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The Messenger – Jan. 15, 2016

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Download Messenger – Jan. 15, 2016 – pages 21-40 (pdf)

In This Issue

Suspect arrested attempting to post bail for his pals

On January 8th Deering Officer Bell went to assist Hillsborough Police on Henniker Street for a disturbance involving several parties. Two suspects were arrested who had active warrants issued by Chief Pushee as part of an investigation of a “melee” that occured early Tuesday morning. Once these two suspects were at the station for Arrest Processing, a third suspect from the earlier assault/fight case arrived at the PD to…

Divided crowd attends Northern Pass hearing in Franklin

The Franklin Opera House was filled to capacity Monday night for a hearing, by the state’s Site Evaluation Committee, on the proposed Northern Pass project. Eversource-New Hampshire spokesman Bill Quinlan outlined the $1.6 billion proposal, saying that Northern Pass is the best of many alternative projects that will be brought forward in coming years to replace aging and retiring energy plants in…

Hillsborough Selectmen praise Dept. Heads responsibility

The Hillsborough Selectmen continued their budget preparations Tuesday evening. Fire Chief Stafford presented his recommendations totaling $648,373.50 which is down $114,474.62, of 15% from the current budget. Much of the reduction results from…

Sunapee man arrested after violent spree in Concord

A report of an aggressive panhandler at Walmart led to the arrest of a Sunapee man who is accused of driving while intoxicated, ramming a citizen’s car several times when the driver tried to stop him, and then struggling with arresting officers. Police said that on Friday night they were called to Walmart, and as officers were…

Smoke inhalation claims life of Andover icon

Don Gross, a well-known and well-loved Andover icon was killed outside his home last Thursday after accidentally fueling an already-burning brush fire. According to a press release from the New Hampshire Department of Safety, Gross, 65, died from smoke inhalation caused by a fire that “was accidental in nature and included the use of ignitable liquids in close proximity to…

Weare Police facing another lawsuit

Another lawsuit against Weare police officers scheduled for trial next month in federal court. Filed nearly two years ago, Shane St. Onge claims officers Ken Cox and Kim McSweeney repeatedly shocked him with a Taser even after he followed their direction and dropped to the ground after the first shock. He also claims that they…

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