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Monthly Archive for August, 2023

The Messenger – September 1, 2023

Download The Messenger – September 1, 2023 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - September 1, 2023 (pdf)Francestown hosts its 105th Labor Day Celebration on September 4th

Francestown’s annual 105th Labor Day celebration is scheduled for September 4th. Hosted by the Francestown Improvement & Historical Society (FIHS), the day is filled with events and activities beginning with the Francestown Five Road Race. Registration is…

Hillsborough branch of Bank of New Hampshire to be closed for renovations

Bank of New Hampshire has plans for updating its office located at 325 West Main Street in Hillsborough. Once complete, the office will create a more comfortable workspace for our employees and provide an efficient layout that will…

New London Town Common decorated with “Flags For Forgotten Heroes”

The New London Fire Department had the privilege to attend The Honor Bear Project “Flags for Forgotten Heroes” on the New London Town Common. A total of 660 American Flags were installed in the…

NH DOT studying options for “Death Alley” intersection

Roundabout, stoplight or separating roads? Those are possibilities being considered. The New Hampshire Department of Transportation hosted a Community forum at the Hopkinton Town Hall to discuss options to the high-traffic…


The Messenger – August 25, 2023

Download The Messenger – August 25, 2023 (pdf)

In this Issue

Download The Messenger - August 25, 2023Local barbers giving free back-to-school haircuts for the less fortunate

Henry Proctor, who owns Mane Street Barber Company with shops in Hillsboro and Antrim is helping kids who may be tight on money get a free haircut before the start of the new school year. One day a group of kids came…

Non-profit group partners with Kearsarge schools for student mentoring

The Windsor-based nonprofit organization Windsor County Mentors has expanded in the Kearsarge region by partnering with community groups and the Kearsarge Regional School District to start a mentoring program for…

Franklin may cut classes because of teacher shortage

Franklin High School is unable to offer some courses this year due to ongoing teacher shortages, and the district is working on navigating the issue many schools across the country are also facing. Principal David Levesque said the school is short three teachers, which affects…

Sunapee man & juvenile arrested for burglary

Lieutenant Timothy Puchtler was called out to respond to a report of a burglary of a motor vehicle at a residence on Edgemont Road where over $2,000 worth of…


The Messenger – August 18, 2023

Download The Messenger – August 18, 2023 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - August 18, 2023 (pdf)Newport Apple Pie Crafts Fair

The annual favorite Apple Pie Crafts Fair is fast-approaching, and the event’s presenters—the Library Arts Center—are up to their ears in all things “pie” preparing for the big day on Saturday, August 26…

Hillsborough Select Board grants Central Square developer two major incentives

The Hillsborough Select Board recently held two Public Hearings designed to assist the developer in renovating the 8 Bridge Street building he recently purchased. The first, a Community…

Hillsboro-Deering graduate serves on guided-missile destroyer

Petty Officer 2nd Class Taveya Ortiz, a native of Hillsboro, is serving aboard USS Chung-Hoon, a U.S. Navy warship operating out of Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Ortiz, a 2018 graduate of Hillsboro-Deering High School, joined the Navy five…

Bow parents upset at early parole of son’s killer

A convicted drunk driver was granted parole after serving nearly four years of a 6-12 year prison sentence. Beth and Chris Shaw said they’ve been pushing for stricter laws for repeat drunk drivers after their son, Tyler Shaw, 20, was killed in a crash. They said they don’t believe public safety was taken into account in…

The Messenger – August 11, 2023

Download The Messenger – August 11, 2023 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - August 11, 2023 (pdf)Herb Frederick – Rest In Peace

Herb Frederick, a Hillsboro icon, with a gruff exterior and heart of gold, died on July 19, 2023, just shy of his 93rd birthday. In 1968, Herb moved to Deering with his family and resided there until moving to Hillsboro in 2005. In the early 70s he started working at New England College before…

Valiant efforts by Newbury & New London responders fail to save Lake Sunapee swimmer

On Saturday afternoon Newbury Boat 1, Rescue 1, Engine 4, Newbury Police, New London Ambulance, New Hampshire State Police and New Hampshire State Police Marine Patrol responded to a home on Lake Sunapee for a report of a swimmer in trouble. Upon arrival of the first responders the individual had been…

Hillsboro man rams Boston Police Cruiser

Two men from New Hampshire are facing several charges after one of them allegedly struck a police officer and a cruiser in Massachusetts. Boston Police said officers were trying to disperse a large group of people shortly before 4 a.m. on Friday when a car fled from the scene. Police said Xavier Luis Morel, 21, of Hillsboro, later crashed into a…

New England College hires veteran football coach Kevin Kelly

Football is coming back to New England College in the fall of 2024 after a 50-year hiatus. It’s a big undertaking to build a team from the ground up, but this coach is no stranger to football. The man who will lead the Pilgrims is Kevin Kelly. He has more than four decades of coaching experience, but it will be the first for staffing, building and recruiting an entire team…


The Messenger – August 4, 2023

Download The Messenger – August 4, 2023 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - August 4, 2023 (pdf)Windham man killed in I-89 crash in Warner

A man from Windham has died after a crash on Interstate 89 in Warner on Monday. New Hampshire State Police were called to the area of Mile Marker 16.6 for a report of a crash on the northbound side of the highway. When they arrived, they found a 2008 Infiniti had driven to the left side of the…

Downtown Newport gets New Public Mural in style of vintage postcard

The Library Arts Center and the Newport Public Art Collaborative — a newly-formed partnership with the Newport Area Chamber of Commerce, has worked to create a new vintage postcard-style mural that was installed in downtown Newport in July. This large-scale public…

Hillsboro-Deering Fall Sports Tryout/Practice

HDHS will hold tryouts/practices for fall sports on the following dates/times, and at the following locations:  Monday-8/7/23: Bass Fishing practice – TBD. Friday-8/11/23: Redhawks Football practice – HDHS football practice field/7:30am-12:00pm…

Hillsborough woman Domestic Assault

Officers responded to Holly Morin’s residence for a report of a domestic disturbance, where the victim was threatened by his girlfriend. Upon arrival, officers…