Download The Messenger – August 6, 2021 (pdf)
In This Issue
Antrim’s Administrator retiring
After 17 years in the town offices, Antrim Town Administrator Donna Hanson has announced her plan to retire in December, after 17 years serving the town…
Flooding destroys Bradford’s Food Pantry
The Bradford Food Pantry flooded out last Thursday night. It is located on the lower level of the Bradford Community Church Office Building. The waterway under West Main St. backed up due to the heavy rains. A crew of…
Team Appleseed with Bradford & Sunapee Police host “Breakfast For Dinner”
The fabulous Fenton family partnered with the Bradford and Sunapee Police Departments to host a “Breakfast For Dinner” fundraiser at the Appleseed Restaurant as part of the Battle of the Badges’ support of Children’s Hospital at…
Hillsboro-Deering School Board will recommend but not mandate maskses
With many people in attendance at Monday’s HD School Board meeting, the Board quickly got to the presentation of guidelines from the CDC and the DHHS. Superintendent Parenteau and Dr. Jennifer Crawford, Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment spoke on the definitions of the guidelines and what they could mean to…
Warner Select Board considers day care in the Community Building
Charlie Albano, Chairman of the Economic Development Committee briefed the Warner Select Board on the Committee’s work over the last 8-9 months, reviewing the possible uses of the Community Center Building. He reported that…