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Monthly Archive for July, 2015

In New Hampshire – August 2015

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In This Issue

Download In New Hampshire - August 2015 (pdf)Barn Star introduces Special Events at MidWeek

This year, MidWeek will present a special show exhibit entitled “A Tisket A Tasket” American Baskets from MidWeek Dealers private collections. The exhibit will be housed display cases at the front of the show highlighting the diversity, creativity and usefulness of baskets in the American household and culture. Baskets displayed will be made of…

Multi-Generational Travel in Portsmouth

Traveling with two – three generations is on the rise; e.g.: parents joined by their children (young and/or adult) and the grandparents. One key to a successful vacation is to plan something for everyone. And, the wider the age range, the more options you may want to consider. Portsmouth and the Seacoast offer so many activities to choose from – and most are within easy walking distance so that everyone in your party can find exactly what…

Mt. Washington Auto Road adds new 3-hour guided tours

The Mt. Washington Auto Road has expanded guided tour options with a 3-hour version offering guests additional ways to explore Mount Washington. The Auto Road will now offer 2- and 3-hour versions of their guided tours allowing guests to spend more time exploring scenic areas along the…

Waterville Valley offers challenge: Climb five mountains in a weekend

With more than a dozen 4,000-foot peaks surrounding Waterville Valley, New Hampshire contestants are being asked to climb five of them in a single weekend in a fun hiking challenge. This is Waterville Valley’s 5 Summit Challenge, a 20,000-foot total that is almost the height of the highest point in…

The Fells Fairy House Festival and Tea Party on August 2

Tracy Kane, Award-winning Author/ Illustrator of the Fairy Houses Series® to Appear at The Fells Fairy House Festival and Tea Party on August 2: Leader in getting children outside will read, sign books and greet fans Award-winning Author and…

The Messenger – July 31, 2015

Download The Messenger – July 31, 2015 (pdf)

In thisIssue

Download The Messenger - July 31, 2015 (pdf)Antrim wind farm under Site Evaluation Committee

The NH Site Evaluation Committee has voted 7-2 to again take jurisdiction of the wind farm, proposed on Tuttle Hill and Willard Mountain, giving the state, not the town, will decide whether the turbines can be built and what mitigations, if any, will be required. Responding to the decision, Henry D. Weitzner of Welden Green Energy, a majority owner in Antrim Wind said in…

Friends of Goffstown Rail Trail donate $11,850 to the project

At the Goffstown Board of Selectmen July 27th meeting, Friends of the Goffstown Rail Trail officers Lowell Von Ruden and David Pierce presented an $11,850 check toward the rail trail construction project now underway. This contribution from the non-profit FGRT organization was made possible by membership donations from trail supporters, and the group’s annual Ski, Skate & Board Sale fundraiser, scheduled…

Hillsborough man indicted for Reckless Conduct

A former Hillsborough Selectman, working as a bus monitor for a Bradford company last May, was indicted on a felony reckless conduct charge accusing him of trying to force a bus with a student on board into a stonewall…

Workman believes permaculture can save Franklin’s downtown

Todd Workman of Gilford, who with his partners owns about a dozen Franklin properties, is leading an ambitious effort to remake the struggling city into a permaculture destination. On Saturday, he led a group of about 30 people on a walking tour of these mostly vacant buildings which hold so much potential…

Bow is facing major bridge repair costs

Bow Town Manager David Stack reminded the selectmen that the State will no longer be liable for meeting their obligation for red-listed bridges in order to prevent lawsuits. Stack had assumed that when a bridge truly fails, the State would move it forward, but based on the DOT’s recent response, that is not the case. Bow’s options are to use funds that are…

David Zuger is Wilmot’s new Police Chief

Wilmot has a new Chief of Police. Former Assistant Chief of Police David Zuger was formally sworn in as Chief at 3 p.m. on Wednesday, July 22, 2015 at the Wilmot town offices by Town Clerk Rhonda Gauthier. Chief Zuger brings 20 years of police work in…





The Messenger – July 24, 2015

Download The Messenger – July 24, 2015 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - July 24, 2015 (pdf)Plan to refurbish Henniker’s Highway Department back on course

After a period of accusation, speculation and hesitation and a contentious meeting Tuesday night, the Henniker selectmen voted unanimously to reaffirm their original plan for replacing the highway trucks damaged in a January fire that engulfed…

Bradford man wanted for parole violation

The US Marshals Fugitive Task Force is seeking Richard Decelle, 47, of Bradford for a parole violation. Decelle is on parole for a conviction and sentence of 2nd Degree Assault by Strangulation. Law enforcement officials say that Decelle has an extensive criminal history dating back to…

Chris Christie impressive at Franklin Town Hall Meeting

The crowd of about about 100 people began gathering early at the Franklin VFW Post last Thursday night to attend a Town Hall Meeting by New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie. The GOP presidential candidate was welcomed by Franklin Mayor Ken Merrifield who said Christie has impressed him during recent visits to…

New London Conservation Commission warns of Japanese Barberry

You may love that attractive Japanese Barberry in your garden, with its gorgeous fall colors and leaves the deer won’t eat. But there are two important reasons not to love it. This non-native plant is invasive, and research has shown that the bushes carry a high density of deer ticks…

Memorial bench to honor Justin Rollins

Newport Town Manager Brown informed the selectmen that Mr. and Mrs. Rollins had made a request to put a granite bench in Ransom Tracey Park, in honor of their son, Justin Rollins. Brown explained the historical steps in which the Town had accepted such gifts in the…

Annual Rotary Chili Fest Aug 23rd

To paraphrase that 60’s folk song made popular by the Kingston Trio: Where have all the chili makers gone? Although we have a great mix of professional entries already for this year’s Fire on the Mountain Chili Fest, on Sunday, August 23 at beautiful Pat’s Peak, very few amateur chili makers have signed up to date. Historically, our Amateur Chili makers crowded the field with…





NH Bride & Groom – July 2015

Download NH Bride & Groom – July 2015 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download NH Bride & Groom - July 2015 (pdf)Tips to keep stress levels down when planning you wedding

Grab a package of Tums and head for Henniker on Sunday, August For many idealistic brides, being a perfectionist can literally suck the fun (and funds!) out of the entire wedding planning process. Whether it’s indecision you’re grappling with or wanting everything to be “just right”, putting yourself into debt and making everyone else around you, yourself included, absolutely miserable isn’t exactly the greatest way to go about achieving a dream…

Choose the most perfect first dance song for your wedding

There are many moments in your wedding adventure when all eyes will truly be on you and your fiancé. One of those moments is during your first dance. Not the best dancer? Pretty sure you have two left feet? All of that’s okay as long as you choose the most perfect first dance song. If you’re unsure of how to pick a…

Ideas for selecting ideal ceremony site

Selecting the ideal ceremony site sets the entire tone of your wedding. But it’s a bit more complex than visiting a place and determining it’s pretty. You need to also consider the logistics — from the size of…

Tips to make mom radiant for wedding

It’s not just brides who want to look their best at the wedding — so moms, this one’s for you. We asked makeup artist Ramy Gafni, author of How to Fake Real Beauty, how mothers of the bride can look youthful and radiant on their daughter’s (or son’s!) big day…

Keeping guests comfortable in hot weather

With the gorgeous weather and seemingly endless hours of daylight, it’s no surprise that the summer months are some of the most popular times of the year to say, “I do.” But when the heat is on, hearts will melt, and unfortunately, so will other things. To be the absolute best summer wedding…

The Messenger – July 17, 2015

Download The Messenger – July 17, 2015 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - July 17, 2015 (pdf)Bow’s Public Safety Committee extends bid deadline

Bids for a consultant to assist Bow’s Public Safety Building Committee were due on July 6, but the Town received only one bid. Some members know a few people on the bidder’s reference list and will reach out to those references for input. There was discussion on the bidder’s qualifications. Town Manager David Stack told the Committee that they haven’t…

Seven Goffstown Firefighters receive Heart Saver Hero Awards

Goffstown Fire Chief Richard informed the Selectmen that a number of members of his department received an award at the American Heart Association Heart Ball. They received the Heart Saver Hero Awards for two incidents. Because of the crew’s efforts and treatment, both survived. He commends the crew, which included…

Greater Hillsborough Senior Services wants control over town funds

Things got a little heated at Tuesday’s Hillsborough Selectmen’s meeting as two groups formed to provide services to the town’s senior citizens faced off. The Board had invited representatives of both the Greater Hillsborough Senior Services (GHSS) and the Senior Advisory Council (SAC) to discuss the recent letter from GHSS asking that…

High speed Internet Service proposed for New Boston

Dr. Alexander R. Tambascia and his colleague Robert Brown presented the New Boston Selectmen with a proposal for the formation of a Community Internet Service for the Town. The proposal was to establish a community internet service to provide economical high speed internet access to residents and small businesses. The system would be designed to…

Crash victims’ names are still not released

Nearly two weeks after the death of 17-year-old Trevor Gonyer of Dunbarton in a car crash that severely injured two others, authorities still have not identified the other two teens injured in the crash. Siting a continuing investigation, State Police Sgt. Steven Wheeler in refusing to name any of the occupants, would only say…

Yet another suit against Weare police

Will it ever end? On page one readers will find the story outlining the latex settlement of suits against the Town of Weare and its police department. Now, The Messenger has learned that Jennifer Posteraro, the former administrative assistant who claimed she was assaulted by former Weare police chief John Velleca is now suing the town. In her suit, Posteraro claims that members of the police department conducted two…





Senior Lifestyles – July 2015

Download Senior Lifestyles – July 2015 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download Senior Lifestyles - July 2015 (pdf)13th Annual Henniker Rotary Club Chili Fest

Grab a package of Tums and head for Henniker on Sunday, August 23rd, for the 13th Annual Fire On the Mountain Chili Fest, sponsored by the Henniker Rotary Club, beginning at noon on the slopes of beautiful Pats Peak Ski Area. This annual festival has become a “must attend” area event. Sample chili prepared by area restaurants and amateur chili makers while enjoying a host of…

Health trumps wealth in retirees’ well-being

Whoever said, “If you have your health, you have everything,” must have been retired. That’s because retirees feel more financially secure when they’re in good health according to new research. And when they feel financially secure, retirees also report they’re enjoying retirement more, they feel fulfilled and are less likely to experience negative…

How men and women experience retirement differently

What’s retirement like? The answer may depend upon whether you’re a man or a woman. Women report more positive experiences in retirement than men, yet also say they are more likely to experience negative emotions, especially stress, according to a…

Forest Society seeks volunteers to clear Monadnock Trails

The Society for the Protection of N.H. Forests (Forest Society) and N.H. State Parks are hosting the 10th Annual Monadnock Trails Week from July 17 to July 21. Volunteers are invited to join conservation professionals and trail maintainers to help restore degraded hiking trails on Mount Monadnock during the five-day event…

Summertime in the Grand North

From paddling the Androscoggin River, hiking the remote Cohos Trail, fishing for trophy northern pike or simply relaxing by the campfire,  summer is in full swing in New Hampshire’s Grand North, and there is literally something for everyone. New Hampshire Grand, the official visitor information source for the Great North Woods and the Northern White Mountains, is highlighting summer activities for every type of vacationer…

The Messenger – July 10, 2015

Download The Messenger – July 15, 2015 – pages 1-16 (pdf)

Download The Messenger – July 15, 2015 – pages 17-32 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - July 15, 2015 (pdf)Nine tenants displaced but safe after fire at Franklin duplex

The nine residents of the two-family house at 40 School St. were evacuated safely last week, along with four dogs and two cats after fire broke out at the property. Three cats died in the fire. A Notice posted at the house warns that the residence is condemned and uninhabitable. The two-alarm fire started in the…

One teen killed, two others injured in Weare accident

A white wooden cross on the side of Route 114 in Weare marks the spot where one teenager was killed and two others seriously injured in a one car accident early Friday morning. On Saturday, more than 60 friends and loved ones of Trevor Gonyer, 17, the teen killed, visited the memorial to pay tribute to their…

Peterborough Rotary Club’s Cruz-In

The Peterborough Rotary Club is pleased to announce the third event of the fifth season of Cruz-In 2015 on Sunday, July 12, in Depot Square, downtown Peterborough from 9:00 to 1:00.  It is open to all makes and models of vintage or special interest cars, truck, motorcycles, and bicycles. The event is free to attendees and all…

Newport man obstructs rescue attempt

A Newport NH man plead not guilty in Windsor County Criminal Court on Monday to misdemeanor counts of obstructing traffic and simple assault on emergency services personal. Charles Wheeler 46, is accused of interfering with EMT’s trying to save his father-in-law, who suffered a…

Lake Sunapee Bank Citizenship Awards

Each year, Lake Sunapee Bank recognizes a graduating student from high schools in its market area with its $500 Citizenship Award. Each student is chosen by his or her respective high schools for exemplary scholastic and community contributions during…

Weare Middle School playground being built this weekend

The community build playground project at the Weare Middle School is set to go this weekend. In preparation, Eldon Townes II of Townes Excavating, donated his time and equipment yesterday (July 6) getting all of the site and excavation work completed. If you’d like to volunteer this weekend to make this playground a reality, it’s not too late. Volunteers will be…





The Messenger – July 3, 2015

Download The Messenger – July 3, 2015 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - July 3, 2015 (pdf)Weare barely settles one lawsuit when another is filed

The ink was barely dry on the settlement between the Town of Weare and former Police Sergeant Joe Kelley when we learned that former Lieutenant James Carney has filed suit against the town, claiming town officials and fellow officers targeted him with an internal investigation that caused him to eventually resign because of emotional distress. Carney was a 20-year veteran of the…

Proposed Franklin Solar Gardens would be largest in the state

A proposed solar project along River Street in Franklin would be larger than all of New Hampshire’s current installed capacity combined if approved. The seven Franklin projects would total 8.5 megawatts which is more than…

Henniker woman awarded $85,000 in suit against the town

A Merrimack County Superior Court jury has awarded Lorin Mulligan of Henniker $85,000 in her legal battle with the town. Mulligan filed suit claiming that the Henniker water department had constructed a gravel road through her property to access a 350,000-gallon water storage tank on neighboring parcel. The town claimed that property deeds…

Missing boy returns to Crotched Mt.

A 15-year old boy who was reported missing from Crotched Mountain Rehabilitation Center called 911 and was able to lead searchers to him early Sunday. The New Hampshire Fish and Game Department said Jason Jozefiak called for help just after midnight to report that he was cold, tired and lost. The boy said he had found a building where he sheltered from the rain and used a…

Henniker Rotary Club’s Annual Chili Fest

Even if thirteen isn’t your lucky number, we encourage you to sign up as a Chili Maker for the 13th Annual Fire On the Mountain Chili Fest, sponsored by the Henniker Rotary Club, scheduled for Sunday, August 23 from 12:00 noon- 4:30 p.m. at Pats Peak Ski Area, Henniker, NH. The Henniker Rotary Chili Fest has become a “must attend” area event. Last year close to…

Planning has begun for Newport’s 2016 Winter Carnival

The town of Newport’s biggest event of the year hits a milestone in 2016, as the Newport Winter Carnival will be celebrating it’s 100th anniversary. Planning is already underway for the upcoming Carnival. Scheduled from February 5th until February 14th, these 10 days will be the longest, most activity filled Winter Carnival in the past 100 years…