Senior Lifestyles – January 2011

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Put out the welcome mat for guests

When your youngest child packs up and drives away – to college, a new job or his first apartment – the quiet in the house can be unsettling at first. Then it hits you, your ‘empty nest’ is a remodeling opportunity. You now have the time to redo that guest bathroom and design the ultimate bath retreat. From the start of your redesign project, be on the lookout for products that offer socially sustainable design. There is a wide selection of watersaving toilets, faucets and showerheads that will meet your needs and style.

Is your health passing the test?

Chronic diseases, like heart disease and diabetes, are among the most common, costly and preventable of all health problems in the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Fortunately, health screening tests are an easy way to detect these conditions early, so you can prevent symptoms from worsening.

Seniors shoulder a large credit card debt burden

Younger generations of Americans have long looked up to their elders as paragons of good financial common sense. So it’s surprising to find out that many seniors are facing high levels of credit card debt. A study by the University of Michigan Law School showed that 7 percent of the people fi ling for bankruptcy between 1991 and 2007 were aged 65 and older – the fastest growing age segment to file.

Don’t overlook these tax breaks on your 2010 return

Every year, taxpayers miss out on hundreds or thousands of dollars in tax breaks simply because they don’t know the benefits exist. “Figuring out what tax breaks are available, whether you qualify, and what forms you need can be tricky,” says Jessi Dolmage of TaxACT, makers of tax preparation software. Dolmage offers some tips for taking advantage of commonly missed deductions and credits…

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