The Messenger – March 11, 2016

Download The Messenger – March 11, 2016 (pdf)Download The Messenger - March 11, 2016 (pdf)

In This Issue

Firing Range takes fire

Although repair and repaving of their street was the major topic at Franklin’s City Council meeting, one Prospect Street couple used the public comment section to raise another and file a complaint. The couple, who have lived on the street for 16 years, complained that since the City reauthorized the lease with the Franklin Targeteers in 2013, their lives have been disrupted and their home unlivable because of the frequent and excessively loud sounds of gun fire from…

Hillsborough voters support the Sewer & Water Commissioners

Hillsborough residents approve most of the town warrant article by nearly unanimous voice vote, including the proposed $6,904,845 operating budget. Blessed with a $1.2 million General Fund Balance, voters easily approved funding new or existing…

John Stark students “ALL Shook Up”

The Stage Company at John Stark Regional High School will present All Shook Up, the musical inspired by and featuring the songs of Elvis Presley written by Joe Dipietro. Showtimes: Thursday, March 17 through Saturday, March 19 at 7 pm and Sunday, March 20 at 2 pm. Admission is $5 for students and senior citizens, $7 for adults. Tickets will be available at…

Kearsarge Maple Festival held in Warner

On March 19 & 20, the town of Warner will hold its annual Kearsarge Maple Festival, and this year’s event is expected to be bigger and better than ever. Maple lovers are invited to start off each day with a pancake and eggs breakfast at the United Church of Warner from 7:30-11. On Saturday from 10-4, the NH Telephone Museum will offer…

New London voters approve $7.8 million budget and K-9 Unit

New London voters approved the full warrant, including a $460,000, 10 year  bond measure for four large capital projects. Those projects include closing a sewer lagoon, replacing a red-listed culvert, building a sand and salt shed, and installing a new…

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