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Monthly Archive for October, 2023

The Messenger – October 27, 2023

Download The Messenger – October 27, 2023 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - October 27, 2023 (pdf)Missing Weare woman found

Just before 11:30 p.m. on October 22nd, 2023, the Weare Police Department received a call in regards to an overdue dog walker. Kimberly Kerr, 52 years old, was walking her dog in the area of Sherwood Forest Road, and was last seen by…

Halloween 2023 – Have a great time kids and keep it safe out there

Several hundred witches, goblins, super heroes, and princesses will take to area streets when cleverly costumed children go looking for treats. This is a much loved evening for many youngsters who will be running out of shear…

Hillsborough’s Operation Christmas 2023 needs your help

It’s that time of year again! Operation Christmas is underway. With our community’s support, we will help provide Christmas Gifts for families from Hillsboro, Deering and Windsor that need assistance in providing Christmas gifts for their children…

Newly certified John Stark teacher signs first contract at age 70

No Excuses. That’s what newly certified Special Education teacher at John Stark Regional High School, Deb Raymond, has to say to anyone who thinks they should give up on their dreams and goals. At the age of 70, Deb just signed…

The Messenger – October 20, 2023

Download The Messenger – October 20, 2023 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - October 20, 2023 (pdf)Greenfield man dies in two-car Rte 9 accident

New Hampshire State Police responded to a deadly head-on crash on Route 9 last Thursday morning. Troopers said it appeared one driver was driving east and the other driver was driving west when…

Beyond Belief: Spooky Storytelling at Weare Cemetery October 26th

If you visit the East Weare Cemetery on Thursday, October 26, after the sun sets (at 6:30), a portal to the beyond will open and you be transported to the realm of truth and deception. Local storytellers will gather and tell amazing stories of the…

Hillsboro-Deering DECA observes Squirrel Awareness Month

Squirrels, those nimble creatures that tirelessly scurry up trees and hide away their precious acorns, are more than just cute little rodents. They play a vital role in our ecosystem, and…

New owners of the Hancock Inn take the Town of Hancock to court

The owners of the Hancock Inn have filed a suit against the Town’s Zoning Board of Adjustment and the Town of Hancock. A hearing was scheduled for 2 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 17, at Hillsborough North Superior Court in…

The Messenger – October 13, 2023

Download The Messenger – October 13, 2023 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - October 13, 2023 (pdf)Authorities investigate death of 5-year-old Newport girl

A 5-year-old girl was pronounced dead at the hospital where she was taken by emergency personnel after they responded to a report of a child who was unresponsive and not breathing in…

Former Director of Warner Connects indicted on felony credit card fraud

Lori Garrett, the former director of Warner Connects, has been indicted for theft and fraudulent credit card charges from the local food pantry. The indictment accuses…

Monadnock Rod & Gun Club appeals to NH Supreme Court

The Monadnock Rod and Gun Club has appealed its zoning case against the Town of Peterborough to the N.H. Supreme Court. The high court has agreed to hear a combined series of civil cases brought against…

McDonald’s supports NH Police

On Wednesday, October 4th, the 54 McDonald’s franchisees across New Hampshire spearheaded a fund raising effort to donate $50,000 to the New Hampshire Association of Chiefs of Police. From…

The Messenger – October 6, 2023

Download The Messenger – October 6, 2023 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - October 6, 2023 (pdf)Hillsboro Lions Club Senior Dinner November 18th

A Hillsboro tradition continues for the 47th year, as the Hillsboro Lions Club hosts its Annual Senior Citizens Dinner. Project Chair Leigh Bosse reports that this year the event is scheduled for Saturday, November 18th, (not November 4th as previously reported) at the Hillsboro-Deering Middle School for a full…

76th Annual Warner Fall Foliage Festival slated for this weekend

The Warner Fall Foliage Festival is happening this weekend, October 6-8, 2023 as scheduled. There are NO admission fees to ANY of the events or…

H-D Board studies Capital Maintenance Plan

Hillsboro-Deering Business Manager Grant Geisler met with the Board to review and discuss the many Capital Maintenance projects the District will face over the next few years. He suggests that those projects be…


Pelham 54, Hillsboro-Deering/Hopkinton 0: The Redhawks lost their third straight game on Friday night, this time to the defending champion Pythons. John Stark 62, Hollis-Brookline 6: The Generals led 56-0 at halftime en route to a commanding victory…


Kearsarge 2, Bishop Brady 0: Kearsarge opened the game keeping possession in the Brady’s end and Maddie Thorp opened the scoring in the fourth minute with a shot from 20 yards out…