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In New Hampshire – February, 2020

Download In New Hampshire – February, 2020 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download In New Hampshire - February, 2020 (pdf)Seacoast Science Center opens two new exhibitions: Restoring Reefs and NH Beaches

The Seacoast Science Center (SSC) has opened two all-new, highly interactive exhibitions, Restoring Reefs and NH Beaches. The exhibits will help people understand the ecological importance of these habitats through engaging activity stations, live animal tanks, and interpretive programming. Restoring Reefs teaches about the variety of natural…

Great Glen Trails hosts youth cross-country skiing event

The New England Bill Koch League (NEBKL) strives to introduce youngsters to the lifelong sport of cross-country skiing, and all that it offers for recreational and social opportunities. The league promotes fitness and competitive challenges, but its main goal is to create a fun environment where children develop a true love for the…

Paint Till The Magic Happens

This is a beginner/intermediate introduction to watercolors with artist Byron Carr. Byron will demonstrate his “tricks” as he almost gave up on his approach to watercolors and then the MAGIC happened. Join was for this two day FUN watercolor painting workshop, lunch and art materials for this class is provided in…

Changes In Altitude Ski-A-Thon

Ski like a Pirate at the Swashbucker’s Ski-A-Thon. All proceeds benefit the Waterville Adaptive Sports program. There will be a Apres Ski Beach Bash and Auction in the Waterville Adaptive Office located in the Base Lodge. Food will be catered by La Hacienda. For all the info visit: firstgiving.com to set up your…

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