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The Messenger – November 22, 2019

Download The Messenger – November 22, 2019 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - November 22, 2019 (pdf)Tragic deaths in Hillsborough

Responding to a 911 call Sunday night, investigators found the bodies of 4-month-old Makenzie Deuse and her father, 39-year-old Miles Deuse inside their apartment at 45 Bridge Street in Hillsborough. The baby’s mother, Tasha Moore had arrived home from work, discovered the…

Help the Hillsboro Lions Club feed our needy neighbors this Christmas

Messenger Publisher and former Lions Club President, Leigh Bosse is pleased to announce that for the 25th consecutive year, The Messenger, in conjunction with the Hillsboro Lions Club, will be conducting its annual appeal to readers to fund the distribution of Christmas Food Baskets to needy families in…

H-D School Board approves Extended Learning Opportunities

At the recent H-D School Board meeting school Career Counselor Katelyn Cashorali made a presentation about ELO (Extended Learning Opportunities) where students can receive credits for participation in programs outside of the traditional classroom. All programs must be pre-approved and monitored and are developed with specific…

Kearsarge Middle School water contaminated

Superintendent Winfried Feneberg reports that the Kearsarge Regional School District is taking action after one faucet at the Kearsarge Regional Middle School tested positive for elevated levels of a regulated chemical called PFOA. While the district has…

Henniker Select Board seeks to preserve assets & encourage business growth

The Henniker Select Board spent much of Tuesday’s meeting planning for the future. Margaret Blank Project Engineer for Underwood presented the Asset Management Plan for the Wastewater System. In order to plan for the repair and replacement of the $30 million system, Underwood recommends that…

Hearth Cooking Saturday looks back to Thanksgiving in the 1830s

Traditional Thanksgiving recipes are on the menu for the Monadnock Center’s November Hearth Cooking Saturday on November 23. Visit the Prescott Family in the Phoenix Mill House to learn about the history of Thanksgiving in America and enjoy samples of these authentic 19th century recipes…


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