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The Messenger – January 26, 2018

Download The Messenger – January 26, 2018 (pdf)Download The Messenger - January 26, 2018 (pdf)

In This Issue

$30 million bond withdrawn

Even for Hopkinton, known for being supportive of its schools, $30 million of renovation and expansion projects is a lot to ask of taxpayers. Informed that the Select Board did not support it and the…

Dancing With The Newport Stars returns after two year hiatus

The Newport Area Chamber of Commerce is excited and proud to partner up with our friends at the Newport Opera House Association as Dancing With The Newport Stars returns…

Reconfiguration or closing of ConVal school back on the warrant

It’s an issue that won’t go away. ConVal voters will again be asked to approve a plan that would make it easier for school officials to close schools if the student-body population dips below 50 resident students for two years in a row, will be put to vote in March…

Girls Sports: Nordic Skiing

ConVal: Schuyler Michalak, captain of the ConVal Nordic team, took top honors in Saturday’s multi-school meet in the Girl’s A division. The race, hosted by the Cougar team but held in Plymouth due to insufficient snow cover on the home fields, attracted over 150 skiers from…

Boys Sports: Henniker Youth Hockey

The Henniker Huskies Peewees traveled East to face off against the NH East Eagles at the Rinks in Exeter on January 20th and skated to tough 1-3 loss. A hard fought first period saw 8 minutes of scoreless, defensive play broken by an Eagles goal at…

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