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Monthly Archive for January, 2018

In New Hampshire – February 2018

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In This Issue

Vacation Camp at the Seacoast Science Center

The Seacoast Science Center’s Treks 4 Tots and Seaside Safari Environmental Day Camp programs, for children ages 4 to grade 5, incorporate outdoor learning in historically rich Odiorne Point State Park, and engage children with hands-on science activities and interactive exhibits. Each day’s adventure is planned around a different…

Wild Winter Walks at the Science Center

Cold has settled in and snow covers the ground. Migratory birds have gone south to warmer climates. Hibernating animals have gone to sleep for the winter. But what happens to the animals that live in New Hampshire year-round? What happens to the animals at Squam Lakes Natural Science Center during the winter? The answer is that these animals…

Rochester Opera House presents “Last Waltz Live”

The legendary New England based jam band The Rev Tor Band presents a live stage performance of he Band’s classic 1978 concert film, “The Last Waltz.” The show features renditions of all the hits by The Band featured in the film such as “The Weight,” “Up On Cripple Creek,” and “The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down” as well as songs by Bob Dylan, Neil Young, Eric Clapton and many…

Seth Meyers at Capitol Center for the Arts

Seth Meyers is coming home to help our kids. On Saturday, Feb. 10, the host of NBC’s “Late Night with Seth Meyers” will be in Concord at the Capitol Center for the Arts to perform two shows benefiting Court Appointed Special Advocates of New Hampshire and…

The Messenger – January 26, 2018

Download The Messenger – January 26, 2018 (pdf)Download The Messenger - January 26, 2018 (pdf)

In This Issue

$30 million bond withdrawn

Even for Hopkinton, known for being supportive of its schools, $30 million of renovation and expansion projects is a lot to ask of taxpayers. Informed that the Select Board did not support it and the…

Dancing With The Newport Stars returns after two year hiatus

The Newport Area Chamber of Commerce is excited and proud to partner up with our friends at the Newport Opera House Association as Dancing With The Newport Stars returns…

Reconfiguration or closing of ConVal school back on the warrant

It’s an issue that won’t go away. ConVal voters will again be asked to approve a plan that would make it easier for school officials to close schools if the student-body population dips below 50 resident students for two years in a row, will be put to vote in March…

Girls Sports: Nordic Skiing

ConVal: Schuyler Michalak, captain of the ConVal Nordic team, took top honors in Saturday’s multi-school meet in the Girl’s A division. The race, hosted by the Cougar team but held in Plymouth due to insufficient snow cover on the home fields, attracted over 150 skiers from…

Boys Sports: Henniker Youth Hockey

The Henniker Huskies Peewees traveled East to face off against the NH East Eagles at the Rinks in Exeter on January 20th and skated to tough 1-3 loss. A hard fought first period saw 8 minutes of scoreless, defensive play broken by an Eagles goal at…

The Messenger – January 19, 2018

Download The Messenger – January 19, 2019 (pdf)Download The Messenger - January 19, 2019 (pdf)

In This Issue

Supreme Court rules Bow overtaxed Eversource

Eversource ratepayers got some good news last week at the expense of Bow taxpayers. The NH Supreme Court ruled that the Town of Bow overtaxed Eversource. Bow is on the hook for up to $14 million by overvaluing the company’s Merrimack Station power plant. Any money…

Center Woods Elementary School presented $25,000 Tech Prize

Center Woods Elementary School was presented with a check for $25,000—the first prize in a technology competition sponsored by the Intel Corporation—by the winner and CWES parent Justin Gelinas during an All School Meeting on January 11. Justin, who works on the Geek Squad at the Manchester Best Buy, is part of a team that has been competing for…

H-D School Budget set at $21,939,631

The proposed H-D School budget is $21,939,631 and the default budget is $21,868,952. A separate warrant article labeled Elementary School Project is for the renovation of the Elementary School Entrance, to reconfigure and pave the parking lot, and replace the playground. The total cost of the project is…

Boscawen Police Officer honored for heroism

Police Chief Kevin Wyman presented, on behalf of the Board of Selectman, Boscawen Police Department and the residents of Boscawen, Officer Glen Chislett with a Merritt of Conduct award for his heroism for a domestic violence call. Upon arrival…

Eight towns help Peterborough in fighting garage fire

Fire crews in Peterborough called in help from 8 other towns Sunday night to battle a blaze in a large garage in town. Peterborough Fire & Rescue reported their department was called to 555 Middle Hancock Road about 10:04 p.m. for a reported…

The Messenger – January 12, 2018

Download The Messenger – January 12, 2018 (pdf)Download The Messenger - January 12, 2018 (pdf)

In This Issue

Incoming Mayor predicts a Franklin Rebirth

“This is like déjà vu all over again!” said Tony Giunta as he was sworn in as Franklin’s Mayor for the second time, having served in that office from 2000-2004. Reflecting on his first inaugural, he recalled how the task was to change the city’s perception…

Area firefighters hampered by cold temperatures and brisk winds

As whipping winds and bitter cold plunged wind chills down to 30 below and even colder, first responders were busy with fires both overnight and throughout the weekend with other incidents reported in Windsor, Goffstown, Peterborough, and Tilton. Peterborough firefighters saved a Blueberry Lane house from a…

Jacob Merritt becomes Newport Troop’s third Eagle Scout

A crowd of 50 friends, family and scouts, past and present, gathered in the cafeteria at Newport Middle High School Sunday to celebrate Jacob Merritt’s achievement, becoming the third member of Boy Scout Troop 316 in the past three years, after Patrick Hennig in 2015 and Jeremy Dewey last year, to attain the rank of Eagle Scout…

Hillsboro Board tackles budget & rumors

The Board reviewed both the Police and Town Employees Unions’ contracts and voted to accept them to be placed on the Town Warrant. The contracts are for 3 years and provide raises for all employees as well as step increases. The Police contract also addresses adjustments for Dispatch employees to bring them in line.The Board also discussed a rumor that…

Epsom Police Chief on unpaid leave

Longtime Epson Police Chief, Wayne Preve, who Select Board Chair Don Harty says “has been an excellent chief for the town,” and, “Very, very respected by people in town,” has been placed on unpaid administrative leave. Select Board members have refused to elaborate, calling it a…

The Messenger – January 5, 2018

Download The Messenger – January 5, 2018 (pdf)Download The Messenger - January 5, 2018 (pdf)

In This Issue

Hillsborough man injured in snowmobile accident

Conservation officers in New Hampshire were called to rescue a man injured in a snowmobile crash. Authorities say 20-year-old Kyle Nutter was driving a snowmobile on Bear Hill Trail in Hillsboro with a group of friends. The boys called 911 when they found…

Space heater ignites Georges Mills fire

New London Fire Chief Jay Lyons said a preliminary investigation suggests it was propane space heater used to thaw frozen pipes beneath the building  that destroyed a Georges Mill’s cottage and left two men homeless last Thursday. Sunapee Police Chief David Cahill was first on scene and reported…

Single car Hancock accident lead to driver’s arrest

On Thursday, December 28th, the Hancock Police Department responded to a report of a serious motor vehicle collision with ejection on Bonds Corner Road in the area of Shire Road in Hancock. Police along with Fire and Rescue personnel responded to the scene and found…

Dog saves Belmont man from overdose

Police said they were called for a dog in a road that would not move for traffic around 11:53 p.m. Friday. An officer responded and after finding out who the owner is walked the shivering dog back to its owner’s house a short distance away. Police said the officer tried to get someone to answer the door for several minutes but did not get a response…

Henniker exploring a $98,000 health insurance saving

The Henniker Selectmen had a productive meeting Tuesday evening. Finance Director Russ Roy gave a lengthly comparison of Health Insurance Plans offered by School Choice and Harvard Pilgram. Harvard Pilgram offers two plans, which with higher deductibles and employee co-pays, could save the town between $33,000 and…