Archive for the ‘Senior Lifestyles’ Category

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Senior Lifestyles – August 2011

In This Issue

Download Senior Lifestyles - August, 2011 (pdf)Tips to maintain an active, safe and healthy lifestyle

Today’s baby boomers are growing older gracefully. And although more than 10,000 boomers each day will turn 65, most are not letting their age stop them from maintaining active and healthy lifestyles…

Is your income affected by your ability to hear?

Baby boomers continuing to work longer in life before retiring might notice a decrease in income.Untreated hearing loss can decrease a person’s income by as much as $30,000 a year, according to a survey conducted by the Better Hearing Institute…

Be your own advocate: Get information you need

Getting a diagnosis of any kind of cancer can be frightening. One of the first things many patients do is learn everything they can about their illness, including what options for disease management and treatment are available. This can be challenging if a person’s cancer is considered rare, which defined by the National Institutes of Health as a cancer that affects fewer than 200,000 people…

Simple summer steps to sell your home

If you plan to put your home up for sale this summer, or if it has been on the market for some time, you might consider investing in a few key updates to improve your odds of attracting a buyer. Focusing on a few influential fixes can drastically improve the home’s overall appearance – and your chances of selling…

Smart savings for summer travel

Whether you’re looking to travel upstate, cross-country or across town for a summer vacation, smart planning and spending is a must-do. For a fun-filled summer vacation that won’t break the bank, remember these tips that are as easy as they are effective:…

Download Senior Lifestyles – August, 2011 (pdf)


Senior Lifestyles – July 2011

In This Issue

Download Senior Lifestyles - July 2011 (pdf)Maintain an active, safe and healthy lifestyle

Today’s baby boomers are growing older gracefully. And although more than 10,000 boomers each day will turn 65, most are not letting their age stop them from maintaining active and healthy lifestyles…

Granite State Senior Games

Register now for upcoming events. Registration is open for the 24th annual Granite State Senior Games, Aug. 5-28, at venues in the Greater Manchester area and elsewhere. Athletes of all skill levels, age 50 or more, are the traditional attendees. New this year: those of age 45 and up may enter track events…

NH American Legion supports Camp Allen

On Tuesday evening, July 12, 2011, I was privileged to accompany Department of New Hampshire American Legion Commander Bob Blais to Camp Allen in Bedford to witness the presentation of a check for $810 to Camp Allen’s Executive Director Mary Constance…

10 ways to help you prevent hearing loss

Hearing loss affects more than 34 million Americans. If detected early, it may be a preventable chronic disease. Here are 10 ways to help prevent, delay or reduce the extent of hearing loss…

Protect your financial future by thwarting identity theft

What are you doing right now to protect the nest egg that’s essential to your future financial well-being? “Retirees are a favorite target for identity thieves,” says Jennifer Leuer, general manager of Experian’s ProtectMyID….

Download Senior Lifestyles – July 2011 (pdf)

Senior Lifestyles – June 2011

In This Issue

Download Senior Lifestyles - June 2011 (pdf)Areas of focus to help secure your retirement

Americans have not saved as much as they need to for retirement. Start by considering all of the retirement savings and other savings options available to you. Some savings vehicles, like your 401(k), IRAs and Roth IRAs, probably come to mind right away…

Lower your utility costs during the hottest months

During the hottest months of the year, water is wasted due to over irrigation, and air conditioning systems are forced to run longer to keep indoor temperatures cool. While scorching temperatures can push water and energy consumption to its limits, there are ways to consume less and save more…

Good news for conscious foodies – beef is lean and ‘green’

There is no doubt the green movement has gained momentum in the last decade. While many companies may just be starting sustainable practices to meet consumer demand for more planet-friendly products, cattlemen have been raising environmentally sustainable, nutritionally efficient food for generations and continue to look for ways to improve…

Top questions for your veterinarian

If you have a pet older than 7 years of age, ask about senior care. Older pets are more prone to conditions such as arthritis, heart disease, kidney disease, diabetes, thyroid conditions and other problems…

Download Senior Lifestyles – June 2011 (pdf)

Senior Lifestyles – May 2011

In This Issue

Download Senior Lifestyles - May 2011 (pdf)Art & Antique Appraisal Day in Exeter

The prestigious global independent art appraisal and advisory firm, Winston Art Group is coming to Exeter on Saturday, May 14 to participate in the American Independence Museum’s “What’s in YOUR Attic?”…

Birds of prey gather in Warner

One of the best kept secrets in New England was revealed last Monday, April 25, 2011 at the Warner Town Hall. Co-sponsored by the Warner Men’s Club, Warner Woman’s Club and the Pillsbury Free Library, over 165 adults and children witnessed a fantastic and visually informative program conducted by Tom Ricardi of the Massachusetts Birds of Prey Rehabilitation Center located in Conway, Massachusetts…

Smart traveler’s strategy for saving money

Before you know it, kids will be out of school and the warm summer months will provide long days full of possibilities. The tradition of summer travel is still alive and well, and smart travelers know how to plan so they get the most for their dollar…

Download Senior Lifestyles – May 2011 (pdf)

Senior Lifestyles – April 2011

In This Issue

Download Senior Lifestyles - April 2011 (pdf)Five simple screenings to get on the path to a healthy life

One in two Americans is living with a chronic disease. Chronic diseases are persistent and recurring, and are typically either hereditary or the result of factors such as poor diet, obesity or lack of exercise. Here are five simple screenings as a first step in determining whether or not you are at risk for a variety of treatable – and preventable – chronic diseases…

Maintaining an active lifestyle throughout the years

When it comes to enjoying life, it’s all about your attitude, rather than your age. There are no rules that say you need to abandon the activities that you once enjoyed in your youth. The key is to find a creative balance that fits the realities of what you like to do, and how you currently feel…

How a bike ride can help stop diabetes

Biking is great exercise that benefits your health in multiple ways. Whether you have a regular riding group or simply bike casually on the weekends, enjoying the outdoors on a bike is time well spent, and now a bike ride can make a difference in the lives of others living with diabetes…

Download Senior Lifestyles – April 2011 (pdf)

Senior Lifestyles – March 2011

In This Issue

Download Senior Lifestyles - March 2011 (pdf)How to choose the best financial advisor for you

You know the importance of saving for retirement, but do you have the time and know-how to accomplish your financial goals? In an increasingly busy world, it’s possible that keeping close tabs on your investment accounts isn’t exactly realistic.

Taking a vacation? Secure your home first

Four to five minutes—that could be the difference between whether or not your return home from vacation is ruined by a burglar. According to experts, that’s the maximum time most thieves will spend trying to break into a house before giving up in search of easier prey.

Future-proof your home with universal design

If you’re a homeowner, you probably consider your home to be a long-term investment. But have you thought about future-proofing your house to maximize its value? Is your house large and accessible enough to raise a family? Is it possible that your in-laws may move in one day? Are you planning to stay in your home after you retire?

Download Senior Lifestyles – March 2011 (pdf)

Senior Lifestyles – February 2011

In This Issue

How to stay healthy, and avoid making a difficult decision

Health officials emphasize that Americans should stay home from work when they are sick, but for many, the decision is hard to make. The best way to avoid staying home – and protect your health – is to take precautions to help you stay healthy. Here are a few tips to help you stay well and working this flu season and beyond…

Aging in place allows you to keep your heart at home

Home really is where the heart is. Upon retirement, 90 percent of Americans age 60 and older choose to stay right where they are, according to 20 years of data from the U.S. Census Bureau. And because so many Americans are aging in place, they’re looking for ways to make their homes safe and comfortable for the long term. Here are some modification ideas to help you keep your heart right at home:

Secrets of budget travelers that everyone should know

Budget travelers are a unique breed – they have a tireless dedication to finding the best deals, a keen sense for sniffing out hidden surprises and, usually, a mental database of ways to save money when they’re doing what they love most: traveling. In light of the economy, almost every American traveler has become a budget traveler. Prices in many destinations are going up and airfares are hitting new highs, but it’s still important to many people to get in a family vacation or a friends’ getaway. For those who are new to the budget travel game, a few tips can come in handy

Get help for the most common, most ignored type of pain

If our teeth ache, most of us will quickly head to the dentist for treatment. But if your feet hurt, do you just chalk up the pain as a discomfort of modern life? Sadly, most of us do. Most Americans say they have foot pain at least some of the time, and more of us have pain in our feet than in any other part of our bodies we consider vital to health, such as skin, teeth or even the heart, according to a recent survey by the American Podiatric Medical Association. Yet feet rank lowest on the list of body parts and functions that Americans consider important to their health, the APMA study shows.

How to get in shape while doing your household chores

Tackling items on your household to-do list is a great way to spruce up your home, while also toning your body. However, the repetition of some household chores can lead to injury, so it’s important to take the proper precautions to keep you healthy while you get in shape. Here are a few ideas for getting active around the house and how to avoid injury while tackling these projects…

Download Senior Lifestyles – February 2011 (2.9MB PDF)

Senior Lifestyles – January 2011

Download Senior Lifestyles - January 2011 (3.4MB PDF)In This Issue

Put out the welcome mat for guests

When your youngest child packs up and drives away – to college, a new job or his first apartment – the quiet in the house can be unsettling at first. Then it hits you, your ‘empty nest’ is a remodeling opportunity. You now have the time to redo that guest bathroom and design the ultimate bath retreat. From the start of your redesign project, be on the lookout for products that offer socially sustainable design. There is a wide selection of watersaving toilets, faucets and showerheads that will meet your needs and style.

Is your health passing the test?

Chronic diseases, like heart disease and diabetes, are among the most common, costly and preventable of all health problems in the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Fortunately, health screening tests are an easy way to detect these conditions early, so you can prevent symptoms from worsening.

Seniors shoulder a large credit card debt burden

Younger generations of Americans have long looked up to their elders as paragons of good financial common sense. So it’s surprising to find out that many seniors are facing high levels of credit card debt. A study by the University of Michigan Law School showed that 7 percent of the people fi ling for bankruptcy between 1991 and 2007 were aged 65 and older – the fastest growing age segment to file.

Don’t overlook these tax breaks on your 2010 return

Every year, taxpayers miss out on hundreds or thousands of dollars in tax breaks simply because they don’t know the benefits exist. “Figuring out what tax breaks are available, whether you qualify, and what forms you need can be tricky,” says Jessi Dolmage of TaxACT, makers of tax preparation software. Dolmage offers some tips for taking advantage of commonly missed deductions and credits…

Download Senior Lifestyles – January 2011 (3.4MB PDF)

Senior Lifestyles – December 2010

In This Issue

Laconia Savings donates 10K to food bank

Laconia Savings Bank donated $10,000 to the New Hampshire Food Bank as part of their Feeding NH Food Drive. “We are extremely grateful to Laconia Savings Bank for their generous donation that will give us a boost during our busy holiday season” stated Melanie Gosselin, Executive Director at the New Hampshire Food Bank. “The continued support that we receive proves that Laconia Savings Bank is dedicated to helping the communities in which they serve and beyond.”

Setting the perfect table this season

Entertaining at its best happens during the holidays and families and friends create many nostalgic memories around the dinner table. At this busy time of year you may be tempted to put your table setting on autopilot by using the same plates, stemware and napkins from years before. This season, strive to update your look by dedicating your decorating time to the area where guests gather to eat. A well-appointed tabletop can elevate an everyday meal to an elegant and sophisticated soiree.

Get moving to treat and prevent arthritis

More than just aches and pains, arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disease that damages joints and can even lead to loss of function or disability. For many years, it was believed that people with arthritis should not exercise, because movement could cause further damage to joints. Now, physical activity is recognized as playing an integral role in the prevention and treatment of arthritis.

Support groups help patients cope

For many patients, receiving a medical diagnosis can cause a mix of emotions – from relief that their symptoms are no longer a mystery, to fear about how to cope with the disease. To manage the range of emotions and live well after a diagnosis, it is important to establish a strong support network. In fact, Dr. John Klippel, CEO of the Arthritis Foundation, believes patients who do so are

Senior Lifestyles – December 2010 – download PDF
