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The Messenger – January 12, 2018

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In This Issue

Incoming Mayor predicts a Franklin Rebirth

“This is like déjà vu all over again!” said Tony Giunta as he was sworn in as Franklin’s Mayor for the second time, having served in that office from 2000-2004. Reflecting on his first inaugural, he recalled how the task was to change the city’s perception…

Area firefighters hampered by cold temperatures and brisk winds

As whipping winds and bitter cold plunged wind chills down to 30 below and even colder, first responders were busy with fires both overnight and throughout the weekend with other incidents reported in Windsor, Goffstown, Peterborough, and Tilton. Peterborough firefighters saved a Blueberry Lane house from a…

Jacob Merritt becomes Newport Troop’s third Eagle Scout

A crowd of 50 friends, family and scouts, past and present, gathered in the cafeteria at Newport Middle High School Sunday to celebrate Jacob Merritt’s achievement, becoming the third member of Boy Scout Troop 316 in the past three years, after Patrick Hennig in 2015 and Jeremy Dewey last year, to attain the rank of Eagle Scout…

Hillsboro Board tackles budget & rumors

The Board reviewed both the Police and Town Employees Unions’ contracts and voted to accept them to be placed on the Town Warrant. The contracts are for 3 years and provide raises for all employees as well as step increases. The Police contract also addresses adjustments for Dispatch employees to bring them in line.The Board also discussed a rumor that…

Epsom Police Chief on unpaid leave

Longtime Epson Police Chief, Wayne Preve, who Select Board Chair Don Harty says “has been an excellent chief for the town,” and, “Very, very respected by people in town,” has been placed on unpaid administrative leave. Select Board members have refused to elaborate, calling it a…

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