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The Messenger – January 19, 2018

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In This Issue

Supreme Court rules Bow overtaxed Eversource

Eversource ratepayers got some good news last week at the expense of Bow taxpayers. The NH Supreme Court ruled that the Town of Bow overtaxed Eversource. Bow is on the hook for up to $14 million by overvaluing the company’s Merrimack Station power plant. Any money…

Center Woods Elementary School presented $25,000 Tech Prize

Center Woods Elementary School was presented with a check for $25,000—the first prize in a technology competition sponsored by the Intel Corporation—by the winner and CWES parent Justin Gelinas during an All School Meeting on January 11. Justin, who works on the Geek Squad at the Manchester Best Buy, is part of a team that has been competing for…

H-D School Budget set at $21,939,631

The proposed H-D School budget is $21,939,631 and the default budget is $21,868,952. A separate warrant article labeled Elementary School Project is for the renovation of the Elementary School Entrance, to reconfigure and pave the parking lot, and replace the playground. The total cost of the project is…

Boscawen Police Officer honored for heroism

Police Chief Kevin Wyman presented, on behalf of the Board of Selectman, Boscawen Police Department and the residents of Boscawen, Officer Glen Chislett with a Merritt of Conduct award for his heroism for a domestic violence call. Upon arrival…

Eight towns help Peterborough in fighting garage fire

Fire crews in Peterborough called in help from 8 other towns Sunday night to battle a blaze in a large garage in town. Peterborough Fire & Rescue reported their department was called to 555 Middle Hancock Road about 10:04 p.m. for a reported…

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