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The Messenger – January 27, 2017

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In This Issue

Belmont robbery

Belmont Police are asking for the public’s help in their investigation of an armed robbery at the Penguin Market on Laconia Road Saturday night. Police were called to the store by a clerk, who said that a man brandishing a handgun had just robbed the store. No customers…

H-D Elementary Spelling Bee winners named

Hillsboro-Deering Elementary School held their annual Spelling Bee on Thursday, January 19th. 1st place went to Jeffrey Stillman, 2nd place was Paige Kelly and Kaiya Richard placed 3rd. Jeffrey will go on to represent HDES at the…

Memory of murdered Franklin girl remains after 44 years

It has been almost fifty years and the murder of 13-year-old Kathy Gloddy of Franklin is still unsolved. But her friends and family have kept her spirit alive on her birthday. Despite  below zero temperatures, Janet Gloddy and classmates of Kathy’s gathered outside of Marceau Park, inviting locals to bring a can of dog or cat food to donate to the animal shelter in honor of Kathy’s dream of…

Fuel truck accident closes Route 4 Friday

Officials are trying to figure out what made a tractor-trailer driver hauling a large quantity of heating oil drive off road into the woods close to the Andover-Salisbury town line on Friday morning, closing Route 4 for over seven hours. A  J.P. Noonan transportation truck carrying several thousand gallons of oil was driving north headed towards…

Boys’ Sports Hockey

Goffstown 11 Winnacunnet 1: A Max Lajeunesse had a hat trick and Colby Gamache added a pair of goals for the Grizzlies. Belmont/Gilford 11 Laconia/ Winnisquam 1: Belmont/Gilford improved to 6-1-1 in Division III. Pembroke/Campbell 4, Monadnock 3, OT: Matt Tremblay scored a pair of goals, including the winner in overtime…

Girls’ Sports Winter Track

The Con-Val winter track team competed at the first of two qualifier only meets at UNH on Sunday. Highlighting the meet of the girls was Clare Veverka’s first place performance in the 3000 meter run…

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