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Monthly Archive for September, 2011

In New Hampshire – October 2011

Download In New Hampshire – October 2011 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download In New Hampshire - October 2011 (pdf)Jackson’s “Sweet Street”

Jackson NH would like to invite families to join in for a Safe Old Fashioned Community Trick or Treat Block Party for children 13 and under accompanied by their parents. This Trick or Treat Sweet Street fun event will take place on Monday October 31, 2009 Halloween from 4:00 PM until 6:00 PM… this is our 5th year of presenting this event…

The McIntosh is a finicky apple

The creamy flesh beneath their thin skin bruises easily, and, more than most varieties, it is essential that they be kept cold after picking, or they go soft. Macs break down easily when cooked, and their flavor, so tart and crisp in the fall, mellows with age over time to a sweeter taste and pear-like texture…

Deerfield Fair features four days of music

Fiddlers and banjo pickers will return to compete at this year’s Deerfield Fair. On the third day of the fair, Saturday, October 1, at 1pm, get ready to hear some of the region’s finest fiddlers compete for cash prizes and the right to be named fiddling champion. On Sunday at 1pm, it’s the banjo players’ turn to take the stage at Relaxation Grove…

Oktoberfest and a new Mountain Obstacle Run

New Hampshire’s Loon Mountain German culture with music, food, and beer at the popular Annual Oktoberfest scheduled for Columbus Day Weekend, Oct. 8-9. New Hampshire’s fall foliage is typically at peak and…

RiverFire comes to Berlin

Voted “Best of NH 2007” by New Hampshire Magazine. RiverFire burns bigger and brighter every year! This year includes children’s Halloween costume parade, bouncy house village, games, face painting, mouth watering food vendors, music, hot air balloon rides & a haunted village. At dusk the fires on the river will light up the sky..

It’s On The House Microbrew Tasting & Auction

Join us for an evening of great tasting and festivities at “It’s on the House,” a microbrew fundraising event benefiting NeighborWorks® Greater Manchester. Attendees of “It’s on the House” will sample a variety of microbrew beer while enjoying music, laughter, a live and silent auction, and..

Download In New Hampshire – October 2011 (pdf)

The Messenger – September 30, 2011

Download The Messenger – September 30, 2011 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - September, 2011 (pdf)Newport’s Jesse Scott 104 year old WWII veteran

In August, 2011, I traveled to West Ossipee, New Hampshire to interview a gentleman, who is 102 years young and had been in the 10th Mountain Division United States Army, in Italy during WWII. However, I was subsequently advised by an astute reader that her father is 104 years young and is the “oldest 10th Mountain Division veteran of WWII.”…

Hennig named to Newport School Board

Perhaps a woman’s touch can heal the divisions plaguing the Newport School Board over the last several months. At Tuesday’s meeting, Liz Hennig, who lost the election for a seat on the Newport School Board in 2010 election was unanimously appointed to fill the vacancy left by Robert Collins…

Hillsborough to reassess all property in 2012

Diane Freschette of the NH Department of Revenue Administration met with the Hillsborough Selectmen Tuesday evening to discuss the need for the town to conduct a reassessment of property before the end of 2012…

State rules Henniker Police can not unionize

The NH Public Employee Labor Relations Board has rejected the petition seeking to unionize the Henniker Police Department. On June 3rd, the New England Police Benevolent Association filed a petition seeking to be certified as the exclusive representative of the proposed bargaining unit…

Vandals damage Andover school busses

Andover school children got an extra day off after vandals threw rocks through the windows of the school busses last week. All five of the First Student busses were damaged with only the special education bus spared…

Boy’s Football

Newport 30 Newfound 20 Devin Wade ran for 105 yards and a pair of TD’s to lead the Tigers. Alex Gray and Ben Bates also had touchdowns…

Girl’s Field Hockey

Newport 5 Monadnock 0 10 saves from Jenna Sherman preserved the shutout while five different Tigers provided the scoring…

Download The Messenger – September 30, 2011 (pdf)

NH Homes & Home Improvement – September 2011

Download NH Homes & Homes Improvement – September 2011 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download NH Homes & Home Improvement (pdf)Last-chance tax breaks for parents and homeowners

Uncle Sam is handing out a few extra breaks to parents and homeowners on their 2011 and 2012 tax returns. Although the filing deadline is months away, some of these tax benefits require forward planning. Others may influence decisions you make now about child care, college and your home…

Take your home from summer to fall

Bringing your home from summer to fall is simpler than you think. It all begins with taking inventory of your home to determine which nonessential items you can eliminate or switch and where you can add…

Fast fixes for fabulous furniture

Are you tired of your table? Is your dresser looking drab? Don’t worry – it’s easy to update your current furniture with a coat of paint and have it looking fabulous in no time…

Enjoy your backyard all year long with these safety tips

Most of us view our backyard as an extension of indoor living space where we can relax and entertain, where no harm will come to us, our children or our pets. However, from a practical and statistical standpoint, this is an incorrect assumption. Accidents can happen anywhere at any time, and just like you childproof your house, you need to childproof your backyard…

Secrets of a solid home inspection

Selling, buying or just putting a house on the market may raise many questions. Can I get a good price? Are there any problems I should fix prior to listing my house? If I buy this house, will I encounter problems that may make me regret my decision? Having a qualified professional inspect your house prior to putting it on the market – or for prospective buyers, before closing on a sale – can help guide your decision…

What’s your design personality?

Redecorating a room is an exciting way to freshen up your home, but might also seem like a daunting task if you don’t identify with just one conventional style category. Traditional design, for instance, is classic, inviting and elegant, while contemporary design includes more clean lines, modern accents and natural hues. But what if you like a little from each category? With the right tools and a proper balance, you can blur the lines between traditional, transitional and contemporary design to create a room that represents your own unique style…

Download NH Homes & Home Improvement (pdf)

The Messenger – September 23, 2011

Download The Messenger – September 23, 2011 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - September 23, 2011 (pdf)Henniker Rep joins House leadership

House Majority Leader, DJ Bettencourt, announced the appointment of Representative Laurie Sanborn (R-Henniker) to the position of Assistant Deputy Majority Leader. Bettencourt said, “Representative Sanborn has proven her leadership skills through the creation of the job and business focused House Business Coalition…

World record set at Antrim skateboard event

Antrim Can/Am Slalom Championships, had over 34 racers, including racers from England, Germany and Canada, as well as from California, Texas, Florida, Colorado and throughout the northeast. The highlight of the weekend occurred on Friday, when Longmont, CO skater and current world champion Joe McLaren set a new world record in the 100-cone tight slalom with a record of 20.687 seconds…

Some Henniker signs may be removed

Originally listed as #6 on the Henniker Selectmen’s agenda, the continuing contro-versy over highway signs was moved to #1 after several citizens addressed the subject during the meeting’s opening “Public Forum…

Carl & Vicki Knapp plead not guilty

Henniker Highway superintendent Carl Knapp and his wife, Vicki recently entered not guilty pleas to Class B felony charges that he stole fuel from the Town of Weare while he was employed in a similar position there…

Robert Collins resigns boards in protest

The fallout over the firing of Interim Superintendent Virginia Irwin continues as former SAU #43 chairman and Newport School Board member Robert Collins resigned on September 14th…

Girl’s Soccer

Hillsboro-Deeering 13 Mascenic 0 Ten Cats scored or assisted, led by Jenna Rheault with 3 goals and Brittany Croatti with a pair. Leah Rheault had 3 assists…

Download The Messenger – September 23, 2011 (pdf)

Senior Lifestyles – September 2011

Download Senior Lifestyles – September 2011 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download Senior Lifestyles - Septemer 2011 (pdf)Could CT scans for lung cancer save lives?

Lung cancer kills more people each year than any other form of cancer. However, a recent medical study found that one screening procedure for those who are at the most risk for lung cancer could be helpful in catching lung cancer in its early stages…

Choosing a Health Care Surrogate:

An accident or severe illness can occur at any time, regardless of your age or condition of health, which is why it’s important to discuss your health care preferences with your loved ones as soon as possible…

Give lost pets a voice to help bring them home

One out of three family pets will go missing during its lifetime according to HomeAgain Pet Recovery Service. Finding a lost pet isn’t easy. Here are some ways to help keep your pet safe and to help find your pet if it does get lost:…

What you should know about strategic default

Who would risk the negative impact of defaulting on a mortgage if they didn’t really have to? About 17 percent of Americans who defaulted on their mortgages in the second quarter of 2010 did exactly that, according to a study by Experian, the leading global information services company…

Easy healthy eating tips for on-the-go adults

Decreasing appetite and changes in taste can occur when people get older. This can make it difficult to eat nutritionally balanced meals on a regular basis, and being away from home is one more challenge. In addition, inadequate intake of nutrients is common in older adults…

Catch the fine print – without losing style points

When you have to switch to large print books, or move the food label farther away from you to see how much sodium is in a can of soup, it might be time for you to invest in a pair of reading glasses…

Download Senior Lifestyles – Septemer 2011 (pdf)

The Messenger – September 16, 2001

Download The Messenger – September 16, 2011 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - September 16, 2011 (pdf)Masons honor Wieglemans as Community Builders

The Masons of Harmony Lodge #38 have selected Herman and Yvonne Wiegleman for their 2011 Community Builders Award. Since moving to Hillsborough in 1994, the Wieglemans have been involved in all aspects of community life…

Superintendent Irwin given $50,000 payoff

As a result of her abrupt firing, former SAU #43 Interim Superintendent, Virginia Irwin has received $44,673 in termination pay plus benefits including retirement, FICA and Worker’s Compensation which brought the total payoff to approximately $50,000…

Henniker motorcyclist injured

State Police report that a Henniker man was seriously injured Sunday when his motorcycle was hit by a car on Interstate 93…

Science fiction author returns to NEC

Renowned science fiction writer and New England College alumnus, Allen Steele, will give a presentation on what science fiction is and what it isn’t on Wednesday, September 28 at 7:15 p.m. The presentation, sponsored by the Friends of the New England College Library, will be held in the Simon Center at 98 Bridge Street and is free and open to the public…

Boy’s Football

Somersworth 17 Kearsarge 15 Oliver Gallo ran for more than 100 yards in the first half with a touchdown and Jacob Jones 4th quarter YD gave the Cougars a late lead. The Toppers kicked a late field goal to capture the win…

Girl’s Field Hockey

Hopkinton 2 Profile 1 The Patriots opened the scoring but Brittany Marshall’s two goals erased the deficit and gave the winning margin to the Hawks…

Colby-Sawyer College dorms evacuated

A propane leak forced the evacuation of two dormitories and two other buildings on the campus of Colby-Sawyer College Tuesday moring…

Download The Messenger – September 16, 2011 (pdf)

The Messenger – September 9, 2011

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - September 9, 2011 (pdf)Three people injured in head-on accident

On September 5th at approximately 4:00 p.m., Weare Police responded to a head-on crash involving two vehicles on Deering Center Road in the vicinity of Perkins Pond Road. Weare Fire and Rescue responded as well because it was reported there were multiple injuries…

Newbury teenager dies in fall

A 15-year-old Newbury boy was killed when he fell into a ravine as he was walking on an old rail trail last week. Sampson “Sam” Emery, a sophomore at Kearsarge Regional High School, intended to walk to the town dock, a place he often would hang out with friends…

Bank’s drive thru canopy under repair

New London Police Chief Seastrand informed the Selectmen that Sugar River Savings Bank has a damaged canopy over their drivethrough lanes. Numerous vehicles do not understand the roundabout and think it is a shortcut to go around the bank to get to Jake’s market…

Off road accidents injure four people

Two Andover residents were injured in an off-road accident Thursday evening on a snowmobile trail between Andover and Franklin. Jordan Ingram, 24, was driving a dirt bike along the trail with a passenger, Dawn Dragon, 42, when he…

Antrim man killed in one car accident

On Wednesday, September 7th, 2011 at approximately 6:15 am, the Antrim Police, Fire and Ambulance responded to the report of a motor vehicle crash on Main Street in front of Edmund’s Hardware Store…

Sunapee receives $6,500 gift for bridge

Donna Gazelle, on behalf of Project Sunapee presented the Selectmen with a donation in the amount of $6,500 to commission HEB Engineering to do the final engineering design for the bridge…

Download The Messenger – September 9, 2011 (pdf)


In New Hampshire – September 2011

In This Issue

Download In New Hampshire - September 2011 (pdf)12 Reasons to Eat an Apple a Day

Apples routinely top grocery lists, for a variety of tasty reasons. Beyond the plethora of varieties and apple products to be enjoyed, apples pack a nutritious punch, providing a daily dose of health benefits. The U.S. Apple Association offers the following Delicious Dozen – 12 proven ways apples and apple products positively impact health, from head to toe, and from the inside out:..

‘Artful Equine Exhibit’ slated for Sept. 9

Mill Brook Gallery & Sculpture Garden is pleased to present this outstanding exhibit of Artful Equines. The bond between horses and their humans, in art and in life, is deep and resonant. The horse’s part in history – from plowing the fields to aiding mankind in transportation and warfare, to modern day racing, showing and therapeutic work – is unique…

Annual Labor Day Weekend Craft Fair at the Bay

Indoor and Outdoor Arts and Craft Festival on Sept. 3rd at 10 a.m. along the shores of the big Lake Winnipesaukee Featuring 100 Booths of American made arts, crafts, food and live music…

NH Fish & Lobster Festival

Otherwise known as the Fishtival, this event debuted in 2009 and is a special collaboration between a variety of community organizations to support the local fishing industry. This fun-filled event, held on Sept. 24 at 12 noon, will feature seafood tasting, games, music and more…

They Might Be Giants come to The Capitol Center For The Arts

Notorious for their energized live show, Brooklyn’s They Might Be Giants (TMBG), one of alternative rock’s most enduring and innovative bands, will perform at Concord’s Capitol Center for the Arts on Saturday, September 10th, at 8pm. Tickets start at $26…

Top ten ways to Peep a Leaf

From the seat of a car, train, bike or chairlift, there’s more than one way to peep a leaf in Mt Washington Valley, NH. Hail to the “peep” this fall with a visit to Mt. Washington Valley, located in the heart of New Hampshire’s White Mountains. Offering not only spectacular foliage but a wide variety of ways to enjoy the harvest hues of Mother Nature’s artistry, there’s plenty of great ways to enjoy Mt. Washington Valley’s fall foliage throughout this autumn. Here are some conventional and a few unconventional suggestions for viewing Mt. Washington Valley’s fall foliage…

Download In New Hampshire – September 2011 (pdf) pages 1-16

Download In New Hampshire – September 2011 (pdf) pages 17-32

The Messenger – September 2, 2011

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - September 2, 2011 (pdf) pages 1-16Fire Chief – “Newport dodged a bullet”

Fire Chief Wayne Conroy updated the Newport Selectmen on the damage caused by Hurricane Irene. He gave high praise to the crews from the Fire, EMS, Police and Highway Departments who worked tirelessly in a coordinated response to the storm. Although the river rose quickly causing flooding at the plaza, town crews were able to install sand bags to limit the flooding and the damage…

Superintendent fired – Board Chair resigns

The contentious infighting on the Newport School Board spilled over to the SAU #43 School Board last week, culminating in the sudden firing of Interim Superintendent Virginia Irwin. Irwin is the second Superintendent forced out this year…

Hillsborough man faces several felonies

Peterborough Police have arrested Hillsborough man on multiple charges after the car he was driving crashed on Concord Street at the edge of the Contookcook River. Joseph Mills, 28, was charged with driving while being deemed a habitual offender, a felony offense; reckless driving; disobeying an officer; and unlawful taking of a vehicle without the owner’s permission…

Andover teen kayaker trio rescued

Three Andover teenagers were hypothermic but otherwise unharmed after they were knocked out of their kayaks on the Blackwater River on Monday night…

Henniker Highway Superintendent indicted

Henniker Highway Superintendent Carl Knapp and his wife Vicki were indicted by a grand jury on one felony count of theft by unauthorized taking, while he was employed as public works director in Weare. The theft charge is a class B felony because the amount the couple is accused of stealing is more than $1,000…

Back On Uncle Sam’s Plantation

By Star Parker – Six years ago I wrote a book called Uncle Sam’s Plantation. I wrote the the book to tell my own story of what I saw living inside the welfare state and my own transformation out of it. I said in that book that indeed there are two Americas .. a poor America on socialism and a wealthy America on capitalism…

Download The Messenger – September 2, 2011 (pdf) pages 1-16

Download The Messenger – September 2, 2011 (pdf) pages 17-32