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Monthly Archive for May, 2012

The Messenger – June 1, 2012

Download The Messenger – June 1, 2012 pages 1-16 (pdf)

Download The Messenger – June 1, 2012 pages 17-32 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - June 1, 2012 (pdf)Bank employees aid hospitals

Each May, Lake Sunapee Bank holds an employee appreciation night to recognize colleagues who have reached milestones with the company and to promote our “team” atmosphere among those who work in the…

Auditors critical of Town Clerk/Tax Collector

The Hillsborough Selectmen met with Town Clerk/Tax Collector Deborah McDonald to review an auditor’s report critical of her office procedures. Chair Russ Galpin stressed that there was never a question of theft or misappropriation of funds, but…

Weare policeman sues town

Undeterred when his Federal lawsuit against the Town of Weare was dismissed, former police officer Lou Chatel has filed a similar suit in the state’s Superior Court. Chatel, who served as a sergeant with the Weare department from 2003 to 2010 claims he has suffered “extreme…

Former Selectmen Buker and Rousseau critical of Galpin

An agitated Lou Ann Rousseau attended this week’s Hillsborough Selectmen’s meeting to blast Chair Russ Galpin for suggesting a conspiracy to disrupt the investigation into allegations of…

General’s Boosters install Press Box

Thanks to the dedication and drive of the John Stark Generals Football Booster Club and other committed volunteers, a new press box stands watch over the John Stark Regional High School football field in Weare. The three-story structure dramatically improves…

HDHS joins special Olympics Torch Run

On May 31st Hillsboro Police Officer and School Resource Officer Rory Bohanan, along with students and athletes from the Hillsboro/Deering Schools and Farmsteads of NE participated in the Law Enforcement Torch Run to benefit Special Olympics of NH. They began running at the…

In New Hampshire – June 2012

Download In New Hampshire – June 2012 pages 1-16 (pdf)

Download In New Hampshire – June 2012 pages 17-32 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download In New Hampshire - June 2012 (pdf)Weeks Medical Center 23rd Annual Golf Scramble

JEFFERSON – Join us June 2 starting at 7 a.m. at the beautiful Waumbek Golf Course in Jefferson, NH on Saturday, June 2nd for the Weeks Medical Center Auxiliary’s 23rd Annual Golf Scramble. We are looking forward to another gorgeous day of golf and fun! As always, all proceeds from the tournament will be…

Nashua Rotary West 10th Annual Rock’n Ribfest

MERRIMACK – Grilling & Foodie Competitions – June 15 starting at 4 p.m. The Rock’n Ribfest will feature nationally-renowned and local “ribbers” serving up barbequed ribs and other specialties. Judges will sample food from over 30 of the Northeast’s best grillers and will select the NH State Barbeque Champion. Rock’n Ribfest Teen Band Competition…

Basic navigation (map & compass) workshop offered

HOLDERNESS, N.H. – If you’re interested in learning how to find your way in the outdoors using a map and compass, sign up for a free workshop on beginning-level map and compass navigation skills scheduled for Saturday, June 16, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at New Hampshire Fish and Game’s Owl Brook Hunter Education Center. Registration is limited and will be…

Flying Monkey Performance Center presents an Acoustic Series

Plymouth, NH. The Flying Monkey Performance Center is excited to announce it’s acoustic series of concerts throughout June. American icon and folk legend Don Mclean, forever know for “American Pie” and “Vincent(Starry Starry Night)”, is the featured Concert on Saturday, June 9th. Also coming is Guitar Master Leo Kottke on…

Art Festival part of Hampton Beach State Park GalaCelebration

HAMPTON BEACH, NH — An extensive celebration of the arts will be part of the Hampton Beach State Park Gala, scheduled for June 1 and 2, 2012 in Hampton Beach, NH. The Gala marks the completion of the new $14.5 million Seashell complex restoration. On Saturday, art lovers will enjoy a feast for the eyes as numerous…

The Messenger – May 25, 2012

Download The Messenger – May 25, 2012 pages 1-16 (pdf)

Download The Messenger – May 25, 2012 pages 17-32 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - May 25, 2012 (pdf)Teacher Evaluations

HDHS Principal James O’Rourke along with teachers John Bramley, Heidi Welch and Noah Denslow briefed the School Board on a unique teacher evaluation program they have been developing which…

Hillsborough bridge enters Presidential debate

Last Friday, about 150 supporters waited under sunny skies, in front of the national press corp, at the Hillsboro Ford parking lot for the arrival of Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney…

Newbury man’s death ruled a suicide

Gary Norton, 45, a 15 year veteran of the Bedford Police Department was found dead from a gunshot wound at his Newbury home last Friday. Criminal charges of theft by unauthorized taking had…

Malfunction at Georges Mills station

Administrator Kim Hallquist informed the New London Selectmen that there was a malfunction at the Georges Mills Pump Station and there was a small release of wastewater onto the ground. Donna Nashawaty, Sunapee’s Town Manager, sent out a Code RED message alerting…

SAU #34 undergoes a major staff restructuring

Interim SAU #34 Superintendent Dr. Gary Murphy has announced a major reorganization of staff at the SAU. Patti Parenteau has been promoted to Assistant Superintendent. The job includes all the duties of Parenteau’s current…

Sunapee supports Fireworks ordinance

A number of Sunapee residents recently spoke in support of the proposed fireworks ordinance. The main concerns were noise, weather and fire conditions and pollution to the lake. There was much discussion on what days would be…

Senior Lifestyles – May, 2012

Senior Lifestyles – May, 2012 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download Senior Lifestyles - May, 2012 (pdf)Pointers for prepping your deck and backyard for summer fun

Today’s patio furniture needs to be periodically cleaned. Resin, resin wicker or metal furniture can typically be cleaned with mild soap, water and a sponge or nonabrasive brush. Metal pieces can be polished with…

Five travel photography tips for your next vacation

No matter where or why people take trips this year, how can travelers make their getaways more memorable and share their experiences with others? “Whether you’re traveling half-way around the world or within your home state this year, you can capture these experiences and create lasting memories with…

In a changing travel climate, travel agents reclaim the spotlight

The weaknesses of online booking engines have come to light, including lost bookings, lack of expert service and advice and little or no support during travel. Beyond that, it’s difficult to know whether you’re finding a truly good deal or getting the trip that is right for you. Even with all these potential difficulties in mind, some people have yet to realize the advantages of working with a travel agent or…

Connect on your patio or porch, enjoy the new view

With temperatures on the rise, it’s time to get outside to relax with family and friends. Today’s homeowners want their outdoor spaces to be an extension of their homes, with 80 percent saying a patio or front porch are “must haves,” according to…

Helping pet owners and pets “go green”

You’ve switched from incandescent bulbs to low-wattage LEDs. You drive a hybrid and bring your own bags to the grocery store. You care about greenhouse gases and your carbon footprint, but what about your pet’s carbon pawprint? Is your pet living a green, eco-friendly …

NH Homes & Home Improvement – May, 2012

Download NH Homes & Home Improvement – May, 2012 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download NH Homes & Home Improvement - May, 2012 (pdf)Considering a pool, spa or hot tub? What you should know before you hire a contractor

A recent survey by the Association of Pool & Spa Professionals (APSP) found that 82 percent of homeowners said they would use their backyard more if they had a pool. And nearly as many believe having a pool turns your backyard into an everyday vacation spot. If you’ve been dreaming of a pool, spa or hot tub, this is your year to make a move. The APSP offers some tips to keep in mind while you’re looking…

The three Ps of decorating for an instant home and garden makeover

Looking for a trendy home and garden makeover that gives instant gratification and doesn’t require a lot of time and resources? The latest trends in fashion and home decorating are drawing inspiration from the bright colors and laid-back…

Weekend warrior, Add style, safety and storage solutions in the bath in less than 48 hours

The following tips and tricks will show you how to be a weekend warrior without having to hire a professional crew for assistance…

Sign of the design times for kitchens

The summer months are all about color. From flowers in bloom to vibrant beach towels and colorful dresses, summer brings with it a multitude of hues. As you look around, you might start to feel like your home is a little, well, blah. If so, just adding a little pop of color into your home can help. Start by thinking about the colors you…

Installing a vinyl fence the easy way

If you need to keep the neighbors out or the pets and children in, it may be time for a fence, preferably one that will last a lifetime and requires very little maintenance. But if you know much about installing a fence, chances are this is a home project that makes you want to run for…

The Messenger – May 18, 2012

Download The Messenger – May 18, 2012 pages 1-16 (pdf)

Download The Messenger – May 18, 2012 pages 17-32 (pdf)

In This Post

Download The Messenger - May 18, 2012 (pdf)NEC graduation honors deceased classmate

Saturday’s 65th graduation at New England College was both a joyous and poignant event. President Michelle Perkins welcomed the graduates by reminding them that their NEC memories “are a gift you get to keep for the rest…

Henniker Selectmen tackle many issues

The Henniker Selectmen quickly dispatched several items of business before convening two non-public sessions on Tuesday. An irate Dennis Hamel accosted the board with a demand that they…

New London Police Department issues warning

The New London Police Department would like to make you aware of reports from a nearby town of plastic bottles left in mailboxes, on roadsides, driveways or other areas that have been fashioned into explosive…

Warner sets Memorial Day activities

May 28, 2012 – Memorial Day Program by Post 39. Parade, Program, Graveside Services, Bridge Service, Firing Squad. Main speaker is Judge Arthur Robins. Parade steps off at 0800 hours, march to Harriman Monument for wreath laying; then to Warner Town Hall, East Main Street, replacement of American Flag, then…

Contoocook & Merrimack River program

The public is invited to attend a free event at Pats Peak on May 23rd from 6 PM – 8 PM. Due to the findings in the USDA Private Forests, Public Benefits report, the Contoocook and Merrimack river watersheds are ranked #2 and #4 nationwide to experience the most change in water quality…

Two people killed in I89 accident in Hopkinton

Two people were killed earlier in the week on Interstate 89 in Hopkinton when their car left the road, hit a tree and burst into flames. State Police along with Hopkinton Police and Fire Departments, along with…

The Messenger – May 11, 2012

Download The Messenger – May 11, 2012 pages 1-20 (pdf)

Download The Messenger – May 11, 2012 pages 21-40 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - May 11, 2012 (pdf)New London adds a cop

In an attempt to hold down costs, the New London Selectmen decided not to replace a police officer who resigned to take a position in Concord, which resulted in a reduction in the Police Department’s budget as presented at Wednesday’s Town Meeting. In explaining the public safety portion…

Newport voters are in no mood to spend

The operative word at Tuesday’s Newport Town Meeting was “NO”. Voters rejected the proposed $8.81 million operating budget by a vote of 371-384, leaving the town with the default budget of $8.58 million. Also rejected were…

Hillsboro-Deering DECA Team-5th in the world

Hillsboro-Deering High School DECA ended their competitive year with two recognitions on the international stage at the International Career Development Conference (ICDC) held in Salt Lake City, Utah from April 27 – May 2, 2012. Hillsboro-Deering’s DECA team for Virtual Business Retailing represented NH and won several rounds ultimately…

Peterborough EMT contesting dismissal

The Peterborough Select Board recently held a grievance hearing requested by Jennifer Durval who was dismissed from her job as an EMT with the town’s Fire and Rescue Department. Durval was fired after she failed to obtain…

Warner Selectmen are talking trash

Varick Proper, Foreman at the Warner Transfer Station reported that the tonnage numbers are stable. Construction and demolition are showing a slight reduction because of the monitoring; only construction material generated in…

HYAA U-12 Bombers stay undefeated

Grimes Field in beautiful Hillsboro N.H. than it was on Saturday when the Hillsboro Bombers defeated Weare to improve to a 2-0 undefeated season in what started out to be a pitchers duel for the first two innings. The Bombers put 11 year old Sean Morin on the hill for the start of the game striking…

The Messenger – May 4, 2012

Download The Messenger – May 4, 2012 pages 1-20 (pdf)

Download The Messenger – May 4, 2012 pages 21-40 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - May 4, 2012 (pdf)Court dismisses suit against Weare Police Department

A lawsuit by former Weare Police Officer Lou Chatel against Chief Gregory Begin, Lt. James Carnery the department and the selectmen has been dismissed in Federal Court. Chatel had claimed that his First amendment rights were…

SEC conducts site walk and hearing on Antrim wind project

After conducting a site walk earlier in the day, a subcommittee of the NH Site Evaluation Committee held a public forum on Antrim Wind Energy’s proposal to construct a 10 tower, 30 megawatt…

Monday fire totals Bennington home

A Bennington family of four returned to their Old Greenfield home late Monday night to find it in flames. Christopher and Pamela Vorhees immediately called the fire department which quickly responded but was…

Peterborough accountant sentenced to jail

Bernard Mullan, 71, who served as the accountant for Peterboro Tool Company has been sentenced to serve 30 months in jail for embezzling $476,900 from the company. He must also serve…

Newport fugitive arrested in Massachusetts

Authorities say a man wanted in Newport for allegedly assaulting two people during a fight was arrested in western Massachusetts. Jeffrey Trainor, 28, surrendered Monday when he was confronted by members of…

Henniker noise complaints resurface at meeting

David and Jean Bowers and Terry Leedham returned to the May 1st Henniker selectmen’s meeting again seeking redress from repeated noise complaints lodged against several…

NH Homes & Home Improvement – April 2012

Download NH Homes & Home Improvement – April 2012 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download NH Homes & Home Improvement - April 2012 (pdf)Brighten your kitchen with new fixtures

The high “price tag” on groceries and gas do not have to put a damper on your plans to remodel your kitchen this year. According to the American Lighting Association (ALA), just merely changing out the decorative lighting fixtures over the breakfast nook or center island can have a big visual impact, creating a fresher, more up-to-date look…

3 ways to cut your energy bill

During hotter days, the wonderful coolness of our air-conditioned homes is comforting until the whopping energy bill arrives. The American Lighting Association (ALA) offers the following easy ways to use less energy and save money. Replace bulbs with CFLs – Switch out incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent versions. “A compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) can provide…

Outdoor living trends can easily update your patio or deck

More homeowners want their outdoor space to truly be an extension of their house and are taking steps to create an inviting area to relax, play and host guests. If you want to update your deck or patio for warm weather entertaining, you don’t have to spend a lot of time or money. You can easily refresh the items you already have and add new stylish elements by…

Coordinating home décor inside and out

Coordinating décor throughout the home is well known to homeowners. Everyone aspires to a home that flows seamlessly from one room to another, integrated in look and feel by paint colors, flooring and window treatments. A relatively new aspect of coordinated home décor is evolving…


In New Hampshire – May 2012

Download In New Hampshire – May 2012 pages 1-16 (pdf)

Download In New Hampshire – May 2012 pages 17-32 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download In New Hampshire - May 2012 (pdf)Wentworth-Coolidge Lilac Festival returns May 26 to Portsmouth

The popular Lilac Festival returns to Portsmouth’s Wentworth-Coolidge Mansion on Saturday, May 26 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sponsored by the Wentworth-Coolidge Commission, the celebration of the nation’s oldest lilacs brings this historic seaside site to life each year. The free event draws families, lilac enthusiasts, history buffs, artists, and nature lovers…

Wildquack Duck River Festival

Jackson, New Hampshire on May 27 starting at 8 a.m.: Celebrates “Wildquack” the Duck’s 23rd Birthday. 2012 is the 23rd running of the Ducks. The Wildquack Duck River Frestival has been entertaining and amazing families for more than 2 decades. All the fun begins…

Guitarist Ed Gerhard performs at benefit concert

Grammy Award-winning Guitarist Ed Gerhard, will appear on Saturday, June 2 at The Bow Lake Grange Hall, Strafford, NH for his 16th Annual Benefit Concert for the Grange. Showtime is 8pm. A portion of proceeds goes directly to the upkeep of the…

Beginning Fly-Fishing class offered

CONCORD, NH – An upcoming workshop offers a chance to learn about the traditional sport of fly-fishing. The New Hampshire Fish and Game Department’s “Let’s Go Fishing” Program is pairing up with the Harris Center for Conservation Education to host “Fly-Fishing A-Z”…

Settlers’ Green welcomes Waterford-Wedgwood-Royal Doulton

North Conway, NH – Settlers’ Green Outlet Village expands their growing luxury brand tenant mix with the addition of the Waterford-Wedgwood-Royal Doulton Company Store. WWRD US, LLC, is a leading manufacturer of famous home and lifestyle…