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Monthly Archive for June, 2021

The Messenger – June 25, 2021

Download The Messenger – June 25, 2021 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - June 25, 2021 (pdf)ConVal School Board returning $3.2 million to taxpayers

The ConVal School Board has voted to return approximately $3.2 million to the district’s towns and its taxpayers, as a result of dollars that were unexpended during the COVID-19 crisis. The savings are derived from a budget freeze implemented last…

Hillsborough Farmers Market & Artisans Fair moving to a more visible location

Hillsborough Pride, a Division of the Greater Hillsborough Chamber of Commerce, is proud to announce that it has secured a new, more visible location for the Farmers Market & Artisans Fair. Many on social media have wondered why we…

Paraeducators needed at Hillsboro-Deering Schools for the 21-22 year

Have you ever considered becoming a Paraeducator? Are you patient and creative, and looking for a rewarding job making a difference in the lives of children? As a Paraeducator you provide direct support to students in…

The replacement for the MV Kearsarge arrives in Sunapee

Patience and persistence finally paid off as the Lake Queen finally made its way from Mississippi to Lake Sunapee after a long delay. A large crowd lined the street as the newest Sunapee Cruises boat was towed to the…


The Kearsarge Boys’ junior JJ Davis, who won the 400, was named to the All Star Team…


The Division III Hopkinton Girls runners up had three Hawk players named to the All Star Team; junior defender Olivia Cressey, sophomore attack Rose Finlayson and junior midfielder Annie Higginbotham.

The Messenger – June 18, 2021

Download The Messenger – June 18, 2021 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - June 18, 2021 (pdf)H-D graduates urged to “rise to the challenge-enjoy the ride”

Despite the weather, Class of 2021 graduates, their teachers and other staff members, friends and family were finally able to gather under a tent for the Hillsboro-Deering Graduation. Principal Jim O’Rourke welcomed the overflow crowd and thanked everyone involved in their journey of the past…

The Town of Bradford celebrates re-opening of the Bement Covered Bridge

Bradford residents turned out in force to celebrate the re-opening of the historic Bement Bridge, built in 1864 and placed on the national Register of Historic…

“Remembrance Ceremony” on June 19th

Stonewall Farm, 265 Windsor Rd, on Saturday June 19 at 7 P.M. invites the public to attend a “Remembrance Ceremony.” Evidence indicates that the Bickford family used the farm as a “safe house” to help slaves escape to Canada. Come join us in the “barn” for an…

Campbell’s Championship softball win over Hopkinton avenges 2019 loss

Campbell High School catcher Chloe Steiniger recorded three hits, including two home runs, and drove in seven runs to lead Campbell  to the Division III championship with an 18-6 victory over Hopkinton on…

John Stark crowned Baseball Champions in first finals appearance

During Saturday morning’s graduation ceremonies several John Stark seniors had other things on their minds, that afternoon’s Championship Baseball game. In fact, some team members wore their uniform jerseys under their gowns. This was the first appearance of the Generals in the state finals, and they made the…

The Messenger – June 11, 2021

Download The Messenger – June 11, 2021 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - June 11, 2021 (pdf)Hillsborough Selectmen Stohrer and Rogers both resign

On June 1st, the Town of Hillsborough received the resignation of Select Board member John Stohrer, who cited increased job responsibilities and renewed travel, effective June 10th. On June 8th, the Town also received the resignation of Select Board member David Rogers, who cited…

Weare Police Department recognizes heroic life-saving efforts

On October 8th, Corporal Michael Muise and Officer Thomas Ouellette responded to an Echo Level Medical Call involving a male subject, who was unconscious and not breathing. Within minutes Muise and Ouellette started (CPR) and applied an Automated External Defibrillator (AED), and continued life-saving efforts until…

Sparks fly as Henniker ZBA and Planning Board clash

The Henniker Select Board had nearly completed its recent meeting without incident. However, when Chair Kris Blomback asked for members to report on their various committee assignment, normally mild mannered Leon Parker, who sits as the Select Board’s designated ZBA member, erupted in an…


Hopkinton 17, Hillsboro-Deering 0: The Hawks made it 11-0 at half and possessed well throughout to keep the Hillcats from scoring. Hillsboro-Deering fought hard in transition and on defense to challenge the Hawks and finish their season strong. Jared O’Connor made 13 saves for the Hillcats…


Hopkinton 23, Laconia 9: With a storm delay of an hour, the Hawks had a 10-goal lead lead going into halftime.
Pembroke 10, ConVal 9: Down 7-4 at the half, ConVal tied the game at 9-9 before Pembroke took the lead back…

The Messenger – June 4, 2021

Download The Messenger – June 4, 2021 (pdf)

In This Issue

DownloadThe Messenger - June 4, 2021 (pdf)David Tille to address Lions Club on homeless veterans

David Tille, Director of Veteran Services at Harbor Care, will be the featured speaker at the next Hillsboro Lions Club meeting, Tuesday, June 8th. Harbor Care is one of the state’s largest providers of supports for veterans experiencing homelessness, which serves…

History Alive in Hillsborough 21-22 August

Discover the real meanings of the Abenaki names given to our rivers and mountains and what the climate was like 250 years ago. Learn what Indians taught early settlers about surviving in the wilderness and wild local plants for food, medicine, and…

Rotary Club promotes Flags over Henniker and Hillsborough

The American flag has stood as a symbol of freedom and justice for 245 years. Through wars and in times of peace, the sight of the American flag has given notice to foes and assurances to friends that democracy lives. No other symbol captures the power and glory of our nation like our…


Bow 12, Hillsboro-Deering 0: The Falcons flew high in shutting out the Cats. Concord 10, Goffstown 0: In Concord, Jonah Wachter threw a six-inning perfect game in the Tide’s 10-0 win…


John Stark 18, Hanover 0 (5 inn.): Olivia Hargreaves, Izzy Nelson combined on no-hitter, struck out 13 of 16 batters they faced. Trinity 9, Hillsboro-Deering 5: The Cats put some runs on the board in the loss…