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The Messenger – November 29, 2019

Download The Messenger – November 29, 2019 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - November 29, 2019Warner Historical Society Holiday Artisans’ Showcase

On December 7th, from 10am-4pm, the Warner Historical Society throws open the doors to the Upton Chandler House Museum for its annual Holiday Artisans shopping event. This year we will showcase the artwork of Denise Green and Mimi Wiggin, delicious gingersnaps and other goodies by Judy Courser, maple syrup from Courser Farm with…

New Boston welcomes Hailey Gelinas home after her kidney transplant

Hailey Gelinas, 18, of New Boston received a new lease on life thanks to a kidney transplant from an anonymous 20-year-old female donor, last week. This was the second kidney transplant she has received. Her first transplanted kidney was donated by her uncle in 2007, but was rejected in…

H-D DECA hosts the Henniker Rotary Club

H-D DECA recently hosted the Henniker Rotary Club for their weekly breakfast meeting. Rotarians and DECA members were able to sit with each other and talk over breakfast before the club held their regular meeting, with the featured speakers being officers of DECA. A presentation of how DECA members compete for…

Missing New Boston man walks out of the woods safely

A 54-year old hunter who became lost in white-out conditions Sunday managed to make his way home safely on Monday.Fish and Game Conservation Officers and family members began searching for James Allen of New Boston around 7:30 p.m. Sunday. He was reported overdue by his brother…

Sweethearts and Heroes at Center Woods

Sweethearts and Heroes, an organization that devotes itself to addressing the impact bullying has on schools, neighborhoods, and individuals recently spent the day at Center Woods Upper Elementary and Weare Middle School. The two speakers from Sweethearts and Heroes, Tom Murphy and Rick Yarosh, presented an assembly for each school, visited classrooms, joined students for lunch and one-on-one conversations, and held a professional growth session for teachers at…


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