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Monthly Archive for March, 2011

The Messenger – March 25, 2011

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Three Weare men arrested in cocaine bust

After a lengthy drug investigation which began in late November 2010, the Weare Police arrested several individuals for Possession and Sales of Cocaine…

Lajoie is top Guidance Counselor

Hopkinton’s middle school guidance counselor, Corrine Lajoie, 58, of West Hopkinton, received the New Hampshire School Counselor Association’s “New Hampshire Middle School Counselor of the Year” award last Friday…

Antrim Selectmen rescind Special Town Meeting

The Antrim Selectmen have reconsidered their decision to schedule a Special Town Meeting to vote on six of the eight zoning amendments, removed from the March ballot due to a procedural error. Their action came after a lengthy and contentious public meeting amid charges of illegal and unethical behavior…

Download The Messenger – March 25, 2011 (pdf)

The Messenger – March 18, 2011

Download The Messenger - March 18, 2011 (pdf)In This Issue

Newport selects its new Police Chief

The Newport Selectmen have named a Newport native as the town’s new Police Chief. Lieutenant Detective James Burroughs will be sworn in on March 31 to replace Chief David Hoyt who is retiring.

Warner voters say yes in about two hours

It took Warner voters about two hours to complete discussion of the town warrant. Approval was given to the proposed operating budget of $2,884,582 along with warrant articles totaling another $350,000…

Henniker school budget squeaks by

Henniker School District voters proved the old adage that “Every Vote Counts.” After about two hours of debate calling for cuts, the proposed $6.6 million 2011-12 budget passed by the margin of 38-37…

Download The Messenger – March 18, 2011 (pdf)

The Messenger – March 11, 2011

Download The Messenger - March 11, 2011 (pdf)In This Issue

Colby-Sawyer student wins design contest

The N.H. Committee to Oversee the Public Works Employee Memorial has selected Colby-Sawyer student Relsie M. Lee, a senior graphic design major from Wilmot as the winner of its design competition. The memorial will honor N.H. public workers who were killed while performing their duties and will be constructed on the grounds of the N.H. Department of Transportation building in Concord. For her winning design, Lee will be able to work on the project with the committee to fine tune the final design and she will receive a $1,200 scholarship…

Former Governor Peterson has cancer

His family recently announced that former New Hampshire Governor Walter Peterson, 88, has lung cancer and will be seeking treatment at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center in Lebanon. His son, Andrew said that the cancer was discovered recently when doctors checked on symptoms that his father, who has been in good health all his life, had. Peterson was governor of New Hampshire from 1969 to 1973…

Newport water & sewer rates

Water and sewer users in Newport are facing a 10% increase on their bills. The new water rate has been set at $5.89 per 1,000 gallons, and the new sewer rate at $9.31 as opposed to the current rates of $5.35 and $8.46. The Newport Selectmen approved the new rate schedule Monday night. Finance Director Paul Brown said the increases were needed to cover updating equipment at the sewerage treatment plant to deal with the phosphorous issue…

Download The Messenger – March 11, 2011 (pdf)

Deals on Wheels – coming soon

In This Issue

One of our newest monthly publications—Deals on Wheels—will be publishing soon. Check back to celebrate our first issue with us.

Granite Sportsman – coming soon

Granite Sportsman - coverIn This Issue

One of our newest monthly publications—Granite Sportsman—will be publishing soon. Check back to celebrate our first issue with us.

The Messenger – March 4, 2011

The Messenger March 4, 2011 CoverIn This Issue

Laconia Bank aids Crotched Foundation

Laconia Savings Bank is proud to support the Crotched Mountain Foundation with a $1,000 donation to sponsor the Boston Bruins Alumni verses the Monadnock Wild hockey game. The $20,500in proceeds raised from the hockey game will directly benefit the Crotched Mountain Accessible Recreation and Sports program, allowing disabled children and adults to experience all the joys that universally accessible sports bring.“

H-D DECA students shine at State Meet

DECA’s year started off slowly at Hillsboro-Deering after graduating 27 seniors in 2010. We fully expected this year to be a rebuilding year. We brought 24 to ‘States’ and from that 15 are moving on – I’d say that is pretty good!

Jesse Levine says ‘Thank you and goodbye’

In a recent column, departing Town Administrator Jesse Levine expressed her thoughts on leaving New london after 10 years. “New London has meant the world to me, and I owe a debt of gratitude to everyone I have worked with over the years. In many ways, I feel like I grew up here; I arrived in 2000 as a child and will leave as an adult (more or less), having grown from the experiences of personal and professional challenges. I look back on my time in New London with pride at what we accomplished, sorrow over the people we lost, and affection for the people I will leave behind.

Download The Messenger – March 4, 2011 (5.1MB PDF)

Senior Lifestyles – March 2011

In This Issue

Download Senior Lifestyles - March 2011 (pdf)How to choose the best financial advisor for you

You know the importance of saving for retirement, but do you have the time and know-how to accomplish your financial goals? In an increasingly busy world, it’s possible that keeping close tabs on your investment accounts isn’t exactly realistic.

Taking a vacation? Secure your home first

Four to five minutes—that could be the difference between whether or not your return home from vacation is ruined by a burglar. According to experts, that’s the maximum time most thieves will spend trying to break into a house before giving up in search of easier prey.

Future-proof your home with universal design

If you’re a homeowner, you probably consider your home to be a long-term investment. But have you thought about future-proofing your house to maximize its value? Is your house large and accessible enough to raise a family? Is it possible that your in-laws may move in one day? Are you planning to stay in your home after you retire?

Download Senior Lifestyles – March 2011 (pdf)

In New Hampshire – March 2011

Download In New Hampshire - March 2011 (3.6MB PDF)In This Issue

Currier & Ives Maple Sugar Weekend and Progressive Dinner

Rosewood Country Inn, The Candlelite Inn, and Henniker House offer Two Night Getaway where Maple is The Key Ingredient. As spring approaches in New Hampshire, the days get longer, temperatures rise and buckets and tubing appear on the roadsides to herald the start of maple sugar season. To celebrate this annual event, three country inns in the Sunapee region have joined together to offer a Currier & Ives Maple Sugar Weekend and Progressive Dinner, March 18-20.

Romantic hot spots in Mount Washington Valley

Been looking for love in all the wrong places? If you’re not in Mt. Washington Valley, NH, you’re not in the right spot for love. Check out these HOT SPOTS for romance in the shadow of the Northeast’s tallest peak.

2nd Annual Murder Mystery Weekend set

“A Taste for Murder”, the Lincoln Woodstock Chamber of Commerce’s 2nd Annual Murder Mystery Weekend, will take place April 16 & 17, 2011. The event leads sleuths throughout the towns of Lincoln and Woodstock, finding clues, interviewing suspects, and trying to solve the mystery.

Green Traditions concert at Capitol Center

Green Traditions Concert and Celebration featuring renowned Irish piper Paddy Keenan,Réagánta, and other local Irish musicians and dancers, March 5, 2011, 8pm at the Capitol Center for the Arts. Local Green Fair Highlighting Regional Green Initiatives and Vendors Starts at 6:30pm.

Download In New Hampshire – March 2011 (3.6MB PDF)

NH Homes & Home Improvement – March 2011

In This Issue

Download NH Homes & Home Improvement - March 2011 (pdf)DIY-challenged: Three easy tricks for floor to ceiling

If you’re among the millions of American homeowners who’ve decided sprucing up the home you have is more cost-effective than moving into something newer or bigger, you may be looking for some easy ways to improve your living space. If you’re not a seasoned do-it-yourselfer, you could consider calling in the pros – but that would fly in the face of your efforts at frugality…

Houseplants: Good for home and health

Bright blooms, the smell of fresh cut grass, and a warm breeze may be missing this time of year, but there are ways you can brighten up the indoors and bring some summer gardening back into your life. Houseplants create a fantastic distraction for passing the winter doldrums as we eagerly await summer…

Home trends

Something old, something new. Something borrowed, something blue. While typically the refrain for most brides, this adage holds equally true for the top home decorating trends for the coming year…

Download NH Homes & Home Improvement – March 2011 (pdf)