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The Messenger – October 9, 2020

Download The Messenger – October 9, 2020 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - October 9, 2020 (pdf)Self-paced classes and testing available at no cost to NH high school students

Education Commissioner Frank Edelblut today announced a partnership with Modern States, a philanthropy dedicated to making a college degree more affordable and accessible, to offer free courses providing New Hampshire students with the opportunity to earn high school and college credit. Modern States will pay…

Remarkable young Hopkinton woman wins Girl Scouting’s highest award

Getting people away from screens and out into nature was the goal of one determined Girl Scout, leading her to create a brand new nature trail in her hometown where anyone could get fresh air, exercise, and even learn a bit about local flora while leaving the electronics behind…

Planning for Hillsborough’s 250th Celebration

Town Administrator Laura Buono and Historical Society President Christina Chadwick co-chaired the initial planning meeting for the Town of Hillsborough’s 250th Celebration. The actual date will be…

Help Hillsborough Community Center Project

The Hillsborough Community Center Project board would like to invite you to join our fundraising committee. We are seeking motivated people who see the value of what a community center will bring to Hillsborough and its surrounding towns. Our goal is to build…


John Stark 2, Bow 1: Bella Pelletier scored the game-winning goal midway through the third quarter. Meg Girardet also scored and Sydnee Pelletier made nine saves for the Generals…


Hillsboro-Deering/Hopkinton 28, Merrimack Valley 7: Jack Morrall ran for 218 yards and three TDs and a twopoint conversion on 28 carries and Alex Brown logged eight tackles, three assists, a fumble recovery and a sack for Hillsboro-Deering/Hopkinton…

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