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Monthly Archive for December, 2020

The Messenger – January 1, 2021

Download The Messenger – January 1, 2021 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - January 1, 2020 (pdf)Community Carols

A Tradition Is Born: Even a light but steady rain couldn’t dampen the spirits of the 50+ people who gathered around the fountain at Hillsborough’s Butler Park on Christmas Eve to sip…

SAU #24 sets Budget Hearings for Henniker, Weare & John Stark Districts

The Henniker School Board will hold a public hearing on its proposed 2021-2022 School District Budget on January 12, 2021, at 7pm via Zoom. Zoom information will be posted at www.sau24.org. The regular school board meeting begins at 6:15pm…

“Giving Back to the Community” – An Appleseed Tradition

For Christmas the Appleseed has once again produced dinners that Safety Services personnel could deliver to citizens in the Bradford Area. The Fentons and Team Appleseed personnel stepped forward shortly after the seriousness of the Pandemic came to light. They produced and sent out…

Area high schools meet virtually to reach consensus on winter sports

Hillsboro-Deering officials joined with their counterparts in Bow, Bishop Brady, Coe-Brown, Hopkinton, John Stark, Kearsarge Regional, Merrimack Valley and Pembroke Academy meeting virtually to reach a consensus on what winter athletics will look like within their…

Harris Center’s Wildlife Tracking Station

The first of an eventual network of 50 wildlife tracking stations across New England is now operational in southwestern New Hampshire, enabling scientists and conservation agencies to follow the movements of tagged birds, bats and migratory insects across the region. The station was erected last month in…

Senior Lifestyles – January 2021

Download Senior Lifestyles – January 2021 (pdf)

In this Issue

COA Chapin SDownload Senior Lifestyles - January 2021 (pdf)enior Center Programs & Activities

VIRTUAL PROGRAMS – Travel and learn from home! We’ve added some exciting on-line learning opportunities through our new partnership with “Senior Learning Network.” These LIVE programs will take you all around the country to museums and landmarks right from the comfort of your own home…

Senior Living Community in Newport opens 28 new Apartments

Summercrest Senior Living in Newport, New Hampshire opened the doors to its brand new expanded common areas and 28 additional Independent Living and Assisted Living apartments. The expansion project was funded by Housing and Urban Development (HUD) with equity contributions from Summercrest’s owners; Grand Senior Living…

Celebrate the New Year with a NH State Parks First Day Hike

New Hampshire State Parks invites the public to celebrate the New Year with a self-guided virtual hike. This year’s First Day Hikes will run from December 26 through New Year’s Day 2021 at all state parks across New Hampshire. The goal of this year’s hikes is to provide individuals and families the opportunity to safely welcome in 2021 in the outdoors while maintaining social distancing practices. This is the tenth year New Hampshire has participated in the First Day Hikes program…

The Messenger – December 25, 2020

Download The Messenger – December 25, 2020 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - December 25, 2020 (pdf)Rotary Club’s worldwide relief

When natural disasters and conflicts displace people from their homes, we can’t wave a magic wand to replace what was lost, but we can provide people with the tools to start the process of their own recovery. To aid these efforts The Henniker Rotary Club has donated $1000 to support ShelterBox, an international aid organization…

Messenger readers contribute a record $2,690 for Christmas Food Baskets

Over the last 26 years Messenger readers have generously supported the Lions Club’s appeal for contributions to the Club’s Christmas Food Basket Project. This year’s overwhelming response raised a record $2,690 for which the Club and those receiving the baskets are eternally grateful…

Hillsborough single mother and two young children survive Sunday fire

Quick action by Hillsborough Firefighters prevented a pre-Christmas house fire from turning tragic. A single mother and her two young children awoke to smoke and flames at their rented home on West Main Street. Pam Glines, her 12-year-old son Gabriel and 6-year-old daughter Arya escaped unharmed, but they have lost everything including a pet dog and a cat…

H-D Middle School Music and English Teacher positions restored

Faced with a flood of opposition to proposed staff reductions at Hillsboro-Deering Schools at the last School Board meeting, Superintendent Patricia Parenteau returned Monday with several modifications. The Middle School Music Teacher and English Language positions were…

Weare Middle School 6th Graders become Imagineers in Unified Arts Class

The Unified Arts Team at Weare Middle School got creative earlier this fall when attempts to fill a temporary art position for a teacher on leave were unsuccessful. The solution? Enrichment Coordinator Wil Crabtree took over the section and taught a six-week Imagineering class to a group of 6th-graders…

The Messenger – December 18, 2020

Download The Messenger – December 18, 2020 (pdf)

In This Issue

DownloadThe Messenger - December 18, 2020 (pdf)Henniker ends “Holiday Hours”

Henniker Town Administrator Joe Devine has discovered an unauthorized activity practiced by employees of the Transfer Station. No one is quite sure why or how the practice started, but it has been going on for many years. According to Devine, for years, the Transfer Station Employees have been banking holidays hours in a…

ConVal Board suspends Winter Sports indefinitely

Superintendent Kimberly Rizzo Saunders has announced that “all district athletic programs will be suspended indefinitely as the district’s COVID-19 risk level has risen to orange, which represents substantial transmission of the novel coronavirus.” Her announcement was…

Break-in and robbery reported at Henniker’s All In One Market

On December 11 at approximately 5:47 a.m. employees arriving for work reported a burglary that had occurred. There were signs of forced entry observed. The cash register was taken from the store with an undisclosed amount of money and numerous Juul refills…

Mike Martin retires after nearly 20 years as a Henniker Police Officer

Mike Martin was hired by Chief Tim Russell as a part time officer in October of 2001, before being appointed as a full time officer with Henniker Police on January 1 2002. Michael had previously worked for the Bradford Police Department as a part time officer. Michael served as a patrol officer until July of 2015 when he was promoted to Sergeant. He was promoted to…

SAU #24 Admins spend a day back in classroom

Each year teachers and staff of SAU 24 are entered into a raffle hosted by SAU administrators. The prize? A day off with sub coverage provided by one of the five administrators from the SAU office.  This fun, morale-boosting raffle also gives administrators a chance to be back in a classroom, the very place most began their careers in education…

The Messenger – December 11, 2020

Download The Messenger – December 11, 2020 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - December 11, 2020 (pdf)Henniker girl saves family

On July 30th at about 3:42 a.m. Adelaide Meehan awoke to the sound of glass cracking and breaking. There was an active fire in a barn attached to the house. She saw that the entire outside of the window was covered in flames, and she immediately ran upstairs and called 9-1-1. She then…

Hopkinton Board approves all winter sports

The Hopkinton School Board met on Thursday, December 3rd for a regularly scheduled meeting. Major topics discussed included the first presentation of the Superintendent’s Budget to the School Board, winter sports for middle and high school students, and the decision matrix. It was noted that the main…

Hillsboro-Deering School Board urged to reconsider staff reductions

Faced with a $450,000 reduction in state aid and increased costs associated with the Covid pandemic, the Hillsboro-Deering School Board has been considering several ways to reduce expenditures. One proposal calls for a significant staff reduction including the elimination of…

SAU #34 needs your help to continue to qualify for free and reduced meals

SAU 34 is looking for your help. The US Department of Agriculture granted the Hillsboro-Deering and Washington school food programs a waiver to allow us to provide breakfast and lunch to all students through the end of the 2020-2021 school year on scheduled school days. Even though the waiver allows us to…

Hillsboro-Deering All-State Athletes

BOYS SOCCER: 1st Team All State Goalie / Division III – Logan Clough; 2nd Team All State Defense / Division III – Riley Jones
GIRLS SOCCER: 1st Team All State / Division III – Gracie Atkins; 2nd Team All State / Division III – Emily Howell; Honorable Mention All State / Division III – Lexi Mcclure…

The Messenger – December 4, 2020

Download The Messenger – December 4, 2020 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - December 4, 2020 (pdf)Hillsboro Boy Scouts Christmas Wreaths

Hillsboro Scout BSA Troop 73 is selling Holiday wreaths at the United Methodist Church on Henniker Street on Friday 12/4 from 4-6pm and Saturday 12/5 from 9am-3pm. All proceeds will go to supporting the troop this year. Cost of wreaths are…

Fantastic community support for Dimitri’s Annual Thanksgiving Gift

The outpouring of donations for Dimitri’s Family’s Gift this year broke all records.  People in this community and beyond needed to express pure  kindness – they were truly anxious to give. Besides providing over 170 meals, the restaurant also donated…

New Boston’s Drive-Thru Visit with Santa

A Drive-Thru Visit with Santa will be Saturday, December 12 from 2-4 pm at the main entrance of New Boston Central School. Santa will greet and socially distance chat with your children while they remain in the car. Drop off your letters to Santa and…

Hillsborough Senior Services reaching out to Seniors and the disabled

This time of year can be depressing and coupled with the Covid-19 pandemic, many of our seniors and disabled citizens are feeling lost and disenfranchised. GHSS is in the process of creating a phone tree to reach out to our neighbors and we need your help…

New owners breathe new life into iconic Hillsborough Diner

On August 17, 2020 the husband and wife team of Hanne Skov Hansen and Jay Schechter purchased the Hillsborough Diner and re-named it Hanna’s Diner. After three months of renovations and upgrades they are finally done. Well for now. The original portion of the restaurant is a classic Kullman diner built in 1953…

In New Hampshire – December 2020

Download In New Hampshire – December 2020 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download In New Hampshire - December 2020 (pdf)Ice Fishing in New Hampshire: The Beginner’s Guide

if you’re looking for a new hobby this winter, look no further. We’ll fill you in on all the details you need to know to make your next ice fishing adventure a success here in New Hampshire. Mark Beauschesne, local fishing expert and guide offered some insight into the sport. So let’s start with the basics…

Manchester Community Music School Outdoor Holiday Stroll

The Manchester Community Music School was determined to kick off the Holiday Season with live music in a safe way. So they turned their Annual Holiday Pops Concert into an outdoor, socially distant Holiday Stroll…

8 New Hampshire businesses you can support that will ship the perfect holiday gifts

A variety of holidays come all at once, which means lots of planning and a good amount of money. In years past we’ve shopped all over, but this year we’re making an effort to stay local. And these shops are a great way to do it…

Santa Claus to arrive by helicopter at Aviation Museum on Sat., Dec. 12

Kids, families are welcome to meet Saint Nick in free Covid-adjusted outdoor event. Santa Claus is coming to town, and he’s arriving by chopper. On Saturday, Dec. 12, the big guy will land via helicopter at the Aviation Museum of New Hampshire…