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Monthly Archive for May, 2020

The Messenger – May 29, 2020

Download The Messenger – May 29, 2020 (pdf)

In this Issue

Download The Messenger - May 29, 2020 (pdf)Hillsborough’s 2020 History Alive set for August 16th

Marion Baker briefed the Hillsborough Select Board on plans for the 2020 “History Alive” event. To be held on Sunday only, August 16th, it will be presented on a single site at historic Hillsborough’s Center. The Civil War Reenactors will not…

Private donations may fund major renovations to Project Genesis

Youth Services Director Chelsea Szalanski met with the Hillsborough Select Board to discuss potential renovations to the Project Genesis facility on West Main Street, and the possible private donations which could be used to fund the project. She outlined the…

ConVal Board reverses decision – sends solar array project out to bid

In a reversal of a prior decision to award the solar array project to ReVision Energy, the ConVal School Board has decided to open the project to competitive bidding. The delay makes it unlikely the district will qualify for the financial incentives that justified…

New London’s Strawberry Festival

New London Recreation Department has made the difficult decision to cancel the 6th annual “Strawberry Festival” due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Strawberry Festival takes many months of planning and the unknowns associated with staging an event of this magnitude, at this…

Senior Lifestyles – June 2020

Download Senior Lifestyles – June 2020 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download Senior Lifestyles - June 2020 (pdf)Caregiving and COVID-19: Tips for people with vulnerable family members

COVID-19 has dramatically shifted daily life for many people around the world. Nobody is immune, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and older adults and individuals with chronic health conditions are at higher risk of getting very sick from…

3 ways to give your home’s curb appeal a boost

Homeowners only get one chance to make a first impression. That’s one chance to impress potential buyers, family, friends and neighbors with the first thing they see: your home’s exterior. From simple upgrades to meticulous…

How to get complaints resolved without using customer service

Have you ever received an unfair bill and dreaded the typical fight with customer service to get it resolved? It might be a surprise charge from your cellphone provider, a bill from the cable company that just keeps increasing, or confusing contracts from your internet provider that…

Fun enrichment activities for you and your pet

It’s no secret that pets provide love, loyalty and affection. This is even more apparent now that you’re spending more time at home with them. In fact, according to the 2020 Purina Pet Ownership Survey, 94% of pet owners rely on their pet for emotional support, which is particularly important during times of uncertainty. There are a lot of fun new things you can…

The Messenger – May 22, 2020

Download The Messenger – May 22, 2020 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - May 22, 2020 (pdf)Plans to open Hillsborough & Washington schools in Fall

Planning for the 2020-2021 school year is an extraordinarily complex endeavor.  The District Leadership Team has designed a structure for the re-entry planning process.The District Leadership Team composed of SAU and Building Administration, the Facilities, Technology, and Food Service Directors, the District Nurse, and the Grant Managers will meet weekly from…

Six Hopkinton budgets offered – all six plus SB2 & Teachers contract defeated

Over 1,400 voters participated in the Hopkinton School District’s drive by voting on Saturday. In a unique system, designed to preserve openness during the Governor’s Stay-At-Home order, voters were given six alternative budget levels to vote on. All six failed to receive a…

Hillsboro-Deering planning a traditional graduation on July 31st

After reviewing the data from the parent and student questionnaires around graduation we are officially setting graduation for Friday, July 31. The last day for students that are 100% completed with all their work is May 29. In order for seniors to participate in the graduation ceremony, they need to fulfill all their…

H-D Board supports teachers & restaurants

Superintendent Bob Hassett opened his recognitions portion of the meeting by telling the H-D School Board how much he appreciates the H-D Teachers and Staff. Later the School Board voted to send each person a $15.00 gift certificate/card to one of Hillsborough’s many restaurants. Not only does this…

Little known facts give Memorial Day a new perspective

Memorial Day is much more than just a three-day weekend and a chance to get the year’s first sunburn. It’s a time to remember the men and women who sacrificed their lives for their country. Here are some facts to give…

The Messenger – May 15, 2020

Download The Messenger – May 15, 2020 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - May 15, 2020 (pdf)NEC to reopen August 24th

New England College plans to open the Henniker campus and its Institute of Art and Design at NEC in Manchester for in-person classes on August 24th. President Michelle Perkins said that the date has been set with an asterisk ,”but both prospective and returning students need to know…

Trio of Weare Middle School students excel at 2020 Invention Convention

Weare Middle and Center Woods Upper Elementary School had three winners at the Friday, May 8, 2020, Virtual Northern New England Invention Convention Awards Celebration. The YouTube broadcast was hosted by WMUR meteorologist Haley…

100 furloughed at Monadnock Hospital

Monadnock Community Hospital recently furloughed 100 employees, or about 20% of its staff, because of declining revenues due to the coronavirus pandemic. The hospital has suffered a 60% reduction in patient volume with the shut down of non-critical medical services in anticipation of…

Teachers organize Popsicle Parade at Henniker Community School

How do you get all the things kids left at school on March 10 back to them? Now that we’re all in remote learning for the remainder of this school year, this is no small task for schools. At the Henniker Community School, they also noted that it could be hard for students to come to school for the very last…

Hillsborough to reduce GHSS contribution

The Hillsborough Select Board recently discussed the annual contribution to Greater Hillsborough Senior Services. $13,000 has been budgeted, however, a portion of that money is used for the large trips; and since those are not taking place right now,so how would the Selectmen…

The Messenger – May 8, 2020

Download The Messenger – May 8, 2020 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - May 8, 2020 (pdf)OSRAM furloughs

Employees at Hillsborough’s OSRAM plant have been told to expect being furloughed from May 15th to June 15th. It is unclear if this effects the full workforce or just a majority. Unconfirmed reports are that it will affect at least 80% of the employees and may…

Deering beach is closed – boat launch is open

The Town of Deering has issued clarifying information about the beach parking and boat launch area for the Deering Reservoir. The beach area is closed as is the berm. The boat launch is open and parking is available for boat trailers ONLY in the designated area. Kayaking is allowed and…

Weare Police experiencing radio problems

Weare Select Board Vice Chairman Hippler raised concerns over multiple failed attempts of radio communications for police officers, both officers to the dispatch and dispatch to the officers. He said transmissions are failing both ways. Chairman Hippler reiterated the transmissions are not making it to the tower on…

Select Board adopts “Henniker Helps Program” for taxpayer relief

During these trying times, the Henniker Select Board unanimously adopted the “Henniker Helps Program” submitted by Town Administrator Joe Devine. All taxpayers with demonstrated financial hardship are eligible to establish pay plans for tax bills to be…

Dept. of Education graduation guidelines

The New Hampshire Department of Education released guidelines to follow for possible in-person graduation ceremonies. The guidelines set the rules that must be followed in order for high school students to still have a graduation ceremony, while practicing social distancing. This would mean; no…