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Monthly Archive for March, 2016

In New Hampshire – April 2016

Download In New Hampshire – April 2016 (pdf)Download In New Hampshire - April 2016 (pdf)

In This Issue

Keene State College’s  ‘An Evening of Dance’ April 20 through April 23

A specially commissioned dance by New York choreographer Yanira Castro will premiere along with three new works by Keene State College faculty during An Evening of Dance presented by the Keene State Department of Theatre and Dance. This annual modern dance concert of original works will be performed by the talented and always engaging Keene State dancers…

Protecting Special Places in the North Atlantic dinner lecture

This spring, the campaign to permanently protect two areas in the North Atlantic will reach a critical point. Attend this event for a unique opportunity to see spectacular photographs and film footage from two of New England’s most important underwater treasures, the Cashes Ledge area and the New England Canyons and Seamounts…

The Gallery at the League of NH Craftsmen Headquarters hosts Fine Craft Exhibition

The League of NH Craftsmen is showcasing the work of its newly juried members in the Continuing the Tradition fine craft exhibition at The Gallery at The Craft Center and headquarters on 49 South Main Street in Concord from April 1 through June 17. All the participants have met the League’s stringent jury standards for skill and creativity…

Events for All Things Spring in Mt Washington Valley

24 Hours of Music at White Mountain Hotel, North Conway, NH: From noon to noon enjoy the 6th Annual 24 Hours of Music presented by Mountain Top Music. Student performances juxtaposed with professional valley musicians. Dinner offered on April 2 and brunch on Sunday Order tickets: (603) 447-4737 x304…

Spring Barnyard Baby Animals come to Strawbery Banke

Strawbery Banke welcomes Spring by opening a week early this year to showcase a variety of more than a dozen heirloom breeds of Barnyard Baby Animals (and their moms) that would have been familiar to earlier generations. The event, which takes place under a tent on museum grounds, April 23rd through May 1st is a family-friendly opportunity to learn more about domestic livestock typical on coastal northern New England farms from the 17th century to present day…


The Messenger – April 1, 2016

Download The Messenger – April 1, 2016 – pages 1-8 (pdf)Download The Messenger - April 1, 2016 (pdf)

Download The Messenger – April 1, 2016 – pages 9-16 (pdf)

Download The Messenger – April 1, 2016 – pages 17-40 (pdf)


In This Issue

Strong opposition voiced to para-military facility in Bradford

When attorney Nick Wright introduced his clients as four medically discharged veterans with multiple tours in Afghanistan and Iraq, the large crowd erupted in spontaneous applause. It was the last encouragement the four would receive. Although several residents thanked them for their service and for holding this event, none supported their plans…

Three vehicle accident in Georges Mills

On Monday, March 28th, Sunapee Police were dispatched to Route 11 in Georges Mills in the area of Jobs Creek Road for a three vehicle accident. Two vehicles were traveling in an easterly direction on Route 11, and the third vehicle was traveling in a westerly direction. The westbound vehicle crossed the center line and struck the two vehicles traveling east. All three vehicles were…

Newport man pleads guilty to child porn

Allen Langlois, 49, of Newport, pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography, in the United States District Court for the District of New Hampshire in Concord. An investigation conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) revealed that Langlois was accessing a known child pornography website from his Newport residence at 8 Roseland Road. A search warrant was subsequently issued and executed in September 2015, which turned up hundreds of still images of child…

Three sentenced for kidnapping and vicious assault in Goffstown

Three people have been sentenced for their role in the armed kidnapping in Goffstown last March. Jayson Setoute, Isaiah Williams and Alissa Chandler were charged with kidnapping, criminal threatening with a deadly weapon, criminal restraint, obstructing the report of a crime or injury, simple assault and accomplice/criminal liability…

Man dies as tree falls on his truck in Weare

Derek Lankowski, 31, a Lyndeborough volunteer firefighter was killed Tuesday when a tree was blown onto a pickup truck on Route 114 in Weare. Route 114 was closed for hours near John Stark Regional High School while police investigated the terrible freak accident…

The Messenger – March 25, 2016

Download Messenger – March 25, 2016 – Pages 1-16 (pdf)

Download Messenger – March 25, 2016 – Pages 17-32 (pdf)Download Messenger - March 25, 2016 (pdf)


In This Issue

Huge crowd gathers to honor Henniker’s Rick Hall

Last Friday, family friends, co-workers and competitors alike gathered at Country Spirit Restaurant to honor the memory of Rick Hall, who died suddenly March 9 at his home in Henniker. In order for Country Spirit employees to join in the tribute, staff from Tooky Mills Pub in Hillsboro and Peter Christian’s Tavern in New London pitched in to…

New London Selectmen award bid for Pleasant Lake Dam repair

The New london selectmen recently interviewed engineering firms for work on the Pleasant Lake Dam to address the Letter of Deficiency as issued by the State DES. The Board first met with Jonathan C. Edgerton, PE; Senior Vice President of Wright-Pierce, who reviewed his proposal and discussed…

Hillsborough man arrested in Deering

On March 18th Deering Officer Bell recieved a complaint about an individual who was intoxicated and driving around. The complainant stated that the suspect had made statements about hurting himself and others, about leading the police on a pursuit, and about possibly forcing a Police Officer into a lethal confrontation. Officers located the subject who did…

Henniker Rotary Club 2016 Rabies Clinic

The Henniker Rotary Club will hold its annual Cat and Dog Rabies Clinic Saturday, April 16, 2016 at the Henniker Fire Station from 2:00- 4:00pm. Vaccinations will be administered by the veterinary team of the Henniker Veterinary Hospital, under the direction of Dr. Robert Brust, Veterinarian and Rotary member. Cost for the Clinic is $12.00 each for the first two pets, $6.00 for each additional pet. The Henniker Town Clerk will be on hand to provide 2016 dog licensure for local residents. Please bring all dogs on leashes, all…

Hillsboro Police Department provides several pro-active services

Police Chief David Roarick briefed the Hillsboro Lions Club on several new programs undertaken by his department. Project Lifesaver provides an electronic tracking device, which is worn like a wrist watch, to children or elderly persons who may tend to wander. The police department maintains a direction signal locator that can find that person. Hillsboro is the first Department in the state to provide…

The Messenger – March 18, 2016

Download The Messenger – March 18, 2016 (pdf)Download The Messenger - March 18, 2016 (pdf)

In This Issue

Greenfield voters nix 21 warrant articles

A record number of Greenfield residents overflowed Saturday’s town meeting. Fire Captain and Code Enforcement Officer Michael Borden moved all non-voters to the entryway of the Meetinghouse. “No” was the operative word during the more than six hour meeting as a total of 21 warrant articles were defeated. “There is no point in having a Select Board if you don’t trust us….. No one is working against you. If you are not satisfied with…

Newport woman faces multiple charges

Police say a Newport woman faces drunk driving charges after the local police chief reported seeing her drive on three tires, with sparks flying from a wheel well where a missing fourth tire should have been. Cornish Police Chief E. Douglas Hackett stopped a 2004 Volkswagen Jetta station wagon, driven by…

Hopkinton voters support road & bridge bond – nix turf field

With one major exception, Hopkinton voters came to Town Meeting Saturday ready to support the warrant proposed by the selectmen, including the $6,416,591 operating budget and a $2,200,000 bond for road, bridge, and culvert rehabilitation, which easily passed by the required…

Suspects in Warner break-in identified

Rose Forsey’s surveillance camera on her Warner home captured a woman as she drove up to her house, then a man got out, kicked down her front door, and broke in, stealing prescription pain medication that Forsey needs for her fibromyalgia, a television, a three-day-old iPad, and priceless jewelry. The video shows the couple returning an hour later to…

Eversource to expand Hillsborough plant

Eversource is seeking approval for a new 1,300 sf. control enclosure and a 1,000 sf. expansion of the existing substation yard located at the Jackman Hydro Facility on Sawmill Road in Hillsborough. The proposed control enclosure, which monitors the electrical equipment within the substation, is needed to provide updated controls to meet system requirements. Existing electrical equipment within the substation yard is also…

Dogs & Drugs dominate Deering Town Meeting debate

A national epidemic dominated debate at Saturday’s Deering Town Meeting; Drug addiction, and what to do about it. A $4,900 request for health programs triggered the debate. “I’m tired of stepping over hypodermic needles on my run at 9 in the morning. We have a serious drug crisis on hand here.” The police are doing the best they can, but the…

The Messenger – March 11, 2016

Download The Messenger – March 11, 2016 (pdf)Download The Messenger - March 11, 2016 (pdf)

In This Issue

Firing Range takes fire

Although repair and repaving of their street was the major topic at Franklin’s City Council meeting, one Prospect Street couple used the public comment section to raise another and file a complaint. The couple, who have lived on the street for 16 years, complained that since the City reauthorized the lease with the Franklin Targeteers in 2013, their lives have been disrupted and their home unlivable because of the frequent and excessively loud sounds of gun fire from…

Hillsborough voters support the Sewer & Water Commissioners

Hillsborough residents approve most of the town warrant article by nearly unanimous voice vote, including the proposed $6,904,845 operating budget. Blessed with a $1.2 million General Fund Balance, voters easily approved funding new or existing…

John Stark students “ALL Shook Up”

The Stage Company at John Stark Regional High School will present All Shook Up, the musical inspired by and featuring the songs of Elvis Presley written by Joe Dipietro. Showtimes: Thursday, March 17 through Saturday, March 19 at 7 pm and Sunday, March 20 at 2 pm. Admission is $5 for students and senior citizens, $7 for adults. Tickets will be available at…

Kearsarge Maple Festival held in Warner

On March 19 & 20, the town of Warner will hold its annual Kearsarge Maple Festival, and this year’s event is expected to be bigger and better than ever. Maple lovers are invited to start off each day with a pancake and eggs breakfast at the United Church of Warner from 7:30-11. On Saturday from 10-4, the NH Telephone Museum will offer…

New London voters approve $7.8 million budget and K-9 Unit

New London voters approved the full warrant, including a $460,000, 10 year  bond measure for four large capital projects. Those projects include closing a sewer lagoon, replacing a red-listed culvert, building a sand and salt shed, and installing a new…

The Messenger – March 4, 2016

Download The Messenger – March 4, 2016 – pgs 1-20 (pdf)Download The Messenger - March 4, 2016 (pdf)

Download The Messenger – March 4, 2016 – pgs 21-40 (pdf)


In This Issue

Hillsborough Selectmen grant Weatherstone’s request

Hillsborough Town Administrator Laura Buono brought a request from Saxon Partners, LLC for a phased in tax structure once the first two buildings are built as part of Weatherstone Crossing. Per Town Counsel, under RSA 76:16 the Selectmen may abate any tax assessed for the…

FREE Harlem Globetrotters’ Tickets

Messenger owners Leigh & Joyce Bosse have announced that they have secured 30 tickets to the Harlem Globetrotters game at the Verizon Center on March 25th at 7:00 p.m. The tickets are free and are being distributed by Hillsborough Recreation Director Peter Brigham on a first come, first serve basis. Contact Peter to…

Hillsborough to modify solar agreement

Town Administrator Buono informed the Selectmen that the Solar Array has received all the approvals, however, the Eversource cost is much higher than expected. She has been contacted by NH Solar requesting the annual lease amount with the Town be changed from “at least $13,000 with a 1% escalation each year” to “at least $5,000 with a 1% escalation each year.” The Selectmen felt that…

Deering voters asked to ban dogs at the town beach

Deering voters will decide whether dogs will be allowed on the town beach by voting on a warrant article which would ban dogs from the Deering Lake Public Beach Area from Memorial Day to Labor Day and fine dog owners who violate the rule. Be prepared for a long and heated debate…

Bradford residents organizing to oppose para-military facility

A group of about 30 residents attended Bradford’s ZBA meeting Wednesday night ready to oppose efforts of the Corvus Training Group to build a training center for police, firefighters, EMTs and volunteers that would include shooting ranges. Unfortunately, board members informed them that they could not discuss the proposal as no…