Christmas season to community members who need extra support at…

Goffstown woman arrested

Dunbarton Police were called to a residence on Robert Rogers Road after the homeowner called to report an unwanted subject at the residence. It was also reported that there were some instances of past thefts that had taken place at the home. Officers on scene were able to determine…

Newport sex offender fails to register

New Hampshire State Police have a fugitive in custody Thursday night who allegedly avoided registering as a sex offender. Police say Christopher Lee, 37, was wanted by the Sullivan County Superior Court for failing to register as a sex offender and wanted by Newport District Court for failing to appear in court. Troopers received a tip on Sunday that the Newport, New Hampshire, man was in the northern area of Merrimack County. State police started…

Bauer Queen City Boys Hockey Classic

Manchester Memorial 7 Bow 6 Jared Cooperider skated down the ice and shot just underneath the glove side arm of Bow goaltender Rob Margeson to lift the Manchester Memorial boys’ hockey team to a 7-6 shootout victory in the first round of the Bauer Queen City Christmas Hockey Classic on Friday night. The Falcons led 6-5 heading into the third period but forward Andrew Putney recorded the equalizer for the Crusaders 14 seconds into the frame…

Concord Area Girls Holiday Tournament

Bishop Brady 45 Bow 29 Sarah Thomas led all scorers with 22 points to help the Green Giants advance to the semifinals of the Concord Area Holiday Tournament. Taylor Darrell led Bow with nine…

The Messenger – Dec. 26, 2014

Download The Messenger – Dec. 26, 2014 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - Dec. 26, 2014 (pdf)Newport’s Towle School students aid Food Pantry

An annual tradition was completed on Tuesday, December 16 as more than one hundred fifth and sixth graders emptied the school building, grabbed a bag of potatoes and hiked the half-mile down Main Street in Newport to deliver the food to the Newport NAAC Food Pantry. According to Towle staff, the Food Pantry delivery totaled just under a half ton of…

Messenger readers generously support Lions’ Christmas Food Baskets

Messenger readers again showed their generosity by contributing over $1,600 to the Hillsboro Lions Club’s Christmas Food Basket project.

The money helped the Lions purchase enough food to fill 104 food baskets for families from 2 to 9 individuals. Each basket contained a chicken or turkey, potatoes, onions, peas, green beans, cranberry sauce, bread, gravy and cookies. Those contributing to this project include:…

Newport partners with Dartmouth College for ‘Science In Residence’

It’s not every day you personally meet a scientist, let alone have him participate in a seventh grade science lesson. This happens almost every Friday in Jessica Warkentien’s Newport Middle School science classroom. Gifford Wong, a Ph.D. candidate at Dartmouth College, comes to Newport almost every Friday to help in the classroom. He is part of a cohort of graduate fellows from Dartmouth College who were accepted for the GK-12 program, which places the graduate fellow in a…

Goffstown and New Boston men arrested, another escapes

Merrimack Police have arrested three of the four suspects discovered inside Majestic Motors at 734 D.W. Hwy. shortly before 4:00AM on Tuesday December 16, 2014. Officers had been on heightened alert after a series of thefts which included a 1955 Dodge Power Wagon pickup truck which was taken from the business on December 01, 2014. Officers found a Chevrolet Pickup registered to…

Civil suit against former New London Police Chief settled for $70,000

Former New London Police Chief David Seastrand and the town have agreed to pay $70,000 to a former Colby-Sawyer College student who claimed Seastrand offered to drop charges against her if she would pose nude for photos. Janelle Westfall of Bridgewater had been asking for a jury trial. The suit alleged the town and the chief violated…

Ice bound Loon rescued from Martin Meadow Pond

On Monday, December 8, an iced-in loon was rescued on Martin Meadow Pond in Lancaster, New Hampshire. Loons can require close to a quarter mile of open water to take flight, but this loon was trapped in a 3-foot patch of open water. LPC Senior Biologist John Cooley carefully edged a small Jon-boat across the ice toward the loon until he was close enough to capture it with a landing net. Once they were both safely back on…

Hillsborough’s Christmas Tree Bonfire January 10th

The Annual Christmas Tree Bonfire will take place at Grimes Field in Hillsboro on Saturday January 10 from 5:00pm – 7:00pm. This year’s event will feature hot chocolate, a pot luck dessert table and seasonal sounds and songs. Christmas trees may be dropped off at…

The Messenger – Dec. 19, 2014

Download The Messenger – Dec. 19, 2014 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - Dec. 19, 2014 (pdf)Center Woods Grade 4 moving to Middle School

The Weare School Board has been struggling with overcrowding at Center Woods Elementary School which houses grades pre-K through 4th grade. While the school currently has enough classrooms for grade level instruction, there is a lack of small instructional spaces for the required specialized services needed by students…

Welcome Home from Afghanistan for Christmas Brandon Gillett

First Lieutenant Brandon Gillett, a Field Artillery Officer, is returning from a nine month deployment to Southern Afghanistan where he served as a Fire Support Officer with an Engineer company (Alpha Company, 4th Special Troops Battalion, 4th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division) out of Fort Carson, Colorado. Brandon is a proud 2009 graduate of Hillsboro-Deering High School and a 2013 graduate of The United States Military Academy at West Point where he earned a…

Emergency delivery on way to hospital

Ava-Lynn Rose Marie Beauchaine was born around 3:21 a.m. Sunday in the front seat of her great-aunt’s truck. Justine and David Beauchaine, the soon-to-be parents, along with great-aunt April Premo, were heading to Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center in Hanover from Newport. They were half a mile away from the hospital when the baby started…

H-D nursing staff saves taxpayers money

Patricia Parenteau, Assistant Superintendent is pleased to announce that the Nursing Team at SAU #34 schools has developed a relationship with Convenient MD, located on Loudon Road in Concord, NH that has resulted in a benefit to the schools. Convenient MD has generously donated…

New London Selectmen approve a bandstand engineering study

Public Works Director Richard Lee met with the New London Selectmen to discuss repairs needed for the bandstand. He submitted photographs showing some of the significant rot that is present. Lee asked a contractor (that had not provided a quote) to come look at the bandstand to give some advice. The contractor suggested jacking up the structure to replace all of the rotten sections and…

Proposed teacher reduction draws a large crowd

At the H-D School Board meeting on Monday, Facilities Director James Bailey brought in Doug Kenny from Rymes Oil and Propane to explain the pros and cons about oil and propane regarding the Middle School. The Board will later decide what they want to present to the Town at the Deliberative Session. Assistant Superintendent Patricia Parenteau gave a presentation on Special Education, with an emphasis on…

Medical marijuana facility in Franklin?

A proposal for what could be New Hampshire’s first state-licensed medical marijuana facility was made to the Epping Board of Selectmen on Monday night. Paul Morrissette, who owns Regal Auction Services and several other commercial properties in Franklin, tells the Concord Monitor he’s working with a Massachusetts organization to develop an application. Morrissette estimates 3,000 patients could use the…

The Messenger – Dec. 12, 2014

Download The Messenger – Dec. 12, 2014 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - Dec. 12, 2014 (pdf)New London Budget Committee studies dispatch fees

Sutton, Newbury and Wilmot have notified New London that they will continue to use their dispatch center in 2015. New London Town Administrator Kim Hallquist says New London usually doesn’t hear back from all the towns until late December. In October Grantham, Croydon, Sutton, Wilmot, Newbury, and New London Ambulance met with Town Officials to discuss the fees for 2015. In November the New London Selectboard voted 2-1 to…

Antrim man collides with fire truck

Saturday morning, just before noon, Antrim Police received reports that a Hancock fire truck, responding to a chimney fire on Smith Road in Antrim, was hit by a 1995 Toyota Camry driven by Alex Murphy, 19, of Antrim, who apparently backed out too fast, crossing the center line and hitting the…

Hillsborough Rec. offering 90 FREE TICKETS to Monster Jam

Hillsborough Recreation Director Peter Brigham has announced that Hillsborough residents of any age are eligible for free tickets to the Monster Jam Big Truck Show at the Verizion Arena in Manchester on January 2nd and 3rd. Messenger owners Leigh & Joyce Bosse have donated…

New Boston fire officials recommend departmental changes

New Boston Fire Chief Dan MacDonald and Fire Wards Wayne Blassberg, Cliff Plourde, Dale Smith and Dick Moody told the selectmen that when they received Fire Inspector Russ Boland’s resignation the fire wards began discussing leadership needs in the fire department organization. They determined there was a need to increase the hours of the…

6th annual “Taste of Hillsboro” event adds crafters

Hillsboro NH Scholars is proud to announce the 6th annual “Taste of Hillsboro” event. The Taste of Hillsboro will be held on Saturday, April 18th at the Hillsboro Deering Middle School in Hillsboro from 11 am to 2 pm. We plan to have many of our local restaurants in attendance to give the community an opportunity to try selected items off their menu. Additionally, this year we are going to invite local artisans and craftsmen to also be part of the event. This event will be free to attend…

Henniker School hosting African artist

This year’s artist-in-residence program for the Henniker Community School’s sixth grade will focus on Africa. In recent weeks, the students have been working with their teachers to gain a greater understanding of the culture, geography, and history of the countries of Mali, South Africa, Nigeria, Guinea, and Kenya in Africa. On December 18 and 19, the sixth grade will work with Nigerian printmaker Segun Olorunfemi creating large block prints of their own design…

Goffstown Selectmen studying locations for Variable Message Boards

Cathy Champagne of Jutras and Ben Barr, representative from Watch Fire LED Signs met with the Goffstown Selectmen to discuss Variable Message Boards. Recently the School indicated it was not interested in partnering with the Town to replace the existing Bartlett Elementary School sign with a variable message board…

The Messenger – Dec. 5, 2014

Download The Messenger – Dec. 5, 2014 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - Dec. 5, 2014 (pdf)Henniker police officer shoots a Franklin car thief

A Henniker police officer shot a man last Wednesday while trying to take him into custody for allegedly committing a robbery, according to the state Attorney General’s Office. Aaron Cadman, 19, was treated at a local hospital for an arm injury not believed to be life-threatening, authorities said. Police had put out an…

Options presented to relieve overcrowding at Center Woods School

SAU #24 Superintendent Dr. Lorraine Tacconi-Moore briefed the Weare School Board about several short-term solutions to address the space needs at the Center Woods Elementary School. The Weare District voted in October to build an addition to Center Woods as a long-term solution. “The reality is that we are out of room now at Center Woods and it might take some time to get funding to…

The Harlem Wizards return to Hillsboro-Deering January 12th

Back by popular demand, the Harlem Wizards are returning to Hillsboro-Deering High School, on Monday, January 12th at 7:00pm. The evening promises to be a fun filled event that is great for kids and adults and will guarantee to put a smile on your face! This event is hosted by The Hillsboro Lions Club, which brought the Wizards to town last year to rave reviews. At a Wizards game, fans will witness amazing basketball talent combined with…

Group airs concerns of Sunapee expansion

Jennifer Shea did a presentation for the Sunapee selectmen on behalf of the Friends of Mount Sunapee concerning the proposed expansion on Mount Sunapee. The Friends of Mount Sunapee are an alliance of local and regional citizens who advocate for the protection of Mount Sunapee State Park. There are three (3) primary concerns with the proposed expansion…

Visiting artist demonstrated glass working

Students in the Three Dimensional Art Class at John Stark Regional High School recently experienced working with basic glass kiln forming with visiting artist Hal Danser. Danser is a juried member of the Sharon Arts Gallery in Peterborough, the Mill Brook Gallery in Concord and select galleries throughout the US. John Stark students in Bess Robblee’s 3-D art class spent two days with Danser creating glass tiles and…

Franklin couple arrested for prostituting a 14-year-old

A Franklin couple has been accused of trying to arrange for a 14-year-old girl to have sex with an adult for $1,000. William Shine, 33, and Julie Shine, 41, of Franklin were both held on $100,000 cash bail after appearing separately on a video feed from the Merrimack County House of Correction. Both are charged with attempted prostitution of a minor and conspiracy to…

Bank of New Hampshire gives to HYAA

Bank of New Hampshire recently donated $1,000 to the Hillsboro Youth Athletic Association (HYAA) to help purchase a new batting cage to be placed permanently at Grimes Field in Hillsboro, NH. “We are excited to offer the batting cage to all the…