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Monthly Archive for March, 2014

The Messenger – March 28, 2014

Download The Messenger – March 28, 2014 pages 1-18 (pdf)

Download The Messenger – March 28, 2014 pages 19-32 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - March 28, 2014 (pdf)16-year-old snowboarder injured at Crotched Mt.

A 16-year-old boy, identified only as being from the Monadncok Region, was airlifted to Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center with serious head and chest injuries, after snowboarding off the trail and hitting trees at Crotched Mountain Ski and Ride. Crotched Mountain General Manager, Pat Terry said the boy was injured at about 10 a.m. last Wednesday, while snowboarding with…

Newport Health Center temporarily closed because of flooding 

The Newport Health Center had to close Wednesday after flooding damaged the waiting room and the patient check and rehabilitation areas. The center is expected to reopen March 31. The center’s health care providers have temporarily relocated to New London Hospital where patient visits are…

Feinstein Challenge benefits Food Pantry

It’s here again, that time of year when the Hillsboro District Food Pantry participates in the Feinstein Challenge. For the past sixteen years, Allen Shawn Feinstein has given away $1 million dollars of his own money to anti-hunger agencies throughout the country. From March 1 through April 30 all monies raised, and items donated will result in the receipt of a proportionate share of the…

Convicted Antrim sex offender placed as a child’s mentor

Documents concerning the case of a registered sex offender accused of sexually assaulting a boy he was mentoring were released Thursday. Max Wilson, 69, of Antrim, faces charges of sex assault and felony charges of mentoring for a child while being a…

Sexual Assault by a Claremont teacher

Christopher LeBlanc appeared via video for his arraignment in Claremont District Court on Monday and his bail is $250,000 cash on four counts of Felonious Sexual Assault on a 14 year old student. Court documents reveal the teen and teacher shared thousands of text messages and sexually…

Hubert’s Department Stores donates 100 pair of boots

Hubert’s Department Stores, Perfect Storm, and United Way of Sullivan County have partnered together to keep kids feet warm and dry. Hubert’s Department stores has been proud to sell Perfect Storm boots for men, ladies and kids. Perfect Storm is a local brand based in Lebanon, New Hampshire and produces a three season neoprene, rubber boot similar to…

New London Recreation Programs:

Archery lessons for all ages: May 5th, 12th, 19th and June 2nd from 3:30-4:30 on the town green. Lessons are taught by New England School of Archery $60 – all equipment is provided and much more…

In New Hampshire – April, 2014

Download In New Hampshire – April 2014 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download In New Hampshire - April 2014 (pdf)Spring in to Discover Wild New Hampshire Day

Spring is coming! Saturday, April 19, will be the 25th annual Discover WILD New Hampshire Day, an Earth Day celebration the whole family will enjoy. Admission is free. The event runs from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on the grounds of the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department, 11 Hazen Drive, Concord, N.H. This annual festival brings together exhibits and demonstrations from environmental and…

Fadden’s Maple Sugarhouse wins sixth award for ‘Best Maple Syrup in NH’

Fadden’s Maple Sugarhouse in North Woodstock, NH, has won the Carlisle Trophy for Best Maple Syrup in New Hampshire – for the sixth time. How do they do it? “Everything in our operation is clean, clean, clean,” says proprietor Jim Fadden with a smile. “And I’ll give some credit to the cook!” He also credits the virgin soil, pure groundwater and natural…

Country inns in the White Mountains presents Herb, Food and Beer Tour

What do basil, brews and bittersweet all have in common? Guests visiting the Country Inns in the White Mountains on June 7-8, 2014 will have the opportunity to taste all of these and much more during the first annual Herb, Food and Beer Tour. This celebration of local flavors, combines tastings and tours at…

Children’s Museum of NH: bears, monsters and a mischievous monkey

During the month of April, the Children’s Museum of NH is welcoming a bunch of characters, all related to children’s literature. Two book launch events plus a visit from a perennial storybook favorite will highlight the museum’s commitment to promoting early literacy and getting kids excited about…

Go on Safari at the Nashua Library

At the Nashua Public Library on Thursday, April 17, at 7 p.m., join award-winning photographer Ken Harvey as he shares slides of his African safari to the Serengeti, the Ngorongoro Crater, a Maasai village, and other sites. See lions, elephants, zebras, and other wild animals at close range as Ken tells…

The Messenger – March 21, 2014

Download The Messenger – March 21, 2014 – Pages 1-16 (pdf)

Download The Messenger – March 21, 2014 – Pages 17-32 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - March 21, 2014 (pdf)Names of two Weare Police officers revealed

Weare Police Department payroll records give a clear indication of which two Weare officers were put on administrative leave after the August police shooting of an alleged Manchester drug dealer. Sgt. Kenneth…

Henniker voters approve 19 of 20 Articles on the Warrant 

An unusually small crowd of residents attended Henniker’s Town Meeting Saturday afternoon. Those who attended were in an approving mood as 19 of the 20 Warrant Articles passed, including the $4.1 million operating budget, which was up only…

Ed Andersen is New London’s new Chief

Whipple Hall in New London was packed with friends, family and fellow police officers to celebrate Edward G. Andersen being sworn in as New London’s new Police Chief. Andersen says he has waited sixteen years to…

Hopkinton voters approve $3 million fire station bond

After adding $51,700 to the highway department’s snow removal fund, Hopkinton voters easily passed the proposed $5.9 million operating budget, which will increase the tax rate by only .23/1,000 of valuation. For the fourth time since its inception, voters rejected a proposal to…

Free dental services for Hillsboro-Deering students

Hillsboro-Deering School District is privileged to be chosen to participate in a new pilot program offered by The Ronald McDonald Foundation and Saving People’s Smiles to bring the students of the District FREE dental services. A mobile dental van will be visiting each school to provide comprehensive…

H-D shines at Destination Imagination

Hillsboro-Deering’s Destination Imagination teams did a fantastic job at the regional tournament this Saturday. They showed great creativity, problem solving, and had a lot of fun too. The first ever Hillsboro-Deering High School team placed 1st in their challenge of…

New Hampshire Scholar Athletes Named

The annual NHIAA/NHADA Scholar Athlete Awards Ceremony was held on Monday, March 17th, 2014. Scholar athlete recipients will be recognized for achieving academic and athletic excellence. Senior student athletes are nominated each year by their school principals based on…

Spring Home Improvement special section

Decorating with light captures the fresh spirit of spring. When the Hillsboro Lions Club contacted the Harlem Wizards to appear in Hillsboro, the Wizards promised a fun filled event that is great for kids and adults and will guarantee to put a smile on your face. That promise was fulfilled a dozen times over Monday, as the Wizards’ performance transformed a…

Senior Lifestyles – March 2014

Download Senior Lifestyles – March 2014 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download Senior Lifestyles - March 2014 (pdf)Cooking with Maple Syrup

Pure maple syrup is a wonderful ingredient to use in your favorite recipe as a substitute for white sugar. Check out recipes on our Maple Recipes pages. Maple syrup is 100% natural and contains calcium, zinc, antioxidants, riboflavin and niacin. It can be used in a variety of desserts and baked goods as well as complimenting sour or salty ingredients in salad dressings, glazes for meat, poultry and fish. Substituting Maple Syrup for Granulated Sugar: Instead of 1 cup of granulated sugar in recipes, use ¾ cup of maple syrup. In baking, reduce the liquid by 2-4 tablespoons per 1 cup maple syrup used, add 1/4 tsp baking soda and reduce the oven temperature by 25 degrees…

Easy ways to improve your pet’s quality of life

Across America, veterinarians have witnessed a decline in annual vet visits, resulting in increased rates of preventable diseases in both cats and dogs. In fact, about 54 percent of the nation’s cats and dogs are reported to be obese. As a result, diabetes, heart disease and arthritis are on the rise – diseases that are preventable if…

Crotched Mountain Foundation named Tree Farm of the Year

The Hillsborough County Conservation District recently named Crotched Mountain Foundation the 2013 Hillsborough County Tree Farm of the Year. Certified as a tree farm for the past 27 years, it includes a total of 1247 woodland acres located on the southerly aspect of Crotched Mountain with portions lying within the towns of…

Want a shot at a healthy future? Protect yourself at any age

Many adults don’t visit a doctor unless they feel ill, nor do they think about vaccination as part of their routine, preventive healthcare. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently reported that too many adults skip recommended vaccinations, leaving them needlessly vulnerable to…

Big sporting events drive interest in this year’s hottest locations

Where’s everybody going? The travel forecast for 2014 points to destinations inspired by a whole lot of sportsmanship and team spirit. Hot spots expected to trend this year include North American ski resorts catering to travelers looking for…

The Messenger – March 14, 2014

Download The Messenger – March 14, 2014

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - March 14, 2014 (pdf)Kearsarge bomb scare

The Sutton Police Department is investigating a bomb scare that happened shortly after 1:30 pm at Kearsarge Regional Middle High School last Thursday. Police say a threat was found in one of the school’s restrooms. Students were evacuated immediately and Sutton Police, along with…

Hillsborough voters quietly approve all but two warrant articles 

Hillsborough voters were in a quiet, almost passive mood at Tuesday’s Town Meeting. Of the twenty-two articles on the warrant nineteen were passed with little discussion and no debate. Approved were articles requesting a 6,693,033 operating budget; $2,800 to support senior events; $5,000 for senior trips and $15,000 to purchase a community bus. $150,000 was appropriated for road work which is much…

Antrim voters reject Antrim Wind Energy’s proposed wind ordinance

In the latest chapter of the continuing saga of a potential Antrim Wind Farm, voters, by a margin of 278 yes to 390 No, rejected a proposed zoning amendment which would have allowed construction of commercial wind farms. Amendment 5 sign holders, both pro and con, lined Main Street, attempting to…

Hopkinton approves teachers’ contract and full day kindergarten

Hopkinton voters easily passed the district’s $17,968,362 operating budget and contracts for teachers and custodians. The operating budget prevailed on a vote of 222 to 42 after a brief deliberation about making kindergarten a full day program. The district’s teachers received a new four-year contract after…

Weare students build underwater robots

Students in the Weare Middle School Science Club are taking part in SeaPerch, a collaborative activity that is part of the National Defense Education Program administered by the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard. This program is based on the SeaPerch Program started by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Sea Grant Education program. Four teams in grade 7 and 8 in the Science Club are learning how to build an underwater…

Pair of Claremont women sent to jail

Danyle Morse, 38, of Claremont, the former treasurer of the Sullivan County Humane Society, pleaded guilty to charges she stole $7,200 from the nonprofit group. Appearing in the Sullivan County Superior Court for a plea and sentencing hearing, she arrived with a cashier’s check for the amount of $7,200. She was sentenced to serve six months in the Sullivan County House of Corrections. Bethany F. Beliveau, 21, of 8 Henry St., Claremont, indicted after a mini-crime wave which included…

Cold Springs Peewees take First Place

The Henniker Huskies Cold Springs RV Peewee team took first place in their division at the Maine March Showdown held in the Portland Maine area the weekend of February 28. The Huskies swept all five games to become…

Harlem Wizards give a “Slamtastic” performance before a capacity crowd

When the Hillsboro Lions Club contacted the Harlem Wizards to appear in Hillsboro, the Wizards promised a fun filled event that is great for kids and adults and will guarantee to put a smile on your face. That promise was fulfilled a dozen times over Monday, as the Wizards’ performance transformed a…

The Messenger – March 7, 2014

Download The Messenger – March 7, 2014 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - March 7, 2014 (pdf)Newport striving to be a “Heart Safe Community”

The Newport Fire Department is participating in the Heart Safe Community Program. Newport is well on its way to being Heart Safe according to Fireman William Hardy. Newport has 22 AEDs and 8 are required to…

HYAA coach charged with felonious sexual assault 

On February 27th, the Hillsborough Police Department received information regarding possible inappropriate contact between an assistant Hillsborough Youth Athletic Association coach and a juvenile player taking part in…

Henniker Selectmen approve OHRV travel on several town roads

The Contoocook Valley ATV Club has about 50 members and most of them showed up for a hearing on their request to travel over a portion of Henniker’s roads. The OHRV trails on the north and south side of town are divided by the Contoocook River and Army Corps of Engineers land with only 3 river crossings available. The proposed ordinance, as drafted by…

Woman injured in Washington accident

A 51-year-old Chelmsford, MA woman suffered serious injuries when she rolled her snowmobile on Highland Lake in Washington. According to New Hampshire Fish and Game, Joan Dillon lost control while making…

Three firefighters injured in Claremont

Three Claremont firefighters were injured Sunday night fighting a fire on 8 Cherry Hill Road in Claremont. The most serious injury is a firefighter with 3rd degree burns to his arms and chest and was airlifted to Brigham Women’s Hospital in Boston. A second firefighter with burns was taken to…

Witness the Harlem Wizards’ Wizardry

The Harlem Wizards are coming to Hillsboro-Deering High School, Monday, March 10th at 7:00pm. The evening promises to be a fun filled event that is great for kids and adults and will guarantee to put a smile on your face! The Harlem Wizards have a unique mission: create awe-inspiring events throughout the country. At a Wizards game, fans will witness…

Boys’ Hockey

Kearsarge 3 Moultonborough/InterLakes 3 Will Aufranc tallied a pair of third period goals a minute apart only to have the Cougars surrender two goals in the last four minutes to force overtime…

Girls’ Basketball Division IV Semifinals

#3 Sunapee 49 #2 Groveton 39 The Lakers jumped out to a 13-3 lead in the first quarter and maintained it throughout the game. Erika Waterman led with a game-high 17 points, Sydney Clark had 16, Katie Frederick 9 and Maddy Fowler added 5. The lakers have a chance to avenge their only loss to Hinsdale when they meet in the Division IV Championship Saturday…