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Monthly Archive for July, 2023

The Messenger – July 28, 2023

Download The Messenger – July 28, 2023 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - July 28, 2023 (pdf)Warner’s Select Board saga continues

The Town of Warner has a three-person Select Board. Two of its members, Christine Frost and Jody Sloane, resigned voluntarily. NH Law provides that “Vacancies in the Board of Selectmen shall be filled by appointment made by the remaining selectmen.” But a Select Board may act only with…

Christina Keating named Assistant Principal at the Henniker Community School

Christina Keating has been named Assistant Principal at the Henniker Community School. Christina comes to HCS from Hopkinton Middle High School where she has been an English teacher since 2020…

Hillsborough man faces assault charges

Hillsborough Officers responded to a residence on Preston Street for a reported domestic disturbance where a firearm had been pointed at someone. Officers determined that Gerald Flynn had assaulted his spouse and another resident of the home. Officers also…

Milford man injured after falling off ATV in Dunbarton

New Hampshire Fish and Game was notified of an Off-Highway Recreational Vehicle (OHRV) crash in the Hopkinton Everett Riding Area Sunday. Thomas Greer, 49, of Milford was injured from falling off of the machine he was operating after striking a stump on the edge of…

The Messenger – July 21, 2023

Download The Messenger – July 21, 2023 (pdf)

In This Issue

DownloadThe Messenger - July 21, 2023 (pdf)Antrim fire & highway crews working to reopen several roads

After the Liberty Farm Road bridge was closed due to flooding caused by a water release from Island Pond Dam in Stoddard last week, another four inches of rain Sunday caused additional flooding in…

Franklin City Hall & Opera House closed for code violations

Franklin’s historic city hall and opera house will shut down next week and remain closed for public meetings and arts performances until decades of building code problems are…

Neighbor files complaint over operation of Francestown farm

Chair Heath reported that the Select Board received a letter of complaint from Gerri Bernstein about the use of the outdoor riding arena at The Shattuck’s Saving Grace Farm. Ms. Bernstein stated that the outdoor riding arena is not covered in the site plan for…

Wife of alleged rapist fired by DCYF, arrested as accomplice

Deborah Ann Bradley, 57, of Bow, recently fired from her position at the NH Division of Children and Youth, has been arrested as an accomplice falsifying physical evidence and three tampering with witnesses and…

The Messenger – July 14, 2023

Download The Messenger – July 14, 2023 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - July 14, 2023 (pdf)Deering making progress filling vacant Fire/EMS Chief position

Deering Town Administrator Peter Flynn informed the Select Board that there has been good response for the Fire/EMS Chief position and the town has received five applications. Communication with…

Release of water from Stoddard dam causing flooding in Antrim

A controlled release at the Island Pond Dam in Stoddard on Monday night is causing water to rise along Liberty Farm Road in Antrim. People in the area are being told to get to higher ground or to an upper level of…

Several Newport businesses impacted by severe flooding

Several Newport businesses were dealing with the recent flooding as the water started to slowly recede following heavy rain. “The amount of rain and water we got over the past two days has really caused a lot of problems here in…

Weare man facing felony charge in girlfriend’s death arrested again

A Weare man, already facing felony charges after leaving the scene of a fatal crash involving his former girlfriend, was in court again to face a domestic violence charge. Thomas Hanley, 30, was arrested and charged with four counts of…

The Messenger – July 7, 2023

Download The Messenger – July 7, 2023 (pdf)

In This Issue

Download The Messenger - July 7, 2023 (pdf)Francestown family is fundraising for lifesaving procedure for “Team Tommy”

At just eight months old, Thomas Henry Shattuck of Francestown is in the fight of his life. Living with an extremely rare genetic diagnosis, Tommy needs a stem cell transplant to survive. Tommy’s two-year-old brother, Kayden, is a match to donate stem cells to Tommy and save his younger brother’s life. Tommy has been diagnosed with…

The N.H. Executive Council has voted to accept $7 million in federal COVID-relief money for Crotched Mountain

School in Greenfield. The money is intended to allow the school to make necessary improvements to increase student enrollment. NH Commissioner of…

Mt. Kearsarge Indian Museum Powwow in Warner on July 8-9

When Jennifer Lee was growing up, her home town of Harrison, New York was divided by a railroad track. On one side lived the Jewish population, and on the other, Catholic Italians. Lee grew up on the…

Summer Music at Stonewall Farm to benefit Smith Church

Do you love a warm summer evening listening to live acoustic music? Do you enjoy spending time at a historic and beautiful B&B? Do you value community outreach? If so, please join us for just such an evening on Sat. July 29 at the…