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Monthly Archive for June, 2020

The Messenger – June 26, 2020

Download The Messenger – June 26, 2020 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - June 26, 2020 (pdf)Francestown firefighters return to battle underground fire

Francestown firefighters had to return last Friday to re-extinguished a fire that had been smoldering underground on Russell Station Road since May 22nd…

Hopkinton School Board debating where to make $500,000 budget cuts

The Hopkinton School Board has renewed the contracts of 60 school employees for the next school year, but that vote will force the Board to make program cuts elsewhere in the budget. The School Board’s task of cutting the budget comes after…

HDES Playground project begins with demolition this weekend

The Demolition of the HDES Playground Project begins this weekend. The crew at school has started to take down the pieces that need power tools and ladders, and they are doing a great job! if you are coming to volunteer please…

Harris Center awards 2 ConVal scholarships

The Harris Center for Conservation Education has awarded Zoe Werth and Trevor Faber, students in the ConVal Class of 2020, its Environmental Leader Award. These annual awards, which come with a $2,500 scholarship, are given to students who…

Kearsarge graduate injured while filming North Woods Law

Struck by a speeding ATV earlier this month, Fish and Game Conservation Officer Matt Holmes says his ordeal is likely to show up on “North Woods Law.” He and fellow Conservation Officer Robert Mancini were doing speed…

Senior Lifestyles – June 19, 2020

Download Senior Lifestyles – June 19, 2020 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download Senior Lifestyles - June 19, 2020 (pdf)Finding unity under the American flag during COVID-19

Some moments are etched in our national memory – and the American flag stands at the center of them. Six U.S. Marines raising the flag over Iwo Jima during World War II. Buzz Aldrin saluting the flag on the moon’s surface in 1969. Three New York firefighters hoisting the flag above the rubble of the World Trade Center after 9/11. The American flag is an icon that unites us all…

Expressing sympathy during this new normal

Experiencing the loss of a loved one is always difficult. In today’s environment of “social distancing,” we are even more challenged in finding ways to reach out and connect to those who need comfort at a time of loss. While many of us may be…

Mountain Yoga and Wellness Weekend

Close your eyes and focus on breathing, now imagine yourself on a mountain top or alongside a babbling brook. Now, stop imagining, you can actually join Effortless Adventure and our friends from Live A Little Fitness on a weekend yoga retreat in The White Mountains of New Hampshire. Yoga instruction will be…

Artist Weekend and Wet Paint Sale

Discover the natural beauty and gardens of The Fells through the eyes of prominent New England artists as they create en plein air. Visitors are invited to observe artists interpret the landscape, watch as their paintings come to life, and discuss their individual techniques and learn what inspires them…

The Messenger – June 19, 2020

Download The Messenger – June 19, 2020 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - June 19, 2020 (pdf)Colby-Sawyer reopens Sept. 7

Colby-Sawyer College announced plans Thursday for a return to in-person instruction on its 200-acre New London, NH campus that will both best ensure the safety of the campus community and also comply with all government ordinances surrounding COVID-19…

Stark graduation speaker captures the essence of battling a pandemic

John Stark’s Class of 2020 and their parents celebrated a simulated traditional commencement ceremony Saturday, on the athletic field while observing social distancing and Covid-19 guidelines. The 138 graduates heard words of wisdom and advice from…

Hillsborough woman files to run for NH House of Representatives

Riché Colcombe of Hillsborough has filed to represent Hillsborough’s District 38, which includes Antrim, Bennington, Francestown, Greenfield, Greenville, Hancock, Hillsborough, Lyndeborough, Wilton, and Windsor, in the NH House of Representatives…

Free school lunches through August 31

The waiver approved by the USDA and the State of NH has been extended to offer meals to all students 18 and under free of charge through August 31, 2020. All children under 18 are eligible for this service. This will be Pick Up Only and you…

Henniker approves several highway projects & reopening Town Hall

Highway Superintendent Leo Aucoin dominated the discussion at Tuesday’s Henniker Select Board meeting. On his recommendation, the Board approved: 1. H.W. Dow’s bid of $22,800 for work on…

The Messenger – June 12, 2020

Download The Messenger – June 12, 2020 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - June 12, 2020 (pdf)No contracts for Hopkinton staff

With voters rejecting seven alternative budget proposals during two drive-by sessions, 60 employees of the Hopkinton School District face an uncertain future, after the School Board decided not to vote to extend…

Antrim man announces candidacy for NH House of Representatives

Jim Creighton is running for the New Hampshire State Legislature to help rebuild the state’s economy safely, preserve conservative values, and fight for liberty. Jim is a retired Army colonel who…

John Stark to hold post graduation parade

Following graduation on Saturday, June 13 (rain date June 14) there will be a parade led by Weare and Henniker Police Departments through Henniker and then back to Weare. At about 11:45 AM, the parade will leave the High School and travel north on…

Hopkinton Select Board issues a statement condemning racism

“As we continue to work together, united, representing the residents of Hopkinton, we would like to send a clear message that we stand against racism. We condemn the recent killings of Black Americans, including George Floyd, at the hands of…

Goffstown Police discover potential bomb

Goffstown Officer Zach Schucart discovered a suspicious package on Route 114 near Mast Road. The package was described as two cylindrical items wrapped together with black electrical tape. Due to the appearance of this item, the New Hampshire State Police Explosive Disposal Unit was…

The Messenger – June 5, 2020

Download The Messenger – June 5, 2020 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - June 5, 2020 (pdf)NEC and Town to coordinate a smooth campus opening

Dr. Michelle Perkins, President of New England College and Dr. Wayne Lesperance, Vice President of Academic Affairs met with the Henniker Select Board to discuss reopening the campus this fall. President…

SAU 34 Task Force formed to plan for return to school

The District Leadership Team composed of SAU and Building Administration, the Facilities, Technology, and Food Service Directors, the District Nurse, the Grant Managers, and the Union Presidents held its…

Historic ceiling restoration completed at Hillsborough Library

The Fuller Public Library’s ceiling restoration work has been completed. The beautiful hand-painted ceilings have been cleaned and the paint that was flaking has been reattached and inpainted to…

Hillsboro-Deering Playground work begins

Hillsboro-Deering Elementary School and the HDES PTO are happy to announce that demolition of the current playground will be starting on June 20. The project is set to last through July 26. We are asking for patience with…

Hillsborough seniors are resuming activities

June GHSS Activities: GHSS is starting to resume some of our programs and activities. Please help us alert our local seniors. Hillsborough Monday, June 8, Quilt Helpers Needed. We have many quilts that need to be…